Moose challenge


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23 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Yeah I'd assume so, though I think a rope doesn't always spawn there, so it could be a little difficult getting there if you don't have a rope

Though hopefully with the low settings, there should be a rope there already, saving you the hassle of having to hunt for one

iirc, typically you can find a rope in the little cave next to the log loaded railcars across the way from the tree bridge?   
Been a while since I've played pilgrim so now I often bring one along anyways just in case.

22 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Probably but I like a challenge! I wanted to go to the summit anyway cos I couldn't find any shirts/jumpers anywhere nearer to where I was!  I was hoping the moose would be there too!!

Always good to loot the summit and get all the clothing you need, right?  and you're right, there is often a moose as well.  If not by the cargo containers near the bear den, then often near the mountaineer's hut.  Convenient either way!   
on a side note, I fairly often run into a moose by Pensive Pond in PV.  That fishing hut comes in pretty handy as nice place to camp out while when you're moose hunting.

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5 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

iirc, typically you can find a rope in the little cave next to the log loaded railcars across the way from the tree bridge?   
Been a while since I've played pilgrim so now I often bring one along anyways just in case.

Always good to loot the summit and get all the clothing you need, right?  and you're right, there is often a moose as well.  If not by the cargo containers near the bear den, then often near the mountaineer's hut.  Convenient either way!   
on a side note, I fairly often run into a moose by Pensive Pond in PV.  That fishing hut comes in pretty handy as nice place to camp out while when you're moose hunting.

Too true! I got two decent fisherman's jumpers,red thermals and an expo and military coat!  So much good loot up there  it's definitely worth the trip! . Shame the moose wasn't there though. Or pensive pond ,shame that's such a good place for a sniper attack! And you can cook your dinner  at the same time.🙂 

I usually get the rope from the broken tower in ml ,only to lug it to the ravine and then find one in the train carriage! 

Very rarely there's one in the lookout  too .

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I've had the ML moose for several days now, the one by the Unnamed Pond cabin (which may be the same one that wanders over to Trapper's??). Have never seen a moose at the Loading Areas/Northern River access in ML.

Only one bear in ML this run.

I did get the DP moose once, on the bridge. I was so shocked that I panicked! Think I let off one rifle shot, then raced down to Matt's Truck, where he promptly followed and stomped me!

I've found that when I NEED a rope and don't have one, I won't find the one that I'm hoping for ... but if I lug one all the way across the map ... Viola! there's already one there or spawned close by!! Probably just seems that way .... or is the game messing with me ... hmmmm???

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1 minute ago, twyn1 said:

I've had 

I've found that when I NEED a rope and don't have one, I won't find the one that I'm hoping for ... but if I lug one all the way across the map ... Viola! there's already one there or spawned close by!! Probably just seems that way .... or is the game messing with me ... hmmmm???

Haha yeah I've had that too. Feels like the tld gods are just messing with you 😫

With regards to the moose, I've never seen one at the unnamed pond before only at trappers a few times. Makes me want to be a bit more cautious around that pond now as I didn't think one could spawn there and I would rather not get stomped, lol

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6 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

I've had the ML moose for several days now, the one by the Unnamed Pond cabin (which may be the same one that wanders over to Trapper's??). Have never seen a moose at the Loading Areas/Northern River access in ML.

Only one bear in ML this run.

I did get the DP moose once, on the bridge. I was so shocked that I panicked! Think I let off one rifle shot, then raced down to Matt's Truck, where he promptly followed and stomped me!

I've found that when I NEED a rope and don't have one, I won't find the one that I'm hoping for ... but if I lug one all the way across the map ... Viola! there's already one there or spawned close by!! Probably just seems that way .... or is the game messing with me ... hmmmm???

