Rough loot quantities on stalker(ish*) at 100% discovery of Great Bear Island


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I have started a custom game mostly with stalker settings and did a full exploration of all regions.

Stalker(ish*) means that i set empty container chance modifier from medium to none. Means there are just not additional empty containers. But there are still alot of empty ones. So keep that in mind. Its not absolute Stalker there.

One thing to be aware of is that i did set the length of day multiplier to 3x, which makes it significant easier, but gave me the opportunity to discover all the Great Bear Island regions in only slightly under 300 days. Means that at vanilla 1x i would have needed roughly 900 days one could say. But realistically certainly more than 900 days because its getting harder at 1x. I would estimate about 1000 days with my playstyle to discover all Great Bear Island regions at 1x lenght of day multi. I play slow but safe.

Now the next thing to be aware of is that i certainly have not found 100% of all loot. I guess its at least 90% up to 95% of all loot. But in average.

Last thing is that i will only give you rough numbers on many items just to make it easier to me to present and for you to get the rough grasp of quantities. Those quantities you can read with a +- 5% up to +-10% more or less. Not counted in that, as i wrote above, didnt find 100% loot. Additionally i will not give numbers for some items because i just cant give numbers. For example ropes, broken arrows, paint spray or such.

Very last thing: The higher the number the more rounded up or rounded down it will be. Smaller numbers are more likely to be exact.

So take it with a grain of salt.

Lets start.



7 x Hammers

24 x Prybars

16 x Hacksaws

33 x Hatchets

21 x Hunting knives

30 x Can openers

50 x Sewing kits

20 x Weapon cleaning kits

24 x Whetstones

24 x Pots

15 x Simple tools

15 x Quality tools

2 x Improvised hunting knives

1 x Improvised hatchet



5 x Mag lenses

750 x Matches

800 x Wooden matches

9 x Firestrikers



70 x Maple saplings

110 x Birch saplings (= 330 Arrow shafts)

14 x Hunting rifles

100 x Hunting rifle ammo

10 x Revolver

300 x Revolver ammo

3 x Flare guns

15 x Flare gun ammo



190 x leather (including all harvested ones from boots i dont need)

1500 x cloth (including all harvested ones from clothing i dont need and all curtains of all kind where i dont need to use knive, only by hand)



35 x Storm lanterns

120 x Flares (red)

30 x Marine flares (blue)

50 x Lantern fuel (cannot say how much fuel but the amount of the cans)

13 x Jerry cans (same as above)


FOOD, DRINKS and MEDS (some are missing because i forgot to make a note):

210 x Sodas of all kind

15 x Go energy drinks

24 x Condensed milk

40 x Tomato soup

59 x Chocolate bars

51 x Granola bars

45 x Ketchup chips

50 x Salty crackers

65 x Energy bars

60 x Beef jerky

85 x Can of sardines

9 x Airline food of all kind

34 x MRE

40 x Dog food

970 x Reishi mushrooms (if prepared = 485 cups of tea)

1800 x Cat tail stalks

150 x Herbal teas

160 x Coffee

40 x Water purification tablets

230 x Rosehip teas (230 x 24 for raw)

650 x Lichen (unprepared, /3 for Lichen bandage)

40 x Antiseptics


Again, some is missing, some will be not very accurate, but some is. Some could be all there was, some i certainly did not see and found.

But it makes a very ok-ish rough picture of quantities on a slightly below Stalker loot setting.

I hope it helps someone to have at least some rough numbers to make decissions about difficulty loot adjustments or whatever you can make out of this numbers.

If you have questions about something specific, let me know.

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Big ups for following through on your commitment, that must have taken a long, long time :) I did something similar on interloper a while back but it must have taken you so much longer with the abundance of loot on Stalker. Any chance you kept the skill books? Would be interesting to know how many there were. I found 46 on loper.

