Off grid fixer upper - the Basement


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As my fixer upper project is drawing to a close, I've been asked what I did with the basement.  
Well, unlike most basements, the one in the lodge has a lot going on.  It kinda is the nerve center for
what goes on at the lodge.  

let's take a look at what's going on downstairs


First thing is a full coal bin.  I've been foraging the caves in FM and have with each successful run have managed to bring back a fair amount of coal,
about 20 pieces on my last foray.  The bin holds 200 lumps, it's not quite full yet but will be soon enough.

where all the broken junk was is now storage for a few extra tables and chairs.  I got some fresh table tops that I currently crafting for placement in the
guest rooms.  The lodge will be needing a few more tables for the room service amenity that we'd like to start offering our overnight guests.


I'm glad I didn't hack up all the bunkbed frames I found downstairs.  Turns out the bunk beds make excellent Drying racks for curing the various pelts of
wolves and deer that typically end up on our menu.  


Turns out the if you flip one it's side, the bunk beds also make excellent pens or kennels for you pets! 
This is Socks. 
He's in his box.  
Socks in a Box.



We try to keep Sock in his box, because he likes to eat,
Here he is guarding the canned goods during an aurora...



Further in the back, is the sewing and clothing crafting section.
Staying busy making new cushions for all the chairs.  
It's a work in progress.  I've torn down every curtain in every house on CH.  
I might need to raid Milton to finish off the project.


It's pretty nice having a forge so close.  I hope I get the new spear head firmly attached to the spear!


Yes, the place is looking pretty neat and tidy.  Plenty of storage still available and lots of room for additional shelving.  


Not sure what I'm gonna do with that wheelbarrow though...


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Is that the calorie waltz mod that socks is guarding? Seems pretty cool

Also,how could you craft rugs, etc ? What mod is that? I'm into base designing myself, so that could be useful. Same with whatever mod let you clear up the clutter. 

Your basement looks really cool and tidy! Can't wait to see what else you bring to life

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8 hours ago, Catlover said:

Is that the calorie waltz mod that socks is guarding? Seems pretty cool

Also,how could you craft rugs, etc ? What mod is that? I'm into base designing myself, so that could be useful. Same with whatever mod let you clear up the clutter. 

Your basement looks really cool and tidy! Can't wait to see what else you bring to life

Yes, a few of the items are from Waltz's mods, I've got three foods mods going.  Also there's a new DIY crafting mod from @stmSantana which allows for crafting the tables, chairs, cushions and wall mounts.  I'm loving this mod so much!  You should get it too!    As to the clutter, that one is called Remove Clutter and if there was only one mod that I could use, that would be the one.   
Jeez, just because the power is out doesn't mean you can sweep up right?  
I never understood why a player had to live in a "dirty" basecamp just because there was an apocalypse.   

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Is the crafting mod on the xpazeman website? I'll check it out! You had great mod taste with the fox, so if you say it's good, I'll trust your judgement. Recently also got remove clutter and it's great. 

My top three favorites have to be 

1, place anywhere 

2,foxy friend

3 ambient lighting

But all of them are great! 


Found a mod that gives electricity in houses, power doesn't even have to be off. We can be all snug and warm in our houses whilst surviving the Canadian wilderness. With a fox, of course! 

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1 hour ago, Catlover said:

Is the crafting mod on the xpazeman website?

yes, you will find most of them here.
I would suggest searching by "recently updated" as those mods are written to incorporate
any of Hinterland's releases including fixes so as to be compatible with the most recent programming language.

Just be sure to download and install all ancilliary mods as some require more than one background file in order to 
work properly.   The great majority are all in good working order but I would still suggest that you only add one mod
at a time, launch the game and insure all is working properly before adding the next.  Although conflicts are few, it's a lot 
easier to troubleshoot your game that way.

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39 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

yes, you will find most of them here.
I would suggest searching by "recently updated" as those mods are written to incorporate
any of Hinterland's releases including fixes so as to be compatible with the most recent programming language.

Just be sure to download and install all ancilliary mods as some require more than one background file in order to 
work properly.   The great majority are all in good working order but I would still suggest that you only add one mod
at a time, launch the game and insure all is working properly before adding the next.  Although conflicts are few, it's a lot 
easier to troubleshoot your game that way.

