An option to make the snow shelter with birch bark instead of cloth.


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I'd prefer a reusable "snow shelter" in the form of a unique pup tent item. Decays slowly, like 1% per day, and can be repaired with cloth and a sewing kit. Provides +15C temp bonus when used, AND doubles as a rock cache. So you can stash up to 30kg of junk in it.

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8 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

I'd prefer a reusable "snow shelter" in the form of a unique pup tent item. Decays slowly, like 1% per day, and can be repaired with cloth and a sewing kit. Provides +15C temp bonus when used, AND doubles as a rock cache. So you can stash up to 30kg of junk in it.

Anything that improves the woefully inflexible storage gets a thumbs up from me. I think your idea @ajb1978 is great, and it fits in with the ethos and premise of the game. Plus it would add another dimension to crafting as well as storage, again something much needed. I'd really like to see more uses for the varied resources we have, and ones you can imagine a lone survivor would do. 

Really great idea 👍

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2 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:

Really great idea 👍

Gracias. My other big obsession is Skyrim VR, and I love the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod in particular. (Bear with me, I'm building up to my point.) One of the items in that mod is Rains' Shelter, which apparently is an allusion to one of the mod's backers, but I digress. Rains' Shelter, when used, transports you into a very cozy interior environment, which when viewed in VR is absolutely breathtaking. It's got a cot, a little smoldering metal dish full of coals, several bags and maps and such hanging about. Imagine that kind of environment, in TLD's style of "watercolour that's trying to kill you" artistry.

I'm just sort of imagining what it'd be like to plop this hypothetical sucker down in the lower central region of HRV and watching through the tent flaps that wave in the breeze as a light snow descends.

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5 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

Gracias. My other big obsession is Skyrim VR, and I love the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod in particular. (Bear with me, I'm building up to my point.) One of the items in that mod is Rains' Shelter, which apparently is an allusion to one of the mod's backers, but I digress. Rains' Shelter, when used, transports you into a very cozy interior environment, which when viewed in VR is absolutely breathtaking. It's got a cot, a little smoldering metal dish full of coals, several bags and maps and such hanging about. Imagine that kind of environment, in TLD's style of "watercolour that's trying to kill you" artistry.

I'm just sort of imagining what it'd be like to plop this hypothetical sucker down in the lower central region of HRV and watching through the tent flaps that wave in the breeze as a light snow descends.

This sounds *incredible*. 

I too love Skyrim! I'm of an age that I have played The Elder Scrolls from the beginning.

However I played it without mods on PlayStation console, so I don't know how the mods developed the game.

I must admit I always wanted to try them; particularly because with Bethesda's careless and slapdash approach there was a great deal wrong with the game. I say that with love for the game which is incredible, but it could have been so much more. The same can be said about Fallout, which was another of my obsessions.

It's one of the reasons I love TLD as much as I do. Of course there are things wrong with the game, things that need improving, but Hinterland's relationships with the game is infinitely more considered and quality driven.

Bear with me also, I too will get to my point!

"Watercolour that's trying to kill you". That is a genius description! 😁 The TLD world is so beautiful and immersive as it is now, one of the most stunning and engaging games I've played. I am also dabbling with the mods which have improved the experience even more (Placing Anywhere, Item Stacks and Santana's DIY are standouts at the moment). These amendments have addressed most of the irritations I have with the game.

Although I do not have access to VR, the thought of being transported into the artistry itself is quite something. Even as it is now it is frequently breathtaking, never have I wanted to take so many screenshots to capture the environment in all its changing beauty.

A way to step into it further? That would be magical.

I'd love to see either Hinterland or the modders do something like this. However I hope there would be a non VR version, I definitely wouldn't want to miss that opportunity!

(Apologies for the ramble. I'm running on virtually no sleep and am going a bit doolally 🤪 I hope I've made sense and responded effectively to your thoughtful and exciting suggestion)

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  • 2 months later...

I’d like to see a crafting project for a large tent, something that requires 6-8 deer hides and 12 cured gut, with wooden struts made from saplings or recovered wood.

Maybe also a bearskin (or a complete bearskin bedroll) to be the ground roll.

I imagine it as a massive effort to craft, then it weighs in at 5-7kg, but you can carry it with you, and set it up like a snow shelter. Maybe something that’s good to take into HRV or Ash canyon, where there’s no big bases to live in.


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An upgradeable, portable campsite. Gets heavier the more amenities you add to it, but with the travois it becomes manageable. At its most basic it's a repairable reusable snow shelter. But then you can start adding things like a cook fire, which is just one burner, but is 100% windproof AND can be lit with a mag lens. Then maybe later build a portable workbench, which doubles the time required to craft items because of how cramped it is, but's a portable workbench.

Don't mind me, I'm just spitballing. That's one of the best parts about this whole game/experience--it's fun to speculate on the "what ifs". Especially since on occasion, those "what ifs" become reality.

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