Moose challenge


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On 3/4/2022 at 11:46 AM, Leeanda said:

... most of the corpses had vanished!  What few there were had only one feather . The plane crash area yet again had none . This is the fourth run where there haven't been any!  Curious if anyone else is still getting them ?  

I got stuck at the Point of disagreement to the quietist blizzard ever! 



Sorry for the late reply -- I thought I posted earlier but must have forgotten to hit the button!

I have had no corpses at the Plane Crash for 3 game-runs (1 old save & 2 new). I am seeing typical corpses elsewhere (some disappearing) and most pre-set deer carcasses are back (& in decent %).  Including some in areas that I've passed through before.

A quiet blizzard would definitely be eerie.

I'm still seeing plenty of wildlife, of all types. Am trying to finish Faithful Cartographer and have been in every region. Now in HRV (help!) and trying to finish out the last few required mappings. But I'm on vanilla Pilgrim, which I am sure changes things.


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10 hours ago, twyn1 said:

Sorry for the late reply -- I thought I posted earlier but must have forgotten to hit the button!

I have had no corpses at the Plane Crash for 3 game-runs (1 old save & 2 new). I am seeing typical corpses elsewhere (some disappearing) and most pre-set deer carcasses are back (& in decent %).  Including some in areas that I've passed through before.

A quiet blizzard would definitely be eerie.

I'm still seeing plenty of wildlife, of all types. Am trying to finish Faithful Cartographer and have been in every region. Now in HRV (help!) and trying to finish out the last few required mappings. But I'm on vanilla Pilgrim, which I am sure changes things.


Lol! Think I've done that several times! Lucky there's the clear editor  option!

I'm guessing that it's pretty much the same for everyone at the crash site then.   I'm getting more carcasses than corpses or live animals at the moment. Except the bunnies oddly they seem to be plentiful pretty much everywhere.except maybe in mystery lake. 

Not sure if maxing the moose and bear  was  worth it. I've seen more of both on standard pilgrim . 

I'm actually quite liking  the quiet blizzards  now. Only trouble is you can't tell from inside when they've finished, so you have to keep going out to check!🙂

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Couldn't find the wolf this morning and I went everywhere!  Plenty of carcasses  gave me a good sized amount of feathers too. Unfortunately not a single shell on the map!  No moose and the bear turned up briefly on the third day only to disappear.  So I made use of the forge  and crafted  some arrowheads. . 

Sadly ,I decided to leave  desolation and head back to Coastal, checking the Arch on the way ,as it's the only place I hadn't checked last time I passed through. Sadly nothing. 

I'm now back at the Quonset getting ready to craft some more arrows. Hoping I can finally kill the bear or wolf that hangs around there at some point . My bedroll is in some need of repair.

I did briefly think of crafting some noisemakers because of the lack of shells but it's not part of the challenge,so thought I'd wait and hope that bleak and keepers pass has enough to make this challenge worth continuing with. 

I certainly hope so.


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41 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Couldn't find the wolf this morning and I went everywhere!  Plenty of carcasses  gave me a good sized amount of feathers too. Unfortunately not a single shell on the map!  No moose and the bear turned up briefly on the third day only to disappear.  So I made use of the forge  and crafted  some arrowheads. . 

Sadly ,I decided to leave  desolation and head back to Coastal, checking the Arch on the way ,as it's the only place I hadn't checked last time I passed through. Sadly nothing. 

I'm now back at the Quonset getting ready to craft some more arrows. Hoping I can finally kill the bear or wolf that hangs around there at some point . My bedroll is in some need of repair.

I did briefly think of crafting some noisemakers because of the lack of shells but it's not part of the challenge,so thought I'd wait and hope that bleak and keepers pass has enough to make this challenge worth continuing with. 

I certainly hope so.