Yup, just done it! Installed the mod and the ones it requires. Also got moveable containers because why not

And thanks, that's a good tip. I will do that, though for now the mods have not affected the game negatively, it's worth taking precautions 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/22/2022 at 8:49 PM, Kranium said:

I only have 1 question: who keeps a wheelbarrow in the basement?

I suspect, somebody was doing some building changes right before the event happened. Maybe you should go knocking on walls. Maybe you could find some secret room, which has beed sealed off.

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3 minutes ago, acada said:

I suspect, somebody was doing some building changes right before the event happened. Maybe you should go knocking on walls. Maybe you could find some secret room, which has beed sealed off.

Interesting idea,
very plausible that they may have used the wheelbarrow to mix mortar or concrete as they either made repairs or did indeed
build a secret room or compartment.   Who knows what could be entombed in those walls!

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What is question for me: How was the coal transported to the basement. We had coal storage in the basement. Each winter it was about 2 tons or 3 tons of coal. I do remember wheelbarrowing it from the point where truck put it on the ground to our basement. But we had big window with slide. And the bin is little bit too small for coal storage for winter.

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@acada,that is a in interesting question for sure.
My granparents heated with coal and as I recall they too have tons delivered.  The coal truck had a chute that was attached to the back of the truck, much like the trough a cement mixer uses.  It was "poured" down a coal chute into a big room down in the cellar.  My granddad would open a trap door from the outside allowing the chute to be put in and the helpers would shovel the coal down the chute.    

I would suspect that the Lord of the Manor used a similar set up.   There is that window on the landing just across from the bin.  You can see it in the second pic.
I presume they would have opened that window and attached a chute directly to the the bin.  Or perhaps in a more labor intensive move they shoveled coal into the wheelbarrow from outside the window, a plausible theory considering there is another wheelbarrow half buried in the snow in the little shed behind the lodge.  

Being a rich man who owned his own railroad, I presume our Baron shipped in coal via railcar.  Maybe the old blue pick up truck in the outside in the parking area was used to transport the coal from the rail car up to lodge?  I guess we will never know.  

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My survivor wishes to reserve a bunk/drying rack at your luxurious renovated cabin at an indefinite and uneaten time in the winter. She quite enjoys dry rabbit pelts as pillows. Your prepayment in the form of patched up thermal underwear shall be delivered to you with the nearest express aka the survivor herself. I'm looking forward to my stay. 😊

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25 minutes ago, tulkawen said:

My survivor wishes to reserve a bunk/drying rack at your luxurious renovated cabin at an indefinite and uneaten time in the winter. She quite enjoys dry rabbit pelts as pillows. Your prepayment in the form of patched up thermal underwear shall be delivered to you with the nearest express aka the survivor herself. I'm looking forward to my stay. 😊

Indeed?  I never would pass up the opportunity to entertain another weary traveler.  Especially for a guest willing to barter their superior mending skills and thermal underpants!  From what I hear, thermal undergarments are really  in vogue during this cold weather we're having.   

You are going to enjoy your stay, I am certain.  I'll get started on crafting that rabbit pelt pillow...   
oh, and by the way, the rabbit satay's we make are devine!

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11 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

My granparents heated with coal and as I recall they too have tons delivered.  The coal truck had a chute that was attached to the back of the truck, much like the trough a cement mixer uses.  It was "poured" down a coal chute into a big room down in the cellar.  My granddad would open a trap door from the outside allowing the chute to be put in and the helpers would shovel the coal down the chute. 

Our house was about 100m from nearest road. Direct driving with truck would destroy our and neighbor gardens. So it was up to my brothers and, when I was big enough, me to haul all the coal.

There is window in the baron cellar. But isnt it above stairs? But there could be some slide involved and then the barrow make sense in the basement as well. You dont want to have coal right where stairs ends.

Uh and I found another bear in Forlong. Would you like me to bag it? Shall it be stored in the cellar or you have some outside storage? I dont know if the outside storage would be safe. When I was leaving the feast, I noticed many wolf tracks and I think I glimpsed some glowing eyes near the cabin.

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