I finally got mauled !


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11 minutes ago, Matt Lomax said:

Haha! Typical, isn't it? I know how it is having all animal clothing, forever hunting to repair them. My snares get a lot of use 💪

😂 Worth popping in to see Wolfenfeatures in his pink leotard and headband 😻 Wonder where the corpses wander off to? Might be a pub we have yet to discover packed to the rafters with the undead. 👍

I try to use the bow on bunnies,less chance of losing the arrows! 

And I really need the practice. Missed a bear on the other side of a car  once! Or twice!😜 

I wondered where they all went to get sloshed?  Town hall maybe? 

Love to see a wolf in a pink leotard though! 🤣🤣

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4 hours ago, Leeanda said:

Well 1 out of  3 attempts succeeded!🙂  Back in the birch area  in TWM thought I'd try my luck! The first two attempts were unsuccessful, but I think I was too far to the side of it! However on the third try I thought it was going to run off so I was a little bit slower to react.  

Took very little damage , surprisingly. No medicine again! But my clothes took a bit of a beating!  30% damage to the gloves and moose satchel! 20% to the scarf and expo coat ,35% to boots and  50% to the snow pants.  Had to shoot some rabbits for the hides and I needed some bow practice anyway!  Then I noticed the bow was going to break soon so went up to the transition cave area to look for maple saplings as I'd seen them there on other runs!  When I got back to the hut I found the wolf from yesterday practically lying outside the door. Lucky as food supplies were running low!  Now I'm just passing time waiting for things to cure and the weather to clear! There's a moose I need to kill  too!  Purely for the food and hide of course!😁

What does your log say for this run - how many haulings have you survived so far now?

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1 hour ago, UpUpAway95 said:

What does your log say for this run - how many haulings have you survived so far now?

As of this morning it was 11 maulings!  Funny cos it also said I'd killed 19.  I've only killed 2 that weren't in self defense so not entirely sure about the other 6!   The power of wishful thinking maybe!😁

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35 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

As of this morning it was 11 maulings!  Funny cos it also said I'd killed 19.  I've only killed 2 that weren't in self defense so not entirely sure about the other 6!   The power of wishful thinking maybe!😁

That's still a lot of maulings.  Good job!

I think my most recent start has caught your "lack of wildlife" bug.  I've cleared about 3/4 of Ash Canyon, including the HIgh Meadows (which is usually teaming with rabbits) and not seen a single one.  I also haven't seen a single deer carcass.  The only carcass I have seen was the wolf in the cave with the waterfall in it.  I think I've even seen only 1 wolf on Day 1 and none since.   Needless to say, I've been living on cat tails and teas, supplemented with a few tins of canned food.

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4 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

That's still a lot of maulings.  Good job!

I think my most recent start has caught your "lack of wildlife" bug.  I've cleared about 3/4 of Ash Canyon, including the HIgh Meadows (which is usually teaming with rabbits) and not seen a single one.  I also haven't seen a single deer carcass.  The only carcass I have seen was the wolf in the cave with the waterfall in it.  I think I've even seen only 1 wolf on Day 1 and none since.   Needless to say, I've been living on cat tails and teas, supplemented with a few tins of canned food.

Sorry about that!🙂 

My second visit to ash was just as bad. Couldn't even find the moose and he's always there  on my runs!   At least you got some tinned food! Everything I found was either ruined or so low I wasn't prepared to risk it at level one!   Good job there is plenty of cat tails there isn't it  ! 

And thanks!   

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Didn't manage to get the moose! He ran off and the weather was bad so I huddled up in the cave for a while.  After several days he'd still not returned so I gave up waiting!  Stupid animal!🙂 

I did get close to another mauling but  it just turned and growled for a few seconds then ran off!   Thought I should head back to PV to unload a large amount of birch saplings  and the fresh wolf hide.  I also wanted to get a start on a new bow.  As it turned out I didn't need to as I found one in the cave at the picnic site!  Along with a corpse inside and outside,which I've never had before! And they both had rifles too. 

Got back to the farm thinking I'd have to wait for the wolfskin to cure but found 4 in the firidge and the wardrobe! 