You're sounding frustrated.  Perhaps pack it in and start fresh with a new batch of flare guns with shells.  Giving you an opportunity to perhaps have better luck with moose spawns/rubbings as well.  It's really sad how few flare gun shells there are in the game world and that we've never been given an opportunity to craft or remake them in some way.  In Interloper, the number of flare shells is fixed at 12.  Kimiota's moose challenge is to kill 5 moose with those 12 shells.  I'm not sure he's ever been able to quite complete it.

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1 hour ago, UpUpAway95 said:

You're sounding frustrated.  Perhaps pack it in and start fresh with a new batch of flare guns with shells.  Giving you an opportunity to perhaps have better luck with moose spawns/rubbings as well.  It's really sad how few flare gun shells there are in the game world and that we've never been given an opportunity to craft or remake them in some way.  In Interloper, the number of flare shells is fixed at 12.  Kimiota's moose challenge is to kill 5 moose with those 12 shells.  I'm not sure he's ever been able to quite complete it.

So many bugs and inconsistencies are certainly not helping in this case.

It's is a bit frustrating but I guess it always has been on and off anyway.

Perhaps I should restart ,without maxing the moose/bears but keep the rest eg loot to high as they are. I seemed to have more animals when they were set to medium for some reason. 

Also agreed on the ability to craft the shells.

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you're playing a custom generated game right?

I know I am often frustrated with the custom game settings.  
I've often launched custom games where I've dialed in maxium moosage expecting to see mooses popping up
all over the map to never seeing any as I criss cross the island in a fruitless pursuit.  
perhaps you should consider the sage advice @UpUpAway95 is offering and start fresh.

I'd suggest just launching a vanilla game, not a custom and I would then concentrate on searching those high probablity areas where players have typically reported moose sightings.   

Either way, I know how frustrating it can be.  In my eariler post on your thread I found my moose in less than 20 in game days on a freshly launched vanilla, game so that leads me to really believe that there maybe something fundamental flawed in custom game settings that is obviously manifesting itself in your current game.

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22 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

you're playing a custom generated game right?

I know I am often frustrated with the custom game settings.  
I've often launched custom games where I've dialed in maxium moosage expecting to see mooses popping up
all over the map to never seeing any as I criss cross the island in a fruitless pursuit.  
perhaps you should consider the sage advice @UpUpAway95 is offering and start fresh.

I'd suggest just launching a vanilla game, not a custom and I would then concentrate on searching those high probablity areas where players have typically reported moose sightings.   

Either way, I know how frustrating it can be.  In my eariler post on your thread I found my moose in less than 20 in game days on a freshly launched vanilla, game so that leads me to really believe that there maybe something fundamental flawed in custom game settings that is obviously manifesting itself in your current game.

I have just started a new custom pilgrim but left half of the previously altered ones untouched. I did put the moose  and bears  to medium but this time put deer and t-wolves to minimum in case it was something to  do with a set amount of animals permitted per game. (I'm sure there's a quicker way of saying that🙂).  I've done a couple of hours real time so haven't had time to notice much as yet. 

Guess I'll have to wait and see what happens for a few days.


I thought that moose behind the garage at Milton was one of your mods?  Is it not?  I presumed the lake one was the only one?

Thanks for the advice,I will see how it goes over the next few days if no luck I'll try your suggestion.

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17 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

Not flare gun shells, which is what @Leeanda is looking for right now.

New save ,still not found any in PV and I've scoured most of it already.🙂  Even had the weapon cache again too! 

Thanks for your advice too  by the way,forgot to put it in on the last comment!   Old age  creeping in I guess🙂

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5 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

New save ,still not found any in PV and I've scoured most of it already.🙂  Even had the weapon cane again too! 

Thanks for your advice too  by the way,forgot to put it in on the last comment!   Old age  creeping in I guess🙂

I'm starting to believe the Xbox has a memory leak and moose and flare gun shells get rarer with each start (joking... maybe).

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4 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

I'm starting to believe the Xbox has a memory leak and moose and flare gun shells get rarer with each start (joking... maybe).