I decided not to get the rope from the broken tower this morning but just go to the carriage in ravine as there's always one there! Only to find that this time it wasn't for the first time ever! I now have to trudge back to the tower just to get it! Typical!😁

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2 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

I decided not to get the rope from the broken tower this morning but just go to the carriage in ravine as there's always one there! Only to find that this time it wasn't for the first time ever! I now have to trudge back to the tower just to get it! Typical!😁

Oh no! That's why I always try bring one with me, as knowing my luck, the one time i don't bring one, I need to go back and get one, lol

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4 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Oh no! That's why I always try bring one with me, as knowing my luck, the one time i don't bring one, I need to go back and get one, lol

Lol!    Not surprising it happened to me this morning, not having any luck at all on this run so far!  The rope will probably snap when I'm halfway down too 😁

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2 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

Lol!    Not surprising it happened to me this morning, not having any luck at all on this run so far!  The rope will probably snap when I'm halfway down too 😁

Wait can they do that? Gained a new fear 😅 

Seems this challenge was cursed from the beginning! I guess it can only improve from here

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4 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Wait can they do that? Gained a new fear 😅 

Seems this challenge was cursed from the beginning! I guess it can only improve from here

No they can't, luckily well not in survival anyway! 😁  ! 

Well at least I can't get stomped on !  Yet!🙂

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4 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Lol knowing your luck, I wouldn't be so confident with not being stomped 😁 

Glad they can't actually break, I was worried then! 

As long as I take him down too I'm ok with that! I need that satchel!🙂 

Sorry about that! Thought you knew already actually!  I'm glad they can't either! 🙂

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Spent the better part of the day looking for feathers and flare shells. Sadly lacking in both despite the number of corpse's and carcasses around! 

Only managed to make a few more arrows ,I now have 14, so with my bad bow skills I might have enough for a bear if I can find one! 

I only had 9 shells too ,so I'm going to have to go to bleak soon and get them from there!  I decided to try the cabin area again for the moose and it finally turned up!  I had three headshots with the flare and it  didn't go down . After the fourth one hit it's chest it ran off!  I decided not to waste any more flares on him to try and save what I had . Plus it was getting dark and I was exhausted after chasing him around!  The Aurora turned up soon after I went inside so it despawned anyway!  

Next day it still hadn't returned so I went down to the ravine to get the shells from there. After much traipsing about getting the rope anyway!  There were only a few so now I'm back to 9 again!  

After spending the night in the dam trailer I finished reading an archery book ,getting to level two! Not surprising considering the inability to craft many arrows!    I really really miss my rifle😭🙂 

I'm now in upper bleak ,where I was lucky to find the bear roll , in 80% condition too! So some good luck  today!  I'll head down to the lighthouse in the morning and get the shells! I may even find a moose or two  as well! 😀

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I love a good challenge!

Flaring gunning a moose is a lot more difficult than it seems...

Here's my story

I successfully retrieved a flare gun from the crashed tram car in Raven's Ravine.  5 shells came with the distress pistol but I knew that might not be enough, so I transitioned to ML and looted the dam where I found a couple more flare gun shells in the process.    I made Camp Office my main base as I diligently scouted every possible moose loitering area on the map and found none.  I did find a bunker back behind the unnamed pond where I also obtained another couple of shells for the flare gun as well as a useful old fashioned parka and some pain killers.  With 9 shells in my possession I felt it was a good omen that I might soon find a moose!

I moved to Trapper's Cabin, while I was there waiting for a moose to appear, I mended my gear and crafted a couple of new arrows using the arrowheads I had salvaged from the broken arrows I had picked up along the way.   I snared a few rabbits as well while I waited outside the door of the cabin for a possible moose sighting but after nearly a week of sheltering in place, I became more discouraged by each passing day so I decided Mountain Town might be better luck.

Having easily transited from ML to MT,  I made tracks for the old Orca gas station, my new headquarters and spent the next few days doing a quick loot and scoot and managed to find a couple more flare gun shells bringing my total to 11 rounds.  

What do you think happened next?


I left the gas station early in the morning.  Just shortly after dawn.  The air was still, no wind blowing and the light was flat, when I hear that unmistakeable 
bellow of a bull moose off in the distance.   I pull my flaregun from my backpack and load a fresh round in the chamber.


