Correct translation


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Eh... I've been meaning to go over every suggestion here and share my thoughts on all of them. Why not do it now?

On 1/28/2022 at 10:50 AM, Tradus said:

1. Both green, freshly cut trees have the same error. Maple and Birch.


Two identical lines.

This one is still there, easily fixed by simply removing the repeating part of the text.

On 1/28/2022 at 10:50 AM, Tradus said:

2. If you go to the magazine to find the "history of bygone days", then there, you can find a "wooden log!" Instead of "history of bygone days". Is this some kind of joke?


If you enter a query in Google for the word "log", then we get nothing more than a saw cut tree without knots.


Okay, that one is phrased really weird, so let me paraphrase.

In your journal there's a tab called "log" and it's translated as "бревно", if you were to put the word "бревно" through google translate it would, indeed, say "log", so what's the problem? The problem is that it's the wrong kind of log. A wooden log. The word that should be used here is "дневник"

On 1/28/2022 at 10:50 AM, Tradus said:

3. Old Man's Beard Wound Dressing translated as: "old hanging moss bandage"


So, I did a bit of research, and it turns out that the russian name for this kind of lichen is "лесная борода" (the beard of the forest). 


This means, "Old man's beard lichen" should be translated as "Лесная борода", and "Old man's beard wound dressing" should be translated as "Повязка из лесной бороды".

On 1/28/2022 at 10:00 PM, Tradus said:

In Russian translation it is called "Shotgun". Although the correct translation is: "Hunting Rifle".
The difference is that the Shotgun has a smooth barrel while the Hunting Rifle has a rifled barrel.


I completely disagree with this one. In the game this weapon is called "Hunting rifle", which is translated as "Охотничье ружье". Apparently, @Tradus wants it to be called "охотничья винтовка". I GUESS it would be more specific, but the translation we have now is not wrong. "Ружьё" can have both smooth and rifled barrel. Basically, every "винтовка" is a "ружьё", but not every "ружьё" is a "винтовка". Also, I have no idea, why he mentioned a shotgun, "shotgun" in russian is "дробовик", not "ружьё".
I feel like there's a lot of auto-translate going on in this comment, which makes it really hard to decipher.

On 1/29/2022 at 1:21 AM, Tradus said:

The fourth episode was recently released - and then the "Blackrock" location was added to the survival mode. But even here, the translators made a mistake. Grammar error. They translated Blackrock as "Черный камень".

In Russian there is no word "Черный", there is a word "Чёрный".

It's like spelling Blackrock with an "o" Blockrock.




On 1/29/2022 at 2:13 AM, Tradus said:

Grammar errors which are simple, very, very many. Everywhere possible, the "similar" but not correct letter "e Е" is used instead of the letter "ё Ё".



Maple Sapling - has a grammatical error in translation.


Birch Sapling Green - there are 2 grammatical translation errors.


It is common for Е to be used instead of Ё, so I wouldn't call it a mistake. It would still be nice for the game to use Ё.

On 1/31/2022 at 4:40 PM, Ghurcb said:

My favourite. Light sources!





I have no idea why the names of all the light sources are translated so terribly. I guess, it started when "Flare" got translated as "Факел" (russian for torch).

Anyway, for the convenience of translation team...

(English name) - (Current translation) -> (Correct translation)
Marine Flare - Морские фальшфейеры -> Морской фальшфейер
Flare - Факел -> Фальшфейер
Torch - Фонарь -> Факел
Storm lantern - Аварийный фонарь -> Штормовой фонарь / Походная лампа

On 2/5/2022 at 5:31 AM, Kycko said:

@Admin I think you need localization testers. 🤔 Seems like you haven't. 

It really does...

On 2/5/2022 at 5:31 AM, Kycko said:

1) "Выжившего" → "Персонаж" or "Выживший": the word "выжившего" has bad ending. There's no such endings in English. It's used only in such phrases as "It's that survivor's gear" – "Это инструмент того выжившего".

screen [2022-02-05] [01-44-32].png

Yeah, I'd go with "выживший", as in english it says "survivor", and it's better to stay as close to the original as possible. If I were to guess, it says "Выжившего", because this line is reused from somewhere else in the game, where this grammatical case fits better, but I don't remember where specifically. It might be VERY difficult to fix this mistake, if this is the case.

On 2/5/2022 at 5:31 AM, Kycko said:

2) "Местоположение" → "Место": difficult and long word, can be replaced with simple "место".

screen [2022-02-05] [01-44-32].png

Ehhh... No... "Местоположение" fits here well enough, I wouldn't change it.

On 2/5/2022 at 5:31 AM, Kycko said:

3) "...Усталось снизится, а если вы здоровы, здоровье восстановится." → "Вы отдохнёте и восстановите здоровье.": current phrase means "your condition will recover if you have full 100% condition".

screen [2022-02-05] [01-48-57].png

Actually, the underlined part means "And if you are healthy, your health will recover", which still makes no sense, as it uses the same word, where it's supposed to mean different things. What it's supposed to mean is "You will recover your health if you aren't sick", russian for that would be "и если вы не больны, ваше здоровье восстановится".

On 2/5/2022 at 5:31 AM, Kycko said:

4) "Закрывать" → "Закрыть": another bad ending.

screen [2022-02-05] [01-48-57].png

Yup. "Закрывать" means "To be closing", but what you need is the perfect form "Закрыть"

On 2/5/2022 at 5:31 AM, Kycko said:

5)"калории" → "калорий": I've checked all the places with this word. It will be better to have an ending "й".

screen [2022-02-05] [01-52-20].png

Idk... In this example the word "Калории", fits fine. It's like "Калории: 1936". If it said "1936 калории", then yeah, the form "Калорий", would be better. This line is used throughout the game, and if you change this instance every other will change too, so it's safer to use the nominative case (именительный падеж).

On 2/5/2022 at 5:31 AM, Kycko said:

6)"Возьми" → "В рюкзак" or "Взять", "Не трогай." → "Не брать", "Съешь это" → "Съесть", "Выпей это" → "Выпить", "Собери это" → "Собрать": another bad endings. Also you can see very strange dot in "Не трогай."

screen [2022-02-05] [01-50-55].png

Here the translation team used imperative forms instead of infinitive ones. For example, "съешь это" means "eat this", when it's supposed to be the infinitive "eat". Yeah, russian language has a bunch of different cases and forms. I'll put it this way, what we have now sounds like an objective, or a command that you give to your survivor, but it should sound like different options that you can choose. Here's an example




In english, in all those situation the same form is used "Find", "Chase", "Save". But in russian they have to be different. If the imperative form was used in the second picture (like in TLD), it would seem like you have two conflicting objectives, when in reality, you have to choose one of the two conflicting options.

On 2/5/2022 at 11:53 AM, Ghurcb said:





Aaaand, here's a bunch of other mistakes that weren't fixed. I think, there's no need to elaborate on them except for the whole Jackrabbit/Jackalope situation.

Jackrabbit in russian is "Заяц", which is the same as just "Rabbit", but "Rabbit remote transport" doesn't have the same ring to it (neither does "Воздушная служба Зайца"). "Воздушная служба Острова Рогатого Зайца" (Horned rabbit / Jackalope Island remote transport) DOES sound better. But it's just wrong. There's no island, and the rabbit in the logo has no antlers/horns, it makes no sense.

So here's my idea - "Воздушная служба серого зайца" (Grey rabbit remote transport). It's close to the original, sounds nice, and doesn't contradict anything in game.

Edited by Ghurcb
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