It's starting to feel like that but I really hope not!   🙂 I'm hoping some of these fixes due will sort some of the prob!ems  out but I'm not going to get my hopes up!

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1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

I thought that moose behind the garage at Milton was one of your mods?  Is it not?  I presumed the lake one was the only one?

nope, you presumed incorrectly.  It's just straight up regular game.  the logged area across from the gas station is a designated spawn area for the moose.  i just got lucky that it appeared there when it did.  

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5 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

nope, you presumed incorrectly.  It's just straight up regular game.  the logged area across from the gas station is a designated spawn area for the moose.  i just got lucky that it appeared there when it did.  

Oh right ,thanks.  I've just never seen or heard of it being there  before.  

Still doesn't detract from your cool version of events though!🙂

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No worries @Leeanda!

I think maybe a good discussion you might wanna start is where do players typically find a moose?
There are some spots in the game where it seems almost a guarantee that you find a moose.  From what I understand, there are some spots a player can almost always encounter a moose.   Like near the Angler's cabin in the burnt forest area in Ash Canyon.  Or in HRV up by Mammoth Falls.  There's also a spot near the transition cave from Bleak Inslet to FM that there is almost always a moose present as well.  

Anyways, maybe it's just my dumb luck, but it seems I always run into a moose when I'm not looking for one or when I am least prepared to take it on.   Either way, good luck on your adventure!

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1 hour ago, piddy3825 said:



Anyways, maybe it's just my dumb luck, but it seems I always run into a moose when I'm not looking for one or when I am least prepared to take it on.   Either way, good luck on your adventure!

It does seem that way!

I wish we could "share" these things somehow. I've seen at least 4 moose during my mapping run the past few days (Milton Basin, HRV Mammoth Falls, Bleak Inlet & Ash Canyon). Also left a Distress Pistol kit with 4 or 5 shells at Lonely Cave in HRV.  Would send them your way if I could Leeanda!

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and sometimes the moose wins...



this bull moose took me by surprise and stomped the living crap outta me! 

The brute knocked me nearly senseless, so much that I had double vision the whole time as he was kicking my
ass three ways to next Sunday!  I am now blind in one eye and I can't see outta the other and the wolf patrol nearby
has begun to howl.  I'm not sure but I think I hear a fat lady singing...

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I have been hunting a moose with a bow in interloper and received 4 broken ribs in the last 40 days in game. Give me the flare gun any day! 

It is hard to kill a moose with a flare gun, yes, but it is also very safe. Here is what you do, you get the moose attention, wait for it to charge directly at you, and when it is right there you fire at its head. If you miss, the moose bolts because of the noise anyway, if you hit then boom, you got yourself a moose. 

Here is a clip of me doing it a few months back. Also in interloper, I recorded it just as a laugh with someone, and to be honest I was very surprised it actually worked. 

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Day 6. Left PV farm with the intention of going to TWM summit. Had a bit of luck on the way, I have a moose in the birch tree area!  but when I got to the hut I realised I'd need the backpack to carry all that loot.  And lucky again,for I have a moose behind the hut too! Very promising start to this run!🙂  

Spent the majority of my time making my way to the mine with a quick detour to Miners folly. I didn't want to waste too much time there cos the weather has been really good ,even in PV!  Nearly blue skies all the way!!🙂  

I'm curious how I seem to be seeing more bear and moose on medium settings than on high though.? Makes no sense  why it works this way! 

I'm now in the mine ,fully equipped and with some really good clothing! 2 snow pants, insulated boots,2 red underwear,military coat and 2 thick sweaters!  Given the weather I think I might have a problem with being too warm! Good job I left the bear coat behind!🙂

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6 hours ago, Comet777 said:

I have been hunting a moose with a bow in interloper and received 4 broken ribs in the last 40 days in game. Give me the flare gun any day! 