Was curious how the loot in your playthrough in custom stalker compared to my interloper run pre AC and BRM. Hope you don't mind that I made a comparison below, in hidden content (in order to not hijack your post :)). None of our numbers are exact but it's still kind of cool to see some aspects of the perceived differences in difficulty level in plain figures.

custom stalker
interloper run pre AC and BRM

Cattails: 1314 vs 1800

Birch saplings: 123 vs 110
Maple saplings: 60 vs 70

Can openers: 6 vs 30
Cooking pots: 17 vs 24
Hacksaws: 8 vs 16
Hammers: 4 vs 7
Marine flares: 11 vs 30
Prybars: 11 vs 24
Simple tools: 8 vs 15
Storm lanterns: 5 vs 15
Whetstones: 9 vs 24

Stuff that lights up the long dark
Firestrikers: 3 vs 9
Magnifying glasses: 3 vs 5
Matches: 27  matchboxes vs 1550 matches

Food and drinks
Beef jerky: 17 vs 60
Chocolate bar: 22 vs 59
Coffee: 38 vs 160
Dog food: 10 vs 40
Granola bar: 19 vs 51
Herbal tea: 32 vs 150
Ketchup chips: 6 vs 45
Tin of sardines: 47 vs 85
Tomato soup: 12 vs 40
Salty crackers: 13 vs 50
Soda: 13 vs 210

Old man’s beard lichen: 725 vs 650 lichen
Reishi mushrooms: 375 vs 485 mushroom tea
Rosehips: 144 vs 230 batches of rose hip tea
Water purification tablets: 8 vs 40

Cloth: 968 vs 1500 (both figures including curtains and clothes it seems though cloth from furniture seem unclear)
Leather: 61 vs 190

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Thank you. Of course i dont mind. The opposite is true. I am very glad that someone did that too. This is amazing to have comparisons about that. Thank you for that.

About the books. Well you got me there. I was totally unaware of counting the books. I totally forgot. I was eating them alive so to speak. Even worse, as i was hitting lvl 5 of all skills, i burned them. Shame on me. I even will not be able to guess how much.

About the time to do this. It was not really difficult because, first this was 3x length of day multiplier, means i needed close to 300 days but it was not that much in real time then because of that. Second, most of the items i just stored away at one base (PV) and then i just looked in my rock caches and the storages in my main base where i first gathered them together, and counted them. But i didnt have the intention to count anything at first for the commnutiy. Only later i was thinking to do that. Because first i wanted to have multiple bases (PV + ML + CH) and wanted to have homogen spread out those items on my different bases. Then only i came to the idea to have those numbers to give to the community to be able to have a grasp of quantities.

To get into some details as example about my numbers: i wondered why there are so much quality tools in comparison to simple tools. I didnt expect to find about the same numbers. I expected to have alot more simple tools than quality tools. Or another case are rifles and revolvers. It was 14:10 rifles to revolvers. Didnt expect that either. Because the chance i just didnt find a couple of revolvers more is low. Means it seams to be just the randomness then i believe. Or storm lanterns. 35! wth. And so on.

Thank you again that you did about the same thing on interloper. This is awesome.

I will now read through your numbers and i am very exciting about that. Eventually there will be a little discussion about this.

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Harvestable plant availability is set to "high" in both stalker and interloper templates.  Therefore, the number of cat tails, rose hips, reshi mushrooms, and saplings should be approximately the same.  I suspect the differences shown here are just due to random chance factors or the difference in timing between the two runs being compared.

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42 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

Harvestable plant availability is set to "high" in both stalker and interloper templates.  Therefore, the number of cat tails, rose hips, reshi mushrooms, and saplings should be approximately the same.  I suspect the differences shown here are just due to random chance factors or the difference in timing between the two runs being compared.

Good point. He got 2 less regions to explore that run in the past. Plus your point about random chance.

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Applaudable results @Strelok but why didn't you just play on straight up vanilla Stalker mode?
I'm also curious if you discovered and included  the extra loot found in all the prepper's caches, 3 now available in game with the new BlackRock region?
Also, what surprised you as to your findings?  Was there anything that gave you an "ah ha" moment?  



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6 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

Applaudable results @Strelok but why didn't you just play on straight up vanilla Stalker mode?
I'm also curious if you discovered and included  the extra loot found in all the prepper's caches, 3 now available in game with the new BlackRock region?
Also, what surprised you as to your findings?  Was there anything that gave you an "ah ha" moment?  



