More animals


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I know the game is in a good spot but I'd like to make a suggestion of more animals.

I think cougars, specifically in the timber wolf mountain and ash canyon regions, would make those areas a lot more harrowing of an experience. Cougars can slowly stalk you from a distance like wolves, but faster and stronger. A little more health than a regular wolf but as ferocious as the timberwolves. They have an in between from wolves and deer regarding meat skinning. Fur can be made into a cougar skin vest and maybe pants.

Vest would grant: +7.5°F🌡️ +6.3F windproof  50%💦  12%🛡️  10%🏃 4.40lbs.

Pants would grant: +4.2F🌡️  +3F windproof  55%💦 12% 🛡️ 7%🏃 5.50lbs.

Boars could be another animal. Docile until approached, like the moose. About as much health as a deer, but gives less meat when skinning. Less abundant than deer but more so than wolves. Skin can be used to make stronger, but less warm versions of deerskin clothes.

Boarskin pants: +3F 🌡️ +3F windproof 60%💦 15%🛡️ 6%🏃 5.50lbs.

Boarskin boots: +3.6F🌡️ +3F windproof 50%💦 10%🛡️ 7%🏃5.50lbs.

I think these would be cool additions, but like I said, I know the game is in a good spot right now so it doesn't need to be added

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The sort of courgar addition I'm envisioning is an extremely smart and tenacious animal.  Only one would ever spawn somewhere/anywhere in the world and it would, if the player ever crosses its path, pursue you as tenaciously as the bear in The Hunted Challenge.  If it ever gets you in its claws, you die.  You absolutely must kill it before it can pounce, but it's wily and quick and evades arrows and bullets with great dexterity.  The zone it which it spawns is entirely random (excluding the "beginner zones" of Milton, Mystery Lake, and Coastal Highway... so the player would not be able to predict at what point in their run they'll first see cougar signs... tracks and scat.  Successfully killing the cougar would reward the player with the ability to craft a one of a kind item (up to HL).  It would be a sort of end game (much like the Enderdragon in Minecraft).

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5 hours ago, Stinky socks said:

That sounds like something I'd want to disable in my custom game😋

... and of course there would be an option to turn cougar spawns to "none."  What would be missing, in my vision, would be options to increase cougar numbers in the game... keeping it to 1 alpha predator and a unique item reward (through crafting) vs. killing off 200 of them in a run. 

Right now, and for some time, shooting bears and wolves in the face as they charge towards the player has seemed rather cheesy... for the long-term players at least who have it down to a science.   Timberwolves are slightly more interesting, but people tend to avoid them by just not going into Bleak Inlet.  An  alpha predator that follows you around the map (once it spawns in)... well, at least players would have to work a little to avoid it.  However, I agree it would not be for everyone... so definitely an option in custom to turn it off just like there's an option to turn T-wolves off.

... waits for comments about how one can't earn feats in Custom... (which is a catch-22 at the moment).

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I have made some similar idea of new animals which would be cool to add in TLD or TLD2. Plus some cool feature wich would come with the animals. I dont think its would be good to add a lot of animals with no particularity, it will just add too much life and/or decreasing the rate of actual animals (bear, wolves etc...).

But i think 1 or 2 like the squirrel or the seal could fit greatly to the game.

Let me know :)

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The obvious downside of adding a whole bunch of different animals and in making them "huntable" is that the game loses its identity as a game about surviving harsh conditions.  Players are less and less in peril of starving and have ample supplies for crafting adequate clothing and whatever other "supplies" might be had from whatever animals are introduced.  Even if the animals are not "huntable" (e.g. as the birds are currently), the world starts to really feel less stark, less lonely, and less threatening to one's well being.

If that's where other people want to go with this game, then I no longer have any objections... just give me an option to disable any or all of it in order to create whatever atmosphere and level of actual survival challenge that I find enjoyable.