It is hard to kill a moose with a flare gun, yes, but it is also very safe. Here is what you do, you get the moose attention, wait for it to charge directly at you, and when it is right there you fire at its head. If you miss, the moose bolts because of the noise anyway, if you hit then boom, you got yourself a moose. 

Here is a clip of me doing it a few months back. Also in interloper, I recorded it just as a laugh with someone, and to be honest I was very surprised it actually worked. 

I've done that.with the rifle on a wolf when was that close and didn't register my shot

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After a good night's rest I made my way back to Anglers den going back through Miners folly . I've managed to get a nice amount of birch saplings while I've been in Ash canyon.  Haven't seen any rubbings here or seen the moose. Had quite a few wolves though but as I left my bow at the mountaineer's hut I couldnt take advantage of this. Luckily I seem to have enough food anyway and probably more water than is really necessary.  

I got back to TWM and sorted my pack out as I wanted to go to the summit with as little as possible. Very difficult thing to do as I'm a terrible hourder!🙂 

I headed up to the summit via deer clearing and secluded shelf ,thinking it'd be safer as the weather was not good. I used a stim for the last climb and checked the cave and opened all the containers before the stim wore off! I'm sure it shouldn't last that long but I was certainly a lot quicker than usual!😁 

Not a bad haul,I got enough rabbit skins for hat and gloves ,a couple of wolf skins  ,all the MREs ,even the hammer and spare hacksaw! 

The flare gun and 9 shells were there as usual too,so I can now try to take on the moose behind the hut! 

At the moment though I'm at the summit enjoying the last of the aurora while enjoying a cup of coffee. A beautiful sight to end the days run on!


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Sounds great!! :coffee: Stims freak me out a bit, but I have used a couple when absolutely needed.

Good Luck with that Moose!

I love getting those MRE's - I think they are one of the best things to carry when you're traveling - I know I've stretched one out over several days when unexpected delays occurred.

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22 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

Sounds great!! :coffee: Stims freak me out a bit, but I have used a couple when absolutely needed.

Good Luck with that Moose!

I love getting those MRE's - I think they are one of the best things to carry when you're traveling - I know I've stretched one out over several days when unexpected delays occurred.

It's the flashing effect that gets me with the stims.  Certain times of day it's not so obvious  but they should come with a warning!🙂 

They are handy though,as are the MREs. . It's the first time I've managed to take all of them down the rope in one go.   I normally have to leave 3 or 4 behind. 

Thanks  , hope I can get him without wasting too many flares!  

And thanks for the kind words in your earlier comment.  It really touches me how generous and helpful  everyone is on the forum.


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At sunrise I made my way back down to the hut,picking up a few extra birch saplings along the way. I have about 25  so far ,not a bad amount for two maps.  While they are curing I sorted out my gear and some reading until the fog passed a bit.  Thought I'd check to see if the moose was there but sadly not.  So I thought I'd pass time by getting some bow practice in! And boy do I need it!🙂  

No bunnies near the lake and only one deer,but they are on low settings. So I headed to the birch area hoping I could find a wolf  and found one eating a deer!  I rushed the shot a bit because I thought it might run away but got a hit in its hind leg.  I presumed I wouldn't find it again but it turned up on the lake after a few hours.  So I now have three wolf skins towards my coat!  

After harvesting him I decided to check for the moose again and this time he was there! 

I crept towards it as much as I could  and fired! 

Got a hit right on his nose! He ran off  and I watched the light as he zigzagged up and down the hills and mounds of snow! Gotta say it's pretty funny to watch🙂 

I did have a few more attempts but still no kill! I'm reluctant to use any more shells as they are obviously in short  supply.  

I spent the rest of the morning walking back to PV via the birch forest to check if the moose was there again! He was but it was too exposed an area and he ran off well before I was in decent shooting range!

I'm now back at the farm still waiting for things to cure ,as my next trip will be to Keepers pass north and I want to be fully prepared before going there! 🙂 It's not the friendliest place in Great Bear !

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