Why worry about whether or not he's playing of vanilla Stalker mode?  I would think the comparison of loot available at different baselines would be most accurate if all the settings apart from those that directly control loot drops were set to Pilgrim levels... eliminating the consumption of said items to repair damage done by predators and the "distraction" of having to fight off said predators (thereby ensuring more thorough looting of the maps).

A further proof of concept that the custom menu settings are essentially the same as the standard ones could be a single-zone comparison between, say, an interloper run started from the main menu and another started from the custom menu (although the random nature of some drops and spawns within individual zones would skew these results).

That said, changing the empty container modifier almost certainly had an impact on these results.  Changing the container density also has an impact, although there is no indication whether this was done or not.  The current state of corpses despawning may also have an effect on the rates of "loose items" found in the game since the location of these items and their related corpses may not be given away by congregations of crows; and may, therefore, result in several loose items not being located by the player(s).

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50 minutes ago, piddy3825 said:

no worries, just a question.  you even supplied your own answer.  thanks for throwing your two cents worth in the pot.

Well, to expand... I feel that the "stresses" of dealing with predators with differing behaviors at the two different standard difficulties does more to skew the impression of how much loot is really out there than changing the empty container modifier.  As I said, the most accurate result would likely come from negating the predator threat entirely and enable the person running the test comparison to focus solely on looting the maps thoroughly.  The difference created by changing the empty container modifier is somewhat predictable... moving the slider to a higher setting (i.e. increasing the chance of empty containers) lowers the amount of loot generated on the map at any difficulty level; decreasing it has the reverse affect).  What is unknown by the players (i.e. only known by Hinterlands) is by what percentage it changes per each notch on the slider... each custom menu item most likely merely substituting a different numerical value (in percent) into the appropriate formula in the code.  If moving that single slider one notch in either direction only changes the percentage chance of that single variable by, say, 1%, the resultant skew in the data would be entirely insignificant... compared with, say, a player doing the looting in interloper weather conditions while avoiding areas with bears or moose or timberwolves and then doing the test in better weather conditions armed with a rifle and not worrying about avoiding said areas.

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2 hours ago, piddy3825 said:

@UpUpAway95  your preaching to the choir, I can appreciate your enthusiam regarding the subject but
why dont we just wait and let op respond when he gets around to it?

I don't know why you seem to be upset.  The OP can respond.  My question (which you say I answered myself) was rhetorical and scientific... merely pointing out that one really needs ot isolate the changes to individual sliders to truly understand their effects on the question at hand... which was really - How much loot is out there to find?  Comparing stalker to interloper is like comparing apples to oranges.  There are simply too many uncontrolled variables at hand.

The situation is illustrated in my first comment - plant availability in stalker and interloper is set to the same level - "high."  However, the data here show significant differences in the amounts of plants found in interloper and in the custom stalker run.  Why?

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On 1/26/2022 at 3:50 AM, Strelok said:

I have started a custom game mostly with stalker settings and did a full exploration of all regions.

Stalker(ish*) means that i set empty container chance modifier from medium to none. Means there are just not additional empty containers. But there are still alot of empty ones. So keep that in mind. Its not absolute Stalker there.

One thing to be aware of is that i did set the length of day multiplier to 3x, which makes it significant easier, but gave me the opportunity to discover all the Great Bear Island regions in only slightly under 300 days. Means that at vanilla 1x i would have needed roughly 900 days one could say. But realistically certainly more than 900 days because its getting harder at 1x. I would estimate about 1000 days with my playstyle to discover all Great Bear Island regions at 1x lenght of day multi. I play slow but safe.

Now the next thing to be aware of is that i certainly have not found 100% of all loot. I guess its at least 90% up to 95% of all loot. But in average.

Last thing is that i will only give you rough numbers on many items just to make it easier to me to present and for you to get the rough grasp of quantities. Those quantities you can read with a +- 5% up to +-10% more or less. Not counted in that, as i wrote above, didnt find 100% loot. Additionally i will not give numbers for some items because i just cant give numbers. For example ropes, broken arrows, paint spray or such.