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41 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

The obvious downside of adding a whole bunch of different animals and in making them "huntable" is that the game loses its identity as a game about surviving harsh conditions.  Players are less and less in peril of starving and have ample supplies for crafting adequate clothing and

I do agree, but on the other hand, what else is there to do in the wilderness if it doesn't involve hunting and crafting clothes?

One will have to resort to collecting plants, walking a lot and eating left over food. On occasion, fixing a sprain from bandage that she crafted from harvested clothes...

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2 hours ago, Stinky socks said:


I do agree, but on the other hand, what else is there to do in the wilderness if it doesn't involve hunting and crafting clothes?

One will have to resort to collecting plants, walking a lot and eating left over food. On occasion, fixing a sprain from bandage that she crafted from harvested clothes...

So, it becomes a different game... more like Fallout 4 perhaps... hoards of animals rushing the player at every turn as he mows them down now with an AK and a rapid-fire crossbow instead of an old rusty WWI-era hunting rifle and a hand-made survival bow.  If they give me the custom options I need to turn any or all of it off, perhaps then I can recapture the old feel.  BTW, trying now a predator only run... no deer or rabbits.  Still have moose.  Everything set to low spawn rate.  I gave myself a rifle and medium starting gear (bedroll and matches).  Enjoying it so far.  May actually starve a little.  Still wish hunting actually required hunting (i.e. actually having to search for an animal to shoot).

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I would also very much appreciate additional animals, both predators and prey. They could even be regional for example seals in DP to CH, beavers in ML to BR, and cougars in MT, TWM, AC, HRV. As it currently stands the only unique animals in the game are relegated to Bleak Inlet. 

I fail to see how adding more animals (both predator and prey) would make this anything like fallout 4. As it is (at least in regards to stalker and and the easier modes) surviving off the land is not difficult once a player acquires knife and or axe and a hunting weapon or fishing equip. Adding more animals would just add to the variation and ambiance as well as give the game more depth and the make it more interesting for the player. 

However, if additional animals were to be added then it would make sense that crafting should be expanded as well. As it is the crafting could already use an update. 

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On 4/30/2021 at 1:03 PM, UpUpAway95 said:

So, it becomes a different game... more like Fallout 4 perhaps... hoards of animals rushing the player at every turn as he mows them down now with an AK and a rapid-fire crossbow instead of an old rusty WWI-era hunting rifle and a hand-made survival bow.

I... I fail to see where you're going with this. Adding more animals wouldn't make it like that veen if you meant it as a joke. Of course everything in the game becomes easier when you get a rifle, but what about when you don't have that luxury? That's more animals to worry about avoiding and adds to that idea of survival at all costs. 


On 5/1/2021 at 12:40 PM, Cranky said:

Adding more animals would just add to the variation and ambiance as well as give the game more depth and the make it more interesting for the player. 

This I agree with. Currently, the only animals in the game are: Wolves, Black Bears, Moose, Deer, Rabbits, Timberwolves, And the fish. And how often do you see these animals, even with a high spawn rate? Adding more animals, even if localized, would make the game a lot more different and give the player more to do.

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23 hours ago, Bimbobjoejr. said:

I... I fail to see where you're going with this. Adding more animals wouldn't make it like that veen if you meant it as a joke. Of course everything in the game becomes easier when you get a rifle, but what about when you don't have that luxury? That's more animals to worry about avoiding and adds to that idea of survival at all costs. 


This I agree with. Currently, the only animals in the game are: Wolves, Black Bears, Moose, Deer, Rabbits, Timberwolves, And the fish. And how often do you see these animals, even with a high spawn rate? Adding more animals, even if localized, would make the game a lot more different and give the player more to do.

