Fuel not adding to fire when first chosen?


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Hi maybe this is known already but I’ve started having a problem when I choose a fuel to add to the fire and it doesn’t happen, the cursor just jumps back to the top item in fuel list, if I choose the fuel item again it does add. Mildly annoying but if it’s not a known issue I’ll make a bug report

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I suspect that I have experienced what I think might be the same problem elsewhere.


When I open a menu using the "i" key, (PC), the top left box on the array is automatically selected.  If I then rush in  selecting the box in the array that I wish to chose and press my mouse button, I get the first auto selected box.  It seems like a timing problem.  Perhaps it takes a little time, more time than we are used to,  for the "i" key array of boxes to be fully implemented.  It might be that when we press our "i" key the top left box is still active.

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I have this problem on PC playing with an XBox controller.

It seems to happen on indoor stoves but not campfires.

Steps to reproduce

  • Click Add Fuel
  • Scroll down to fuel of choice and select
  • The fuel chosen won't be added to fire and the interface will scroll back to the top of the list of fuels
  • Scroll down to fuel again and select
  • This time it is added.

Happens every time on an indoor stove for me.


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