Very last thing: The higher the number the more rounded up or rounded down it will be. Smaller numbers are more likely to be exact.

So take it with a grain of salt.

Lets start.



7 x Hammers

24 x Prybars

16 x Hacksaws

33 x Hatchets

21 x Hunting knives

30 x Can openers

50 x Sewing kits

20 x Weapon cleaning kits

24 x Whetstones

24 x Pots

15 x Simple tools

15 x Quality tools

2 x Improvised hunting knives

1 x Improvised hatchet



5 x Mag lenses

750 x Matches

800 x Wooden matches

9 x Firestrikers



70 x Maple saplings

110 x Birch saplings (= 330 Arrow shafts)

14 x Hunting rifles

100 x Hunting rifle ammo

10 x Revolver

300 x Revolver ammo

3 x Flare guns

15 x Flare gun ammo



190 x leather (including all harvested ones from boots i dont need)

1500 x cloth (including all harvested ones from clothing i dont need and all curtains of all kind where i dont need to use knive, only by hand)



35 x Storm lanterns

120 x Flares (red)

30 x Marine flares (blue)

50 x Lantern fuel (cannot say how much fuel but the amount of the cans)

13 x Jerry cans (same as above)


FOOD, DRINKS and MEDS (some are missing because i forgot to make a note):

210 x Sodas of all kind

15 x Go energy drinks

24 x Condensed milk

40 x Tomato soup

59 x Chocolate bars

51 x Granola bars

45 x Ketchup chips

50 x Salty crackers

65 x Energy bars

60 x Beef jerky

85 x Can of sardines

9 x Airline food of all kind

34 x MRE

40 x Dog food

970 x Reishi mushrooms (if prepared = 485 cups of tea)

1800 x Cat tail stalks

150 x Herbal teas

160 x Coffee

40 x Water purification tablets

230 x Rosehip teas (230 x 24 for raw)

650 x Lichen (unprepared, /3 for Lichen bandage)

40 x Antiseptics


Again, some is missing, some will be not very accurate, but some is. Some could be all there was, some i certainly did not see and found.

But it makes a very ok-ish rough picture of quantities on a slightly below Stalker loot setting.

I hope it helps someone to have at least some rough numbers to make decissions about difficulty loot adjustments or whatever you can make out of this numbers.

If you have questions about something specific, let me know.

You must have so much patience to go to all that trouble! What can I say but bravo to you!

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Today, I have started two separate runs in Broken Railroad only.  Both saves are identical except for the Baseline Resources setting... one save is on Medium and the other is on Low.  Animals are passive in both saves and all the weather settings are identical (so that I can fully concentrate on collecting all of the available plants in the zone.  Harvestable Plant availability is set on "high" in both saves.  I am counting only the harvestable planets for these two runs.   So far, both amounts are nearly identical, showing that between interloper and stalker, there should be no appreciable difference in rose hips, reshis, cat tails, lichens, or saplings.  Of course, more than two comparable runs would be required to definitively isolate this single parameter.   After this is done, I plan to repeat the study changing only the harvestable plant availability parameter - one pair of saives on Baseline Medium and another on Baseline Low.  I'll report actual counts when I'm done all six runs.

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On 1/26/2022 at 5:02 PM, manolitode said:

Was curious how the loot in your playthrough in custom stalker compared to my interloper run pre AC and BRM.

@UpUpAway95I think its this one which contributes to the difference in plants. AC is plenty of cat tail stalks and BRM is not few either. And furthermore i dont know how decisive manolitode was to find all of them. I searched for plants like an fanatic. I even went to look twice sometimes. Especially mushrooms and cat tail stalks. Only the comparison of old beard's lichen quantities are somewhat strange in that regard.

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11 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

Changing the container density also has an impact, although there is no indication whether this was done or not.

I didnt. Only empty container mulitplier was changed in regards to loot settings.

But to clarify again. This was not a run to elaborate numbers for comparison on difficulties in the first place. That only came to mind after i explored and looted all regions. But as i was so decisive to find all, i am quite certain that i found around 95% of loot. And furthermore i was gathering it all in one place where i can make notes where and how much i want to distribute my loot to my multiple main bases. At that point i was thinking of doing a sharing of numbers here.

