My Whiteout challenge


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I  have no prepper cache in mystery lake!! 

Well this is a new one on me!!  Anyone else had this problem? 

I spent half my day looking for the cache ! I had about twenty sprains ,lost half my life twice cos I ran out of bandages and searched up and down every crack/crevice /slope and Nothing!!   And I checked the maps too - twice!   

Am I jinxed?🙂 It took several attempts to read the disc again too! 

I finally gave up and spent what time I had left looting the dam and two trailers outside.  I did find quite a bit of lantern fuel though so it means less fishing.  All I have left to get now is a few sticks and reclaimed wood. And I need to kill something as I'm running low on food. I haven't seen the moose and the bear is conspicuous by its absence! 

I'm now back at the cabin reading for a while ,hoping that the weather doesn't get worse. I need some juicy steak to eat🙂

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There were a couple of times where I never found a cache in ML, but I can't say for sure there wasn't one ... I may have missed them when I thought I knew exactly where they were -- somehow turned the wrong way or didn't look around the right rock or make those last few 5 or 6 steps.

The ones up by the Lookout and above the Cabin near Unnamed Pond are the toughest for me, esp. because it's so easy to sprain something(s) and then think you're not in the right spot.

Continued Good Luck and Safe Travels!

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7 hours ago, twyn1 said:

There were a couple of times where I never found a cache in ML, but I can't say for sure there wasn't one ... I may have missed them when I thought I knew exactly where they were -- somehow turned the wrong way or didn't look around the right rock or make those last few 5 or 6 steps.

The ones up by the Lookout and above the Cabin near Unnamed Pond are the toughest for me, esp. because it's so easy to sprain something(s) and then think you're not in the right spot.

Continued Good Luck and Safe Travels!

That's how I got all those sprains!🙂  At one point I was walking on a near vertical slope and nearly fell!  I nearly always get one of those in that area so know the spots off by heart.  Probably the only map I'm very confident with, even in the constant fog it gets!🙂 

Thank you!  Same with you🙂

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This morning I spent several days fishing and cooking them for the oil. By the time I'd finished I had plenty for forlorn and lots to eat too.  

I think that beat my personal record  ,I got 8 fish in 4 hours! Beating my last one which was 7 in 5 hours.  I doubt that will happen again anytime soon!🙂 

The bear finally turned up too so I took a shot! He ran off and when I checked for blood there wasn't any so I thought I'd missed but he turned up next morning not too far from a fishing hut!  

I spent another day or two chopping up wood and cooking up a storm! Literally as well! Every night I fell asleep to an aurora and woke up to a blizzard , four nights in a row!🙂 

On day 15 I decided to leave mystery and head to forlorn before I got too comfortable at the camp office!  I find it's always best to start a journey as soon as a blizzard ends as it's highly unlikely you'll walk straight into another one! 

By the time I reach the carriage in forlorn there was blue sky, and a bear hanging around outside. I've never seen it so close to there before. I left him alone though as I had things to sort out!  I've decided to use this place as my main base as yet again it's more central than the farm! 

I've ajust finished looting the southeast of the map ,not that there was a lot, and chopping up wood and bracken on the way back! I now already have all the sticks and tinder,and only need a few more pieces of wood!  I spent the night doing a spot of reading then slept til early morning!  Already I'm low on food so that bear might have to be my next target!   


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My time today has been cut down due to console issues so I didn't get very far.

I woke to blue skies and decided to head off for the south west of the map. Unfortunately I saw no animals until I got to the farmstead . There was only one wolf so took a shot. I only wounded it though and it ran off. I left some of my heavier items there and carried on down to the cave and the corpse not from from it. No loot at all in either so I went over the ice to the blind . There was a book and a worn out bow and 1 chocolate bar.  I went back through the arch and found only a bag of chips.  But I did find a spare rifle  and a few cans!  I also spent awhile smashing the crates up and chopping wood. 

When I got to the farm there were several deer and wolves milling around so shot 1 of each! The deer died outside the farm but the wolf ran off.  I spent the rest of the day cooking the meat and searching the farm for loot.  Plenty of lantern oil surprisingly so I didn't need to bring any from mystery!   

The next morning I woke to barking so thought I'd investigate.  I found the wolf eating neat the hill and I couldn't resist trying my luck! 