After a good night's sleep I thought I'd get started on the coat. And as  I usually do , I try to work through the entire day until it's too dark to carry on!  I was just about to quit and eat and drink when the aurora started! Clearly not thinking I decided to try and get the coat finished!  It's a good job I looked down briefly as I noticed that I'd lost most of my health bar!!  Just in time too! I ate and drank until full and slept on the basement floor  for the full 12 hours! Luckily I regained most of my life back but it was a valuable lesson!   Mainly that I'm an idiot!🙂

Ive now finished the coat and spending the day reading and enjoying the fact that I'm still alive!  🙂

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Glad you're still alive. It is quite tempting to try and finish a project during an aurora event, but yeah, time does fly!

I feel like I am having the opposite wildlife/carcass/corpse situation.

Decided to head over to Mystery Lake from Coastal Highway -- and there were 2 deer carcasses in the Raven Falls transition area, both in decent shape, as well as 2 or 3 live deer and several groupings of rabbits. Once in Mystery Lake proper, there was a deer carcass in the Carter Dam yard, and 3 more on the railroad tracks leading to the Lake Camp Office.  

Live Wolves, Rabbits and Deer are everywhere. Have also come across several corpses, both inside and outside (including Camp Office).  None have disappeared, yet.

I actually came here to the forum to check if there had been a fix or patch for the missing carcasses/corpses!

I spotted the Moose on the 3rd morning, over by the little cabin past Unnamed Pond (left him be for now). Have not yet seen any Bear, but have not been in all their areas yet.

Also finding plenty of good gear, decent clothing and found food is mostly 50% or better. Happy if contradictory run for me :)

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36 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

Glad you're still alive. It is quite tempting to try and finish a project during an aurora event, but yeah, time does fly!

I feel like I am having the opposite wildlife/carcass/corpse situation.

Decided to head over to Mystery Lake from Coastal Highway -- and there were 2 deer carcasses in the Raven Falls transition area, both in decent shape, as well as 2 or 3 live deer and several groupings of rabbits. Once in Mystery Lake proper, there was a deer carcass in the Carter Dam yard, and 3 more on the railroad tracks leading to the Lake Camp Office.  

Live Wolves, Rabbits and Deer are everywhere. Have also come across several corpses, both inside and outside (including Camp Office).  None have disappeared, yet.

I actually came here to the forum to check if there had been a fix or patch for the missing carcasses/corpses!

I spotted the Moose on the 3rd morning, over by the little cabin past Unnamed Pond (left him be for now). Have not yet seen any Bear, but have not been in all their areas yet.

Also finding plenty of good gear, decent clothing and found food is mostly 50% or better. Happy if contradictory run for me :)

It's a weird bug.  My previous run in Ash Canyon had a pretty normal amount of living animals spawning in the usual locations.  This run, with the same custom settings as before, has absolutely no rabbits or deer and only 1 wolf ( the one that patrols just above the falls between the level Angler's Den is on and the level that Bitter Marsh is on.  I saw the moose by the 3-rope climb when I went up to the gold mine on Day 1.  I know I also saw some deer in that area also on day 1, but the region has gone completely lifeless (except for th 1 wolf) since I went into the gold mine.

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11 hours ago, twyn1 said:

Glad you're still alive. It is quite tempting to try and finish a project during an aurora event, but yeah, time does fly!

I feel like I am having the opposite wildlife/carcass/corpse situation.

Decided to head over to Mystery Lake from Coastal Highway -- and there were 2 deer carcasses in the Raven Falls transition area, both in decent shape, as well as 2 or 3 live deer and several groupings of rabbits. Once in Mystery Lake proper, there was a deer carcass in the Carter Dam yard, and 3 more on the railroad tracks leading to the Lake Camp Office.  

Live Wolves, Rabbits and Deer are everywhere. Have also come across several corpses, both inside and outside (including Camp Office).  None have disappeared, yet.

I actually came here to the forum to check if there had been a fix or patch for the missing carcasses/corpses!

I spotted the Moose on the 3rd morning, over by the little cabin past Unnamed Pond (left him be for now). Have not yet seen any Bear, but have not been in all their areas yet.