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7 hours ago, Leeanda said:

You must have so much patience to go to all that trouble! What can I say but bravo to you!

Thank you 🙂. But why do you think that it was trouble?  I just wanted to play a custom game and want all the goodies and discover every location. And after that it actually took me only 30 min to run down the numbers of the loot in my base in PV + 5 rock caches filled up and sorted. 3x lenght of day multiplier allowed me to do all this looting and exploring in a reasonable time. So no big trouble at all. The only trouble is that i found out that its more loot as i expected and much easier because of both lenght of day x3 and loot settings. So next time i will try another custom game with 2x lenght of day and stalker loot closest to interloper. Additionally i will use mods, especially the mod called Extreme Temperature Drop. There i can set the maximum Temperature drop to something like -25°C or even -30°C 🥶 (-20 is interloper). And eventually i use Animal Behavior mod to experiment with bears 🐻 charge at 100m just for fun.

The reason to use mods for me is that i would like to have more than 1x length of day multiplier but still challenging. With vanilla settings i cannot achieve that. So i have to use mods to make it more challenging while keeping length of day above 1x. 4x and 3x now i can say is really too easy. And it feels a bit off in regard of balance. As someone wrote about it: 2x could be the sweat spot if you dont like 1x.

The first game was vanilla voyager 500 days. Then i did a 4x lenght of day custom which i stopped soon because of other settings i didnt like. Then i started this 3x custom with some harsher settings.

The main conclusion for me is, that it is not the loot settings which is the most challenging thing. Its the lenght of day multi which is crucial. But i dont like the 1x. So i have to try further setups to get my balanced game.

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On 1/27/2022 at 5:45 AM, piddy3825 said:

I'm also curious if you discovered and included  the extra loot found in all the prepper's caches, 3 now available in game with the new BlackRock region?

Yes i found them all. But that was really not easy. Weeks for only that.

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On 1/27/2022 at 5:45 AM, piddy3825 said:

Also, what surprised you as to your findings?  Was there anything that gave you an "ah ha" moment?  


Eventually i dont understand what you mean by that. But if you have found 14 rifles or 35 storm lanterns, then you start scratching your head. Or what you do mean?

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12 hours ago, UpUpAway95 said:

Well, to expand... I feel that the "stresses" of dealing with predators with differing behaviors at the two different standard difficulties does more to skew the impression of how much loot is really out there than changing the empty container modifier.

This i dont understand. Can you explain further?

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Here are my counts count for Broken Railroad Only:

Broken Railroad Only:  Save 1 - Baseline Resources Medium, Harvestable Plant Availability High (i.e. same as Stalker settings):  176 Rose Hips (i.e. /24 = 7 1/3 teas); 41 Reshi mushrooms (i.e. /2 = 20.5 teas), 34 lichen (i.e. /3 = 11 1/3 dressings), 4 maple saplings, 4 birch saplings, 90 cat tails.  Save 2 - Baseline Resources Low, Harvestable Plant Availability High (i.e. same as Interloper settings):  176 Rose Hips (i.e. /24 = 7 1/3 teas); 36 Reshi mushrooms (i.e. /2 = 18 teas), 37 lichen (i.e. /3 = 12 1/3 dressings); 2 maple saplings, 5 birch saplings, 100 cat tails.

I did not count other items since I was focusing on the plants and eating whatever other foods I found.  A few interesting things though - the Heavy Hammer spawned inside the zone on both Baseline settings (something that has very rarely happened at any other time I've starting in Broken Railroad at any difficulty setting).  With baseline at medium, I found 5 tins of coffee and 3 jugs of maple syrup, along with 2 sets of snow pants and 2 cowichan sweaters.  I don't think I've ever been that fortunate finding clothing in that zone before.  Zone by zone, the random loot is probably just too variable to derive meaningful data unless 100s of saves are tested.

ETA:  I also forgot to mention - with Baseline Resources Low I found a Mackinaw jacket and 3 stims in the zone.  Very lucky night for loot - I should buy a Lotto ticket.