YAY I got mauled!🙂  Oddly the wolf didn't stare at me and growl first it just ran straight at me!  I took little damage but my clothes took quite a beating! 

My snow pants and military coat took the most . I also needed Old man's beard, it's been a very long time since I needed that so it's lucky I always carry some!  I spent the rest of that day reading  what was left of two books and fixing my clothes!  I left the rabbit skins at mystery so I had to leave my gloves as they are. 

The next day I picked up all the wood and loot and spent a good while traipsing back to the carriage! Of course I was very overburdened as usual!  I'm now sorting out the loot  and getting ready to head to the north west of the map so I hope the weather holds up! 🙂

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The weather went from pretty good to thick fog and stayed that way for a day or two. It's better than blizzards though. I made my way back across the tracks and up to the hunters blind in the north west . 

Wondering why I was so tired it took me a minute to realise that it was late dusk. The perils of playing when you're half asleep 🙂  luckily though the snow shelter was there or I would've had to risk sleeping under the stone arch.  I'm glad the fog didn't lift as it kept the temperature up all night. It was still foggy next morning so I headed up the creek  to the tower where I found a carcass and a corpse. I'm not sure why the carcass was there as it should've disappeared by now. 

I went through the cave to marsh ridge and had a good look round for loot but didn't find much of any use. I did find the Polaroid though but if the fog stays like this then it's pointless.  I made my way back down the creek  and finished searching the rest of the north of the map and headed back to the base to unload what I'd found! There wasn't much loot at all. Taking stock I realised that the only thing I had left to get was 10 pieces of reclaimed wood. And I've been in forlorn for 6 days! So I made my way back to the farm and smashed up the last of the crates,realising that I'd missed the dog food and a few bits in the tool container. So I took the lot back to the carriage and double checked everything again! It was finally complete.  

I also realised that I'd forgotten to go to the ravine and upper bleak for the code. It will be easier to go from forlorn and then go to Broken Railroad after. But I was short of food so I decided to go after the bear,and after sitting at the top of the bent tree for a few hours it finally turned up!  I took a shot and hit it but it didn't even flinch. The second shot also hit but the bear just swivelled in a circle without actually moving anything! The third shot also hit and this time it did a half turn ,'skated' over the tracks and then ran off. I checked for blood but there was none,or tracks on the other side of the line! But I was positive id hit it! I stayed up the tree for another hour or two until it came back again! I took another shot and this time it went down! I spent the rest of the morning harvesting and cooking the meat! Feels good not to have to worry about having a full belly for a change!  

My only problem now is do I stay a bit longer or just head off to upper bleak?🙂

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Due to changing consoles the game wasn't in sync with the other save,so I spent another day cooking all the bear meat. It did actually snow though so it was a welcome change from the fog! For a short while anyway. 🙂 I ended the day by reading for a couple of hours and enjoying a nice juicy steak!  

Early the next morning I decided to go to upper bleak to get the code . As soon as the sun was due to come up the fog came down . I'm glad the tracks are there to follow or I could've had an ice bath or two! 

I picked the rope up from the yellow carriage in mystery and made my way down the ravine,hoping the fog would lift when I got to bleak.  Not only didn't it lift but it got considerately worse! I spent a good amount of time wandering down the hill until I found the road and finally reached  the tower.  I grabbed the note and headed for the lookout to get the rope and tie it on for later,this also took longer than it should!  

I got slightly lost trying to find the exit but eventually found the way out. 

I haven't looted anything between the ravine entrance and bleak except the flare gun and shells. I haven't touched anything in any other transition zone either so it'll be something new to explore properly later. 

I slept until dusk in the ravine cave so I had the energy to get back to forlorn before it got too dark for me to see!  I did briefly get an hour of blue sky at the Ravine but as soon as I got to mystery the fog was as thick as ever!  

I enjoyed the long straight walk back to the base in forlorn! It was so peaceful , no howling or birds ,just a quiet calm . I'm now back at the carriage ready to head to Broken Railroad,watching the sun rise through a veil of mist.  The beauty of this game  never fails to take my breath away.🙂

Edited by Leeanda
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Love those perfectly calm moments which you described so beautifully 😻 Just the sound of a breeze and your feet crunching into the snow. Lovely. The game's very unique in that sense, provides a kind of false sense of comfort ... Sometimes have to remind yourself not to get too complacent.