Also finding plenty of good gear, decent clothing and found food is mostly 50% or better. Happy if contradictory run for me :)

Sounds like you've got all of ours!   Can I have some back?🙂 

And thanks! Glad I'm not burying another Astrid ! There's a lot of graves with her name on already!🙂

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Unfortunately I had a very unproductive day!  From PV farm I went to Coastal hoping there were more animals this time!  There were 3 wolves on the ice near the jetty on day three , but no deer anywhere! Near! The only deer I found were right at the other end of the map. Unfortunately I didn't get the weather for trying to herd deer from one end to the other. After 6 days with no luck I decided to head back to mystery lake!  

I got caught in a blizzard just as I got to the ravine trellis! Which is a blessing for someone who has very bad vertigo😃   it was the coldest temperature I've ever seen on pilgrim at -34c!  Has anyone else had it that low before?  My lowest before that had been -18c . A lot of difference and the wolf coat I'm now wearing didn't seem to help much!  

After warming up in the cave waiting for the blizzard to pass I thought I'd stay in the other cave for a day or so to relax. But yet again there were no deer and only one bunny!  I haven't seen any deer there on any of my four visits! Yet another bug or just really bad luck?  

So I left the ravine hoping the  dam wolf  would be there,but sadly not. All I had were a few deer and the moose again! Took one shot with the bow for practice ,I did hit it in the face somewhere but didn't kill it! It ran off and I was going to go after it but the weather had other ideas! Seems the blizzards are indeed following me! 

I'm now in the trailers reading one of the many books I have that I can still read, waiting for this blizzard to pass! Hoping tomorrow will be better, or at least less windy!😃

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27 minutes ago, Leeanda said:


I got caught in a blizzard just as I got to the ravine trellis! Which is a blessing for someone who has very bad vertigo😃   it was the coldest temperature I've ever seen on pilgrim at -34c!  Has anyone else had it that low before?  My lowest before that had been -18c . A lot of difference and the wolf coat I'm now wearing didn't seem to help much!  

What temp settings does pilgrim have? - 35c is a general blizzard temp for me and as you likely know, I play basically a variation of gunloper. So my weather is naturally bad, and it's weird that your weather appears similar when it should really be on a much milder level

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40 minutes ago, Catlover said:

What temp settings does pilgrim have? - 35c is a general blizzard temp for me and as you likely know, I play basically a variation of gunloper. So my weather is naturally bad, and it's weird that your weather appears similar when it should really be on a much milder level

I don't know what it is on standard pilgrim. Don't pay much attention to it usually if I'm honest🙂  I didn't change it either.  Mind you in hindsight I should've considering the blizzards are following me!  

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Don't think I've ever had it that cold on Pilgrim!

I took Astrid out on an early morning run to harvest a wolf that I had downed late the night before. It was still semi-dark & I forgot to put back on her clothes that I had dumped by the wood-stove to dry. She was basically in her socks and 1 layer; no boots, no Mackinaw, one hat, spare mittens -- She was perfectly fine, even tho' it was overcast and lightly snowing.  Didn't realize what I did until I came back in and saw the mound of clothes and the satchel sitting there,

Your lack of wildlife is bizarre, too. I would think that it has to be related to the custom settings in some way. It's like you're already getting the worsening weather and lower-spawn rate wildlife patterns of a higher difficulty game.

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4 minutes ago, twyn1 said:

Don't think I've ever had it that cold on Pilgrim!

I took Astrid out on an early morning run to harvest a wolf that I had downed late the night before. It was still semi-dark & I forgot to put back on her clothes that I had dumped by the wood-stove to dry. She was basically in her socks and 1 layer; no boots, no Mackinaw, one hat, spare mittens -- She was perfectly fine, even tho' it was overcast and lightly snowing.  Didn't realize what I did until I came back in and saw the mound of clothes and the satchel sitting there,

Your lack of wildlife is bizarre, too. I would think that it has to be related to the custom settings in some way. It's like you're already getting the worsening weather and lower-spawn rate wildlife patterns of a higher difficulty game.

Yes it's starting to feel more like a loper run . Certainly unusual to have so many blizzards especially in Mystery lake!  I wonder if it's because I put the aurora on high?   