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5 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

Here are my counts count for Broken Railroad Only:

Broken Railroad Only:  Save 1 - Baseline Resources Medium, Harvestable Plant Availability High (i.e. same as Stalker settings):  176 Rose Hips (i.e. /24 = 7 1/3 teas); 41 Reshi mushrooms (i.e. /2 = 20.5 teas), 34 lichen (i.e. /3 = 11 1/3 dressings), 4 maple saplings, 4 birch saplings, 90 cat tails.  Save 2 - Baseline Resources Low, Harvestable Plant Availability High (i.e. same as Interloper settings):  176 Rose Hips (i.e. /24 = 7 1/3 teas); 36 Reshi mushrooms (i.e. /2 = 18 teas), 37 lichen (i.e. /3 = 12 1/3 dressings); 2 maple saplings, 5 birch saplings, 100 cat tails.

I did not count other items since I was focusing on the plants and eating whatever other foods I found.  A few interesting things though - the Heavy Hammer spawned inside the zone on both Baseline settings (something that has very rarely happened at any other time I've starting in Broken Railroad at any difficulty setting).  With baseline at medium, I found 5 tins of coffee and 3 jugs of maple syrup, along with 2 sets of snow pants and 2 cowichan sweaters.  I don't think I've ever been that fortunate finding clothing in that zone before.  Zone by zone, the random loot is probably just too variable to derive meaningful data unless 100s of saves are tested.

Could it be possible that you think that Baseline Recources have an effect on Harvastable Plants Availability? Because the numbers give me the impression that it doesnt matter. And if so, its marginal.

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@Strelok Again, your enthusiasm in looting all is highly contagious :) about the skillbooks, maybe next time? What made me curious to collect skills books to begin with was to examine how high one could level up certain skills from reading skill books alone (such as gunsmithing in loper, I've reached 4/5 if I remember correctly).
35 storm lanterns indeed, wow. And yes, I've also noted the high number of quality tools that we get, it sort of takes away the challenge when finding a red toolbox early in each run. I'm not sure the difference in amount of tools such as hacksaw, hammer or lantern matters at all for most players. You'll still find one tool of each fairly early on and hopefully take good care of it in order to preserve it. What matters more is the huge difference in matches, roughly about 5x the amount of matches in your stalker game compared to the interloper run. Though a little less if we take into account the 2 missing regions in my playthrough. The problem that this means for some players is being discussed elsewhere on the forum.
As for natural resources, when I made the compilation I estimated a +-5% to all numbers. But I was very thorough and would think that the cattails number was rather accurate, though surely not perfect. The number of cattails isn't fixed with settings. Hinterland has stated:
Cat tails have a random spawn which changes with each new game. Also, depending on the time you played, more cat tails may have appeared. Because of these factors, we're unable to give you an accurate count of how many cat tails spawn in any given session. About sapling, I would have hoped that they gave interloper players a small boost but that's just wishful thinking :)

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8 hours ago, Strelok said:

Could it be possible that you think that Baseline Recources have an effect on Harvastable Plants Availability? Because the numbers give me the impression that it doesnt matter. And if so, its marginal.

Possible - yes.  Needs more tests to really confirm anything.

Broken Railroad Save 3 - Baseline Resources Medium, Harvestable Plant Availability Medium - 120 Rose Hips (/24 = 5 teas), 27 Reshi mushrooms (/2 = 12.5 teas), 27 lichens (/3 = 9 dressings); 76 cat tails, 4 maple saplings and 4 birch saplings.  Changing the Harvestable Plant Availability does have an effect, but it is doubtful that the Baseline Resource setting has any effect, with the possible exception of saplings which may be controlled by baseline resource setting rather than harvestable plant setting.

I'm still not doing precise counting of other loot, but impressions are that it is highly variable from previous two saves even though all those loot settings are identical for all three saves.  Impossible to see any sort of consistency at this point.  Of note - no heavy hammer this save, only 1 tin of coffee, only 1 cowichan sweater and 1 pair of snow pants.  Only 1 tin of coffee, no stims in either save where Baseline Resources was medium.  In addition, both a rifle and a bow (and 2 arrows) were found in this save that were not found iin the previous Baseline Medium save.  The revolver was found both times.

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