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13 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:

Love those perfectly calm moments which you described so beautifully 😻 Just the sound of a breeze and your feet crunching into the snow. Lovely. The game's very unique in that sense, provides a kind of false sense of comfort ... Sometimes have to remind yourself not to get too complacent.

Thank you.  Don't usually write things like that but maybe I should, the game is a work of art and should be appreciated. Which sometimes I tend to forget . 

That's very true.  Maybe not so much on pilgrim but it still throws up a surprise now and again!🙂 

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30 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Thank you.  Don't usually write things like that but maybe I should, the game is a work of art and should be appreciated. Which sometimes I tend to forget . 

That's very true.  Maybe not so much on pilgrim but it still throws up a surprise now and again!🙂 

You should, you have an eye for detail. Really conveyed the feeling and atmosphere 😻

Couldn't agree more, it's uniqueness is compelling and inspiring 😎

On a side note, you know why those fridge doors only open so far? You guessed it: 🐺

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39 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:

You should, you have an eye for detail. Really conveyed the feeling and atmosphere 😻

Couldn't agree more, it's uniqueness is compelling and inspiring 😎

On a side note, you know why those fridge doors only open so far? You guessed it: 🐺

Thank you🙂   much appreciated.  

He really likes that grape soda??🤣🤣


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I left forlorn this morning to blue skies. It was snowing however when I got to broken railroad, something I haven't seen much of in the last week or so and it made a pleasant change.  I had a good look round the area between the exit and the maintenance shed but found very little.  I did see a wolf on that small pond though which I haven't seen there for quite some time.   

Surprisingly there wasnt much loot in the shed either ,even after breaking up the crates I know have loot in them! But at least I have the reclaimed wood done and plenty to spare for cooking! .

 I also seem to be finding a lot of books but I don't think I'll be able to read half of them. I'm already on level four for most things ,even archery and I haven't touched the bow in quite a while! 

After settling in at the yard I I made my way to the area round the ravine to check for loot as there's usually a corpse there!  I heard a lot of crows  so made my way down the rope . There were 2 deer carcasses, 1 corpse and a wolf carcass. Haven't seen one of those there for quite a while either  so I took its hide. I also found a rifle which was in better condition than mine so I took that too. I think there was more loot down there than most other places put together. Somehow I still wasn't overweight so climbed back up and took the loot back to the shed. 

After a quick read and a deer steak I settled down for the night. I woke to gentle snow next morning so I headed out to find some sticks and food. I got lucky with a wolf as they normally run off before I get near  them!  I wasn't very lucky with the sticks though! There didn't seem to be many at all. While I was out near the bridge area I heard a moose which I thought strange as there were no rubbings. But there was no signs of one anywhere!  I spent the rest of that day cooking the meat and making a start on the water I needed!  I woke to a blizzard the next morning so caught up on some reading for a few hours.  I set out to finish searching the lake area but found nothing so headed up to the lodge! 

When I got there I found two wolves instead of one and I was going to kill one until I noticed the moose . I got pretty close before taking the shot but it didn't die. I took another shot and it turned on me. I took one more shot and hit it right between the eyes. But still it didn't go down . I quickly switched to the flare gun and just managed to fire in time! He was only a few feet away from me but the flare scared him off just in time! That's the closest call I've had without getting stomped!  

After calming down a bit I climbed up onto a rock and took another shot, but still he ran on!  When he stopped some distance away I thought I'd just try a random shot and I got lucky as he finally fell! 

I spent the rest of the morning harvesting  him and taking the meat back to the lodge. I'm now inside getting ready to search the house before it gets too dark. I intend to make good use of that  stove  later on too! 


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Was the wolf on the pond ice skating? 🤔 I seem to have misplaced a friend and a pair of skates 🐺

Good work with the armoured moose, he certainly took a beating. I'm assuming he was wearing that riot vest to withstand your tour de force 💪 I think you deserve a bit of respite after that encounter 😅

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1 hour ago, Matt Lomax said:

Was the wolf on the pond ice skating? 🤔 I seem to have misplaced a friend and a pair of skates 🐺

Good work with the armoured moose, he certainly took a beating. I'm assuming he was wearing that riot vest to withstand your tour de force 💪 I think you deserve a bit of respite after that encounter 😅

That's what he's been up to is it? Thought I saw a small bandage on him when he skated past🤣 

He must've got to the prison before me and took it!  😁

That was way too  close for my liking! Could've put a serious crimp in my plans having broken ribs!  Especially since I still have Mountain town to do and upper/lower bleak.  Cost me a few bullets but all that steak will be worth it.  