Yeah I've done that a few times too! Walked halfway across the entire map with no boots on once!🙂

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1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

Yes it's starting to feel more like a loper run . Certainly unusual to have so many blizzards especially in Mystery lake!  I wonder if it's because I put the aurora on high?   

Yeah I've done that a few times too! Walked halfway across the entire map with no boots on once!🙂

Blizzard Frequency and Aurora Frequency are two separate sliders in the custom menu.  AFAIK, they work independently of one another.  That is, I have been able to set Blizzards to "None" and Auroras to "High" and had a completely blizzard-free run with auroras almost every night.  Also vice-versa... resulting in very frequent blizzards and no auroras (not recommended since you need auroras to get into a few different locations on the map now).

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7 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

Blizzard Frequency and Aurora Frequency are two separate sliders in the custom menu.  AFAIK, they work independently of one another.  That is, I have been able to set Blizzards to "None" and Auroras to "High" and had a completely blizzard-free run with auroras almost every night.  Also vice-versa... resulting in very frequent blizzards and no auroras (not recommended since you need auroras to get into a few different locations on the map now).

They would make interesting challenges, though if you want blizzards every day, just go to PV 😁

Might try it with auroras every night. It would make things easier of course though so I'd need to make wolves as dangerous and common as possible. Could be fun

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9 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

Blizzard Frequency and Aurora Frequency are two separate sliders in the custom menu.  AFAIK, they work independently of one another.  That is, I have been able to set Blizzards to "None" and Auroras to "High" and had a completely blizzard-free run with auroras almost every night.  Also vice-versa... resulting in very frequent blizzards and no auroras (not recommended since you need auroras to get into a few different locations on the map now).

Well by my logic, skewed as it is, the more aurora's at night means less bad weather at night so it compensates by producing more blizzards etc during the day!   Might explain a few things! 

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YAY! I got mauled twice in two minutes! 🙂

After having no luck in mystery lake I decided to leave and went to Mountain town. Blue skies making a welcome change!  I got to Paradise meadows to find 3 wolves  and 4-5 deer!  One of the wolves ran off towards the deer luckily and killed one. I wasn't holding out much hope because of the wolf coat I'm wearing. But it did indeed attack.  As I was heading back to the house I heard growling  so edged towards this wolf! Exactly the same thing!  Between the two attacks I needed no medicine even though my life bar was half gone. 

The snow pants as usual took the most damage at 18% in total!  Boots and gloves only about 9% . . I'm now tucked up listening to the radio while I heal up a bit.  All in all a good day, well at least from my point of view anyway! 😁

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4 hours ago, Catlover said:


They would make interesting challenges, though if you want blizzards every day, just go to PV 😁

Might try it with auroras every night. It would make things easier of course though so I'd need to make wolves as dangerous and common as possible. Could be fun

By skewing those settings, I was doing it more for science (figuring out how the custom settings worked) than setting up a legit challenge.  I did come to the conclusion that the aurora wolves could afford to be made more deadly overall and I would really like it if their skins were unique from that of regular wolves... allowing us to make an aurora version of the wolf coat that glows. 😀

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Yes I'm sorry to say that she faded into the Long Dark!   Back luck and stupidity on my part I'm afraid! 

I was running low on food. Again.  So decided to go after the moose using the bow!  After 5 hits it got cornered ,or so I thought between some trees!  I decided to get onto an awkward  rock that I thought the moose wouldn't be able to get on!  Boy was I wrong!😃 It not only got up there but chased me round it like a gazelle !  After a good stomping I lost most of my life bar so finished him off with the rifle . That's one tough moose ,it had 5 arrows in its head and one in the neck!  

After some rest  I realized I'd be stuck in Mountain town for  longer than I wanted to!  Considering I couldn't climb I decided to goat down  from the rope area  near the farm!  I crouched ,fairly sure I could see a safe way down but as soon as I stepped over the edge I just dropped like a stone! ! 

I know I've done most things to test the wolves and I hope someone out there took something useful from this  experiment!  It was fun and I'm rather sad it's over!  

If anyone would like me to start a new run and carry on where I left off or would like me to try a new insane challenge ( no bears  please😂)  I'd be happy to have a go ! 