Not wanting to be stomped out in the open, I flank the bull, remaining out of sight until I reach higher ground where I finally expose my position 
alerting the beast to my presence.  He shakes his giant paddles at me and slowly begins to saunter over to my perch on the rocky ledge.


I crouch back down and reposition myself on another nearby ledge.


I've got this beast dead to rights, I think to myself as I slowly and deliberately take aim and


POW!  I fire the salvo right at him!


Blinded by the muzzle flash of the flare as it arcs, I look down to see that my shot had missed, the shot shell burrowing deeply into the crusty snow as the
burning flare sputtered and hissed in the melting snow.   The crows overhead laughed at my missed shot while the shadow of an old dead standing tree 
pointed the way in which the moose had fled.  I quickly reloaded and began my pursuit.


I find the moose over by the port o potties and I sneak up behind him. At this range, I am thinking, I will use the portable outhouses as shield if necessary.  


I take aim and fire! 
And MISS again!!!!  
I am now thinking to myself what a shitty shot I am...

I set up for another stalk as the bull moose hasn't run all that far, 
after all my failures so far this morning, I am sure the moose 
is just waiting for his turn to get a couple of licks in of his own...



I heard him before I saw him.  So taking advantage of the hilly terrain, I crouch walk up and around the hillock where I again see the beast



Having learned my lesson from my previous attempts, I aim higher than what feels normal. 
But then again, hunting a moose with a flare gun isn't exactly normal, right?


WHOOSH!!!  The brilliantly burning incandesent missle erupts from my hand cannon with a deadly accuracy!


Striking the big bull moose squarely between the shoulders, the resulting thud of the projectiles impact drops the beast in midst step!


The moose slumps to the ground as the impact and the intense heat of the shell claim his life essence.


I quickly clamber down from my perch to inspect my prize!


I quickly reload my "weapon" as the moose's subsequent death throe, whilst music to my ears, has definitely alerted the other denizens.
And no sooner than I had finished reloading the first of many of my furry friends wanted to come out to play.   


It's been a helluva morning to say the least! 
Now all that's left to do is butcher this beast!




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11 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

I love a good challenge!

Flaring gunning a moose is a lot more difficult than it seems...

Here's my story

I successfully retrieved a flare gun from the crashed tram car in Raven's Ravine.  5 shells came with the distress pistol but I knew that might not be enough, so I transitioned to ML and looted the dam where I found a couple more flare gun shells in the process.    I made Camp Office my main base as I diligently scouted every possible moose loitering area on the map and found none.  I did find a bunker back behind the unnamed pond where I also obtained another couple of shells for the flare gun as well as a useful old fashioned parka and some pain killers.  With 9 shells in my possession I felt it was a good omen that I might soon find a moose!

I moved to Trapper's Cabin, while I was there waiting for a moose to appear, I mended my gear and crafted a couple of new arrows using the arrowheads I had salvaged from the broken arrows I had picked up along the way.   I snared a few rabbits as well while I waited outside the door of the cabin for a possible moose sighting but after nearly a week of sheltering in place, I became more discouraged by each passing day so I decided Mountain Town might be better luck.

Having easily transited from ML to MT,  I made tracks for the old Orca gas station, my new headquarters and spent the next few days doing a quick loot and scoot and managed to find a couple more flare gun shells bringing my total to 11 rounds.  

What do you think happened next?


I left the gas station early in the morning.  Just shortly after dawn.  The air was still, no wind blowing and the light was flat, when I hear that unmistakeable 
bellow of a bull moose off in the distance.   I pull my flaregun from my backpack and load a fresh round in the chamber.


Not wanting to be stomped out in the open, I flank the bull, remaining out of sight until I reach higher ground where I finally expose my position 
alerting the beast to my presence.  He shakes his giant paddles at me and slowly begins to saunter over to my perch on the rocky ledge.


I crouch back down and reposition myself on another nearby ledge.