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1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

That's what he's been up to is it? Thought I saw a small bandage on him when he skated past🤣 

He must've got to the prison before me and took it!  😁

That was way too  close for my liking! Could've put a serious crimp in my plans having broken ribs!  Especially since I still have Mountain town to do and upper/lower bleak.  Cost me a few bullets but all that steak will be worth it.  

😂😂 He's now crimping plans? Doesn't surprise me, my collection of blueprints is suspiciously creased these days 🤔

Yeah definitely got lucky there, too close for comfort. Would have been tricky trying to manage your challenge with an injury though 👍👍

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1 minute ago, Matt Lomax said:

😂😂 He's now crimping plans? Doesn't surprise me, my collection of blueprints is suspiciously creased these days 🤔

Yeah definitely got lucky there, too close for comfort. Would have been tricky trying to manage your challenge with an injury though 👍👍

🤣🤣 He's been taking lessons it seems! Wonder who from?🤣 

I must have a guardian angel..  it does feel like I'm not alone sometimes!   Kinda creeps me out 👻

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9 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

🤣🤣 He's been taking lessons it seems! Wonder who from?🤣 

I must have a guardian angel..  it does feel like I'm not alone sometimes!   Kinda creeps me out 👻

😂 Not me, too busy shaving trees 😜🍻

Hmm, spooky 😱 Could be my bear on a bike 🤔 He never returned from his deliveries ... And took my white tablecloth with him 🐻👻

Long may your run continue, sure it's more your skill than a ghost though 💪👍

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17 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:

😂 Not me, too busy shaving trees 😜🍻

Hmm, spooky 😱 Could be my bear on a bike 🤔 He never returned from his deliveries ... And took my white tablecloth with him 🐻👻

Long may your run continue, sure it's more your skill than a ghost though 💪👍

You've  moved  onto bigger things now then? One day you'll be shaving the statue of liberty's armpits🤣   

But I was thinking of someone else actually 🤣🐺 

Could be?🤔🙂  Talking of  deliveries what happened to the crows with my parcel?  Honestly you just can't get the staff these days😁😁 

And thank you🙂👍 a lot of good luck helps in this game though too🙂

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2 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

You've  moved  onto bigger things now then? One day you'll be shaving the statue of liberty's armpits🤣   

But I was thinking of someone else actually 🤣🐺 

Could be?🤔🙂  Talking of  deliveries what happened to the crows with my parcel?  Honestly you just can't get the staff these days😁😁 

And thank you🙂👍 a lot of good luck helps in this game though too🙂


They still not arrived? 🙄 I'd send my bears out but ... Ran out of puncture repair kits 🤦

Very true, and you're welcome 👍👊

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3 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:


They still not arrived? 🙄 I'd send my bears out but ... Ran out of puncture repair kits 🤦

Very true, and you're welcome 👍👊

Probably got lost in all those blizzards I've started getting!🙂 Don't need oil now anyway not after all that fishing I did!  If I think of a replacement I'll let you know👍😁  


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13 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Probably got lost in all those blizzards I've started getting!🙂 Don't need oil now anyway not after all that fishing I did!  If I think of a replacement I'll let you know👍😁  


Haha! Sounds good 👍🍻

An order update actually, my fat, baldy crows are here with lantern oil cans still strapped to their legs. Apparently they tried to deliver your item but your character was lying dead at the bottom of a ravine 😫 A different dimension, a separate instance of reality 🤔

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2 hours ago, Matt Lomax said:

Haha! Sounds good 👍🍻

An order update actually, my fat, baldy crows are here with lantern oil cans still strapped to their legs. Apparently they tried to deliver your item but your character was lying dead at the bottom of a ravine 😫 A different dimension, a separate instance of reality 🤔

Which dead body?😁 There's loads of Astrid's that have accidentally slipped off the edge of the ravine🤣🤣  

Actually I could use a Revolver if you have a spare! Took them off in the settings!😜

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