When I don't have a rifle, I have a bow... so, more animals, are more animals to hunt and kill, regardless of difficulty.  More predators, would make avoiding predators more difficult on any difficulty except when Animals are set to Passive (Pilgrim mode), but it would not necessarily make the game more difficult is more non-hostile animals would also cause those predators to be more frequently distracted as they hunt and feed on the non-hostile ones.  Regardless, it destroys the ambience of it being a cold, harsh, and lonely environment.  I already feel that hearing birds chirping like its springtime is a little disconnected to a -30 temperature.

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39 minutes ago, UpUpAway95 said:

I already feel that hearing birds chirping like its springtime is a little disconnected to a -30 temperature.

that's because they're crows, they don't really care. But having any weapon in the game makes it easier but having more predators would mean you use up your ammo faster, and as far as I can tell, it would take a bit to make your arrows again. Even if those predators get distracted by other prey animals, there could just as easily be another around the bend. But still, the game could have a fresh helping of new animals to at least keep the player busy, otherwise the game becomes... oh what dd he say?

On 4/30/2021 at 1:45 PM, Stinky socks said:

it's either that or a walking and plant harvesting simulator.

that's it! Survival mode needs more for the player to do, because as it stands, all you can do is hunt and walk, so more animals would bring the spice of life.

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20 minutes ago, Bimbobjoejr. said:

that's because they're crows, they don't really care. But having any weapon in the game makes it easier but having more predators would mean you use up your ammo faster, and as far as I can tell, it would take a bit to make your arrows again. Even if those predators get distracted by other prey animals, there could just as easily be another around the bend. But still, the game could have a fresh helping of new animals to at least keep the player busy, otherwise the game becomes... oh what dd he say?

that's it! Survival mode needs more for the player to do, because as it stands, all you can do is hunt and walk, so more animals would bring the spice of life.

I'm not talking about the crows.  There are many bird sounds in the game... many more now than when I first started playing.  There are song birds in the game that do chirp like its spring.  Listen and you'll hear them.  You don't necessarily use ammo faster to avoid and even repel predators.  Wolves are very easily repelled using torches and stones... so much so that Lopers I've seen on Twitch have called it an exploit.

You can add "lots" to this game... but it comes with a price... the loss of ambience.  I would also argue that adding more animals to slaughter is not add "more for the player to do" that's different in any way... it's just adding more of the same with different colored pixels.

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Those are stereotypical nighttime bird noises and that does add to the night's ambience. those are the only others that i've heard, loons and owls, not songbirds. And you talk about how torches and stones repel wolves effectively, but how would that add to other animals if implemented? Just because something works on one animal doesn't mean it'll work on everything. And it doesn't always come with a price of ambience, but sometimes will give it out.

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6 minutes ago, Bimbobjoejr. said:

Those are stereotypical nighttime bird noises and that does add to the night's ambience. those are the only others that i've heard, loons and owls, not songbirds. And you talk about how torches and stones repel wolves effectively, but how would that add to other animals if implemented? Just because something works on one animal doesn't mean it'll work on everything. And it doesn't always come with a price of ambience, but sometimes will give it out.

They do not just chirp at night.  They chirp on any remotely clear day.  Look, I've already said - give me the custom option to turn any type of animal spawn off and I have no objection.  I'll just turn them off.  I'd also like an option to turn of the birds.  Turning off the crows would make finding corpses more difficult.  I'd like to try a run where the only bird ambience are loons.

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polar bear should be the same occurance as a moose, but the catch is that it only spawns in one region, but the only region it occurs in should be randomized like loot tables and it should oneshot you but the furs should craft new pants and new boots. the pants should be +4.5C +7C windproof, 20% protection, 95% waterproof, 2.5 kg, and should cost 3 cured gut, 1 cured polar bear hide. the boots should be 4+C, 6+C windproof, 25% protection, 99% waterproof, 3kg, should cost 2 cured gut and 1 polar bear hide. the description for the pants should be: Polar bears like to take a dive in freezing cold water, wearing this you'll be ready to do so. The description for the boots should be: Tough and warm like a polar bear, almost completely waterproof!
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