I've got this beast dead to rights, I think to myself as I slowly and deliberately take aim and


POW!  I fire the salvo right at him!


Blinded by the muzzle flash of the flare as it arcs, I look down to see that my shot had missed, the shot shell burrowing deeply into the crusty snow as the
burning flare sputtered and hissed in the melting snow.   The crows overhead laughed at my missed shot while the shadow of an old dead standing tree 
pointed the way in which the moose had fled.  I quickly reloaded and began my pursuit.


I find the moose over by the port o potties and I sneak up behind him. At this range, I am thinking, I will use the portable outhouses as shield if necessary.  


I take aim and fire! 
And MISS again!!!!  
I am now thinking to myself what a shitty shot I am...

I set up for another stalk as the bull moose hasn't run all that far, 
after all my failures so far this morning, I am sure the moose 
is just waiting for his turn to get a couple of licks in of his own...



I heard him before I saw him.  So taking advantage of the hilly terrain, I crouch walk up and around the hillock where I again see the beast



Having learned my lesson from my previous attempts, I aim higher than what feels normal. 
But then again, hunting a moose with a flare gun isn't exactly normal, right?


WHOOSH!!!  The brilliantly burning incandesent missle erupts from my hand cannon with a deadly accuracy!


Striking the big bull moose squarely between the shoulders, the resulting thud of the projectiles impact drops the beast in midst step!


The moose slumps to the ground as the impact and the intense heat of the shell claim his life essence.


I quickly clamber down from my perch to inspect my prize!


I quickly reload my "weapon" as the moose's subsequent death throe, whilst music to my ears, has definitely alerted the other denizens.
And no sooner than I had finished reloading the first of many of my furry friends wanted to come out to play.   


It's been a helluva morning to say the least! 
Now all that's left to do is butcher this beast!




Nice kill !🙂 Wish there was a moose there though! Plenty of good vantage points around! 

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28 minutes ago, Bearimpaler101 said:

@Leeanda you misunderstand me was it a headline bed roll or a normal one

I'm sure it was a bear roll, not a normal bedroll.  In Bleak Inlet, a bear roll can spawn in the Pensive Lookout tower (upper portion that you enter from through the Ravine (after climbing down the rope from Mystery Lake).  I believe it can even spawn on Interloper, although I don't often go to that part of the map on Loper.

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8 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

I'm sure it was a bear roll, not a normal bedroll.  In Bleak Inlet, a bear roll can spawn in the Pensive Lookout tower (upper portion that you enter from through the Ravine (after climbing down the rope from Mystery Lake).  I believe it can even spawn on Interloper, although I don't often go to that part of the map on Loper.

Thank you for answering that .yes that's what I meant! And my apologies for not putting spoilers on things! I'm very forgetful about doing that! 

Edited by Leeanda
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Due to constant bad weather I decided to leave bleak until I had more arrows and shells. Headed back to Mystery lake and looted the few remaining places that were left. Mainly the cabins on the lake . Finally there was a bear there,but after two bad attempts at hitting it I decided to wait until I had more arrows!  Had a thorough search of the dam and found nothing but papers and fizzy drinks.  Managed to collect a few feathers though so decided to head back to PV as there were some cured bitch saplings there.  Only saw 1 wolf and a few bunnies the entire morning,except the bear.  Not great news for this run as food is getting a bit scarce. I was hoping for the food cache at ml but got the weapons one instead!  Needless to say that it wasn't very useful as weapons are turned off on this run. Did get the usual 2 arrows though!

I've just returned back to PV farm and crafted about 13 arrows or so. As usual running out of feathers. But I now have 30+ arrows anyway so I feel more comfortable using (and losing) them ! 

I plan to search most of PV later for feathers and shells and hoping to find the prepper cache too! 

I need to get 1 more wolf hide for the coat and some spare bunnies too for the hat and gloves! Plus I need the bow practice cos I've only just got to level three!  Now I'm doing a spot of reading and getting ready to hunker down for the night. Hope the weather stays good ! 🙂

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