Enter The Long Dark Summer Cosplay Contest

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53 minutes ago, Kelli Denny said:

Character: Grey Mother
Submission Categories: WINTERMUTE & Non-Core Character Cosplay

I am portraying Grey Mother, and like her, I am a mother. However, all my children have been spared from fatal climbing accidents (although my middle child Eliana took a trip to the Urgent Care after falling off a slide just last week). I think she'll survive. My husband wasn't home at the time, so there was no blame to lay other than on myself and her inability to grasp the concept of self-preservation. 
 I am home, alone, today, which has given way to me wallowing in the depths of my solitude. I decided to shift my attention towards putting together this cosplay, which consisted of me getting creative with items laying around the house.

First, is our electric fireplace, which would have been completely useless on Great Bear. Second, is the blindfold which consists of my daughter's tights and is an item my children believe I wear at all times when it comes to finding stolen chocolate wrappers or their toys littering every room in the house. And third, is an old double barrel shotgun, gifted to my husband by his grandfather when he was a child. The only useful item, if you need to shoot something twice and lose your hearing. I applied makeup, which was unfortunately not very much, to look like old Grey Mother. If you want to know more about the rest of my attire, fetch me 20lbs of firewood and some mouldy deer meat. Goodbye. 




Absolutely breathtaking work!

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Characters - Will Mckenzie & Timber wolf ❤️

Best Survival Cosplay/WinterMute

For me the long dark is a family affair we all love it here but especially my youngest son who was more than happy to help me create the photos 😊 

First we have Will at desolation point. It is hard to adapt to chaos, but it can be done. I am living proof of that: It can be done


Second is everyone's favourite Timberwolf 🐺 



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58 minutes ago, WolfMamma said:

Characters - Will Mckenzie & Timber wolf ❤️

Best Survival Cosplay/WinterMute

For me the long dark is a family affair we all love it here but especially my youngest son who was more than happy to help me create the photos 😊 

First we have Will at desolation point. It is hard to adapt to chaos, but it can be done. I am living proof of that: It can be done


Second is everyone's favourite Timberwolf 🐺 



that is the greatest timberwolf I've ever seen in my whole entire video gaming life!

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I do not claim to represent or speak for Hinterland, but I will try to address your questions.

15 minutes ago, _Rudolf_ said:

Are there any age restrictions?


2 hours ago, WolfMamma said:

Characters - Will Mckenzie & Timber wolf ❤️

Best Survival Cosplay/WinterMute

For me the long dark is a family affair we all love it here but especially my youngest son who was more than happy to help me create the photos 😊 

First we have Will at desolation point. It is hard to adapt to chaos, but it can be done. I am living proof of that: It can be done


Second is everyone's favourite Timberwolf 🐺 



It does not appear to have age restrictions. That Timberwolf is about as young as you can get :).

15 minutes ago, _Rudolf_ said:

Is it possible to record a video with some moment from Wintermute parodying it or any other similar videos related to the game? Or maybe just pictures?

I don’t see why a Wintermute parody video would be disqualified... just keep it tasteful.

EDIT: As for participating from Belarus... even though it was a Russian vassal state the last time I checked, and there is a war going on... again, I don’t see why not.

Edited by conanjaguar
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Wow, this cosplay contest has brought bunch of new members to the Forum!

What does one do around base when a lamp decides to spontaneously light up? What does one do when the sky dances with shimmering curtains of color and it’s cold outside?
What does one do when the last match has been used?
What does one do when Hinterland announces a cosplay contest for their snowy masterpiece in the middle of summer, and you are in the land of Dixie?
What does one do to survive all this?

One must ignore the oppressive heat, find some warm clothes, and compete for that Hinterland sweater, hatchet, and mug!

This is my first cosplay ever, so it will obviously not be very good. Still, I’ll give it a shot. Please excuse the mess. It’s humble, but it’s home.

Activities around the Base

“No lists of things to be done. The day providential to itself. The hour. There is no later. This is later. All things of grace and beauty such that one holds them to one's heart have a common provenance in pain. Their birth in grief and ashes."
- Cormac McCarthy, The Road


It’s cold. I’m down to my last match. The total useful supplies in the house consist of a repurposed and modified pellet pistol, a can of pork stew, and the knife I made last month. With numb fingers, I load a .38 cartridge into my makeshift weapon. I am determined to go down fighting.

I try to light up a small fire for warmth and to heat up my lunch, but the fuel in the lighter is frozen solid. Only sparks come out.

I give up on the fire, and eat the last can of food cold. It is smelly and unappetizing, but I choke it down anyway.

I sharpen my knife and head out to face the cold. Except... it’s not cold anymore!

065C4118-5CB3-4538-9A67-B53B3648F01F.thumb.jpeg.d341996258cd2d105479706186470193.jpegBirds sing. Crickets chirp. The rain, liquid rain, not snow, drizzles down, giving new life to the dead, shriveled bushes. Already the last of the snow has melted, and I shed my now-unneeded parka. In the distance, i hear the howl of not a wolf, but a coyote.

The world is waking up. The long dark is over.

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My submission: Celebrating Christmas in the quiet apocalypse.

Category: survival.

Story: If our tracking of time is correct it should be right around Christmas now. World might have gone silent but we still have each other and that's all we need. So no matter the circumstances we'll make it through. Besides it's very peaceful now in this new world. Our campfire is blazing bringing us warmth while we are gazing in the clear night sky recognizing constellations and enjoying the silence.


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1380750697_20220826_1916342.thumb.jpg.4d162ea65f14a200d24c76d31b4de54f.jpg2137683406_20220826_1915322.thumb.jpg.f68608a4b7b7ba88c1c1192195d68ec8.jpgGreetings from New Hampshire!

This is my first ever attempt at cosplaying but I'll give it a shot. 

My cosplay is inspired by one of my survival mode characters. I am wearing a gray toque as well as a wool scarf. I am also wearing a ski jacket red flannel shirt, technical backpack, and cargo pants. For shoes I am wearing Insulated boots. I also have a mountaineering rope with me. I'm sorry in advance for the shaky camera, but I hope you enjoy my cosplay!

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freestyle cosplay.

random survivor but after the great thaw of great bear island 

↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ ↟ 

 Well I thought things would be easier when the snow began to melt away,no more cold,travelling would be easier,but boy was I wrong!!

not only is water a lot harder to find compared to grabbing snow and boiling it.the heat is crazy and the bugs could drive a person completely insane!!


some goodie’s inside and I left a few things inside for stash aswell. Decided to add a marker as a reminder to myself or if by some chance another survivor comes across this hopefully this gets them to look inside and helps them out 363F452F-C048-4444-9CA4-79189EEA829E.jpeg.56322d0d20059226b5be68fbf31ab1d1.jpeg

Stumbled upon someone’s camp,well what’s left to it looks like a hell of a fight happened here and judging by only bear tracks leaving who ever  was here didn’t make it……I could use this tho 


Edited by Humblewoodsman
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