Body Heat System


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Can we have a body heat system were clothing slows the rate of heat loss rather than adds heat?  I know the current model is simpler but it’s more realistic to have a hypothermia or frostbite risk even with clothing on or even heat injuries (i.e. water immersion, sweating, heat exhaustion, etc.) over the current model.

So with this, the torso would default to normal body temp at the start.  The upper arms, upper legs and head would be heated from the torso.  The lower legs and lower arms would be heated from the uppers.  Feet and hands from the lowers.  Clothing could retain heat; too much or too little.  Frostbite, hypothermia, sweat and heat injuries will be a natural result of clothing options.

Edited by Derek0311
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Please allow me to clarify:

On 10/11/2020 at 4:47 AM, ManicManiac said:

I wasn't criticizing the making of a new thread.  I was only trying to also remind folks to consider the search function as well because we've had some great conversations pertaining to the subject at hand in other previous threads as well.  :)  

Again, it's not a criticism... it's trying to refer folks to other sources pertaining to the topic of discussion.




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I'm not in anyway trying to gate keep. :D
I think that's an odd assumption, and I don't think you trying to be personally insulting is called for.
I'm simply offering up more discussions of a similar nature to consider, h
ere are some examples:


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@Admin, I know @ManicManiac has been doing this a while.  However, now this thread is a hodgepodge of a bunch of other ideas and the original thought is now lost in the sauce.  The idea is to have a way to account for heat injuries and cold injuries dispute the presence of clothing; which is different from the current system.  I guess I’ll just shut up; everything has already been thought of.  No need for a wish list; let’s have a keep it the same list.  I don’t care if anyone or everyone hates the idea.  But to clutter it with white noise and make sure it gets chocked out doesn’t seem to be fulfilling the “wish” list concept.



Edited by Derek0311
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@Admin Other suggestions are not gatekeeping, no one is arguing that is the case.  Wishlist is for players to get their ideas to Hinterland, or so I thought.  My mistake.

@ManicManiac Your MO is to post a copy paste reminder for people to read a litany of other similar thoughts (mostly your own), disagree with the opinion (the one that was trying to get to Hinterland), and then argue why it shouldn’t change.  Not only this post but others.  It’s almost as if you are placing yourself between the idea and the dev team, “gating” community content.  Which seems to make you a gatekeeper.

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@Derek0311 I think the intent behind highlighting all the times something has been suggested is being done for a different reason than you seem to think.  As an example for years there were dozens, if not hundreds of requests between here and Steam to upgrade the backpack, or in some way increase carry capacity, but the limit was always 30kg.  Then the moosehide satchel was introduced, and the extra 5kg helped but not much so the same thing kept coming up. So Well Fed was introduced...and still the requests kept coming. Now the Technical Backpack is a thing, and stacking with a satchel and Well Fed results in 50% more carry capacity than you start with. As the saying goes, the squeaky wheel gets the oil, and after a never-ending barrage of requests for more carry capacity...we got more carry capacity. The more common the ask, the more likely it will be added to the game. So pointing out that something has been asked many times in the past isn't so much saying anything like "you're unoriginal and shouldn't have posted", it's more like "a lot of other players are in agreement, here's what they had to say".

Edited by ajb1978
didn't tag the user correctly on account of whisky
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I fully take the point @ajb1978.  But I didn’t think I was posting about a previous post discussion.  I understand there were other discussions that tangential related to my post but I didn’t find a heat sinking system posted.  Sorry, I didn’t find one.  I guess my options are to search endlessly on 30k+ posts and either “like” them or keep scrolling.  Then after all other options are fully exhausted, I sheepishly, hat in hand, post an opinion, because that’s my role as a new member.  

It is never OK to bring up an old topic that was discussed a long time ago because the old thread is dead.  It is simply not done.  

Or maybe I should just play the damn game I payed for and let all community elders dictate the game I play or just stop playing if I don’t like it.

Seriously though, thanks for posting and being a mediator, but, I get it now.  I see how it works.

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