As it is I'd like to thank everyone for their advice and encouragement  in doing this thread . It's very much appreciated!  




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Aw noo, rip astrid! Perhaps you could try it again but with bears on very high, see how they're affected? 

(Oh scratch that, I missed the no bears please, lol! I'll have to try that) 

May she rest in peace, your experiment was very helpful

One idea for a challenge is that aurora thing. I've come up with a little challenge though I've modified it a little as I suppose you wouldn't want to do stalker/loper lol

Vanilla voyageur with a twist, wolves and timberwolves on very high with max damage, etc, no bears, and the main thing being auroras on high. Curious to see how that would go, lol. Or you could do that NOGOA for a laugh, I'm tempted to try it myself, lol

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Awe - so sorry to see Astrid go.  Never thought it would be a goat that finally got her goat.  She was one tough gal. 😀  Next challenge moosey flare gun revenge.  Loot settings all on their maximums to ensure ample flare shells and flare guns in the world.  Moose spawns also set at their max.  Animal respawns set to Low (which is the equivalent of fast (I believe).  Other settings your choice.  Moose may only be targeted with a flare gun.  Other animals can only be shot with a bow (can turn rifles and revolvers off if you don't want to find them since they will be useless for this challenge.  Per the recent All Your Bases Tournament, you may only craft a bow after you've found a bow in the world.

How many moose can Astrid get before she fades into the long dark?

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37 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Aw noo, rip astrid! Perhaps you could try it again but with bears on very high, see how they're affected? 

(Oh scratch that, I missed the no bears please, lol! I'll have to try that) 

May she rest in peace, your experiment was very helpful

One idea for a challenge is that aurora thing. I've come up with a little challenge though I've modified it a little as I suppose you wouldn't want to do stalker/loper lol

Vanilla voyageur with a twist, wolves and timberwolves on very high with max damage, etc, no bears, and the main thing being auroras on high. Curious to see how that would go, lol. Or you could do that NOGOA for a laugh, I'm tempted to try it myself, lol


24 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

Awe - so sorry to see Astrid go.  Never thought it would be a goat that finally got her goat.  She was one tough gal. 😀  Next challenge moosey flare gun revenge.  Loot settings all on their maximums to ensure ample flare shells and flare guns in the world.  Moose spawns also set at their max.  Animal respawns set to Low (which is the equivalent of fast (I believe).  Other settings your choice.  Moose may only be targeted with a flare gun.  Other animals can only be shot with a bow (can turn rifles and revolvers off if you don't want to find them since they will be useless for this challenge.  Per the recent All Your Bases Tournament, you may only craft a bow after you've found a bow in the world.

How many moose can Astrid get before she fades into the long dark?

I could try a combo of the two? Auroras high,pilgrim,no fear passive , max bears, max moose, flare and bows only. Fast respawn, high loot ?  Might prove to be a short one,bow is not my strong point!😂

How does that sound ?😀  In memory of all the Astrid's gone before!

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5 minutes ago, Leeanda said:


I could try a combo of the two? Auroras high,pilgrim,no fear passive , max bears, max moose, flare and bows only. Fast respawn, high loot ?  Might prove to be a short one,bow is not my strong point!😂

How does that sound ?😀  In memory of all the Astrid's gone before!

Haha that sounds perfect! I can't wait to read your experience with that

Edit, shouldn't have been typing whilst trying to close my piano lid (is that what it's called?) with one hand. Safe to say I dropped it on my thumb. Fortunately it was already halfway down but it still hurt 😭 Haven't even gotten a bruise! 

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6 minutes ago, Catlover said:

Haha that sounds perfect! I can't wait to read your experience with that

Edit, shouldn't have been typing whilst trying to close my piano lid (is that what it's called?) with one hand. Safe to say I dropped it on my thumb. Fortunately it was already halfway down but it still hurt 😭 Haven't even gotten a bruise! 

Ouch! Sorry to hear that, those lids are heavier than they look! Girl of many talents! I'd love to play piano!🙂 

I might give that challenge a go!  Have to start a new thread though! This one is a little bit long already for some reason😁  but you could always post the gizmo pic on here as a tribute to Astrid?🤣

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