Kranium's list


Recommended Posts

  1. Ability to step over larger objects (eg. logs)
  2. Why can't I fill up on water at open water spots? (eg. waterfalls, ice fishing hole) Can make it cost something, like wet gloves and/or frostbite risk to hands, parasites (google "beaver fever").
  3. Pain killers are OP IMO. Make them take time to work, and/or have them make you drowsy while they're working. Also shouldn't be targeted!
  4. Candles
  5. Cross-country skis & snowshoes, maybe toboggans (hauling gear) [ties into candles: use for ski wax, which is needed to maintain; less ski wax, slower/use more energy]
  6. Lower/raise backpack via rope at rope climbs, lightens your load. Saves energy, costs time. (As a mountain scrambler IRL, the rope climbing cost re: sleep is kind of ludicrous)
  7. Alcohol. Pass time while drinking, cures cabin fever, risks sprains, maybe costs temperature. Possible crafting ingredient (disinfectant, accelerant, painkiller)
  8. Cougars. (no, not like my aunt)
  9. Bone tools
  10. Snow depth as a mobility factor.
  11. Snowblindness, and sunglasses. (craftable) see this wiki
  12. I also want bread so I can use toasters during an aurora, because I love toast.

That is all for now.

Edited by Kranium
forgot candle bit
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These are all sensible things but people tend to forget that TLD is not a survival simulator, it's a survival emulator. The game is designed in such a way that you feel the stress of a survival situation without simulating it and the mechanics go hand in hand to enforce a survival thinking. That's probably why we can't lower backpacks down a cliff for example, it would make travelling around much easier and skew the "pros & cons" question of how much to pack. And with hide bag, crampons and well fed you already have a very comfortable cusion of 45kg you can carry down a rope, if you pack even more than that, you're mind has not reached a survivor state yet ;)

The same goes for the idea of filling up bottles in waterfalls and such - yes it would make sense but again, you wouldn't have to think much about how much water to pack and if you should waste a match just for melting snow.

And the ability to step over logs would probably lead to a complete rework of the world because many locations are only reachable one-way by design. So from the above list I would only agree with 8 and maybe 10, though we already have head-winds as a limit to mobility. I fear that the other things on the list would turn TLD more towards a simulator while lessening the emulator aspect of it. Well except for toast, toast makes everything better :D

Edited by ChillPlayer
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Well I will say that I post this more as a wish list for TLD2. And I'd definitely like more of a simulator than emulator, however, it's possible to balance everything out either way.


I can't see any big changes in TLD outside of new areas & a few more new items that are little more than tweaks to already existing ones. (excluding mods, I haven't bothered yet, not until I get too bored)


Also, we have peanut butter. It requires toast. 😁

Edited by Kranium
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Beans: +5°C warmth when consumed before sleep because of Dutch Oven effect; duration 6 hours.


OK seriously: cougars only come out at night. Silent unless running, stalking behaviour, can bee seen from a distance if equipped with a light source via glowing eyes, light also works like flares on wolves. Attack: cutscene like bear/moose; Result: no broken bones, lower risk of sprain, higher lacerations/blood loss & way higher clothing damage.



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Guest jeffpeng
3 hours ago, Kranium said:

Also, we have peanut butter. It requires toast. 😁


Peanut butter is pretty much the only food that requires nothing at all as it is in itself a nutritionally complete meal. Other food requires peanut butter. That being said: yes, toast please.


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19 minutes ago, jeffpeng said:


Peanut butter is pretty much the only food that requires nothing at all


Akshually, I say it at least requires a spoon. A big one, in my case. Yummers!


(full disclosure: I normally pack a small jar of peanut butter for my backpacking trips. And a spoon.)

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Guest jeffpeng

Not sure that in the most dire of circumstances a spoon is required. But it kinda keeps up the illusion of being civilized - I agree. 😄 And yes, I used to smuggle in peanut butter for military survival training back in the day. Keeps you on your feet and your spirits high.

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Guest jeffpeng
3 hours ago, Leeanda said:

You can use the peanut butter to distract the wolves... One tiny bit on their nose or tongue and they'll be so busy licking you can  run quite a way away! 

Used to take my dog ages to stop licking.. hilarious!🙂

There really isn't anything peanut butter can't do.


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16 hours ago, Leeanda said:

You can use the peanut butter to distract the wolves... One tiny bit on their nose or tongue and they'll be so busy licking you can  run quite a way away! 

Used to take my dog ages to stop licking.. hilarious!🙂

Throw down a jar of peanut butter to escape the wolf, come back later and there is a wolf running around with a jar on its head.

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