Mountaineering Rope?


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On 8/20/2020 at 4:23 AM, PrincessAutumn said:

is it possible to take a rope that's already been tied to a climbing spot?


You're fully expected to do that in some locations. Timberwolf Mountain for example allows you faster routes if you rearrange some of the ropes

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There are a few ropes deployed in ML that you can take as well. I usually climb up to the overlook near the camp offices and take the rope from there. You can carefully go down the steep hill in the direction of the railroad to get down with your newly acquired rope!

I feel your pain though. the first time I decided to hit the Bleak Inlet I got to the Ravine and only then remembered there was no rope. UGH! (mutters as she stomps back to ML)

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22 hours ago, Gracia_WolfSlayer said:

I feel your pain though. the first time I decided to hit the Bleak Inlet I got to the Ravine and only then remembered there was no rope. UGH! (mutters as she stomps back to ML)

LOL Right? I did the same exact thing and made this face -__-;; the whole way :D 

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I've had that happen in my current run.  Since I'd not taken that possibility into account... I did decide to allow for the exception by putting little extra flavor on making a run back to get the rope I needed (but didn't spawn in the area):

On 5/13/2020 at 4:58 AM, ManicManiac said:

I've been hole up in the cave near the climbing point for the last two days due to blizzards.  I took the opportunity to do a long burn through most of the bad weather.  As soon as it cleared, I collected up the charcoal and went out to finish mapping the upper portion of the Ravine while looking to see if I can find a rope for the climbing point (thusly enabling me to finish by mapping the lower part of the region). 

I searched every place I could reach, and unfortunately there was no rope...  I also backtracked all the back past the Raven Falls Trestle in the off chance that I just missed it.  Turns out the RNG was not in my favor this time.  I returned to the cave I'm using for a main encampment.

Rather than scrap the run because I wouldn't be able to finish mapping the Ravine before leaving it... I decided I would make a one time exception to that rule for this particular circumstance.  However, I wanted to make it a significant risk, so I decided to leave the rifle (as well as all other non-essentials) and take just 1 liter of water.  I decided I had to make the trip with out eating any food and only sleep if visibility was so poor that it would be just foolish to keep walking.

So that's what I did.  I marched back to Coastal Highway for as quick a round trip as I could manage.  I first made my way down the Fishing Village to make sure I didn't have an extra rope stashed someplace (which as I thought, I did not).  I did bed down due to a blizzard that hit late that evening.  I drank most of that liter of water to slow down my condition loss a little bit (I was already starving and exhausted - so I already lost a fair bit of condition).  The next morning I finished off the rest my liter of water and made a hard push for the most useless rope I could think of... The climbing point near the trailer just above the trail leading to the Silent Clearing.

On the way I double checked all the Fishing Huts in the off chance that I had absentmindedly stashed a spare rope in one of them (which I didn't, but I looked anyway just to make the endeavor a little more punishing).  I made it over to the lone Coastal House on the far side of the Coastal Townsite.  From there I made my way up to the trailer (I did have to dodge the bear a little bit... so that was thrilling :D).  I remembered from earlier that a wolf did prowl up along that switchback sometimes so I decided I would take the fatigue hit and climb the rope in order to recover it.  Once up there I would have to creep along the ridge and find a place to slide back down one of the easier slopes.  All in all it went surprisingly smoothly (there may not have even been a wolf up there but I was in no position to risk it).

As I looked over the Coastal Townsite, I noticed that there were no wolves near by.  As I suspected when I passed by on the ice earlier, it seemed that all the wolves where out on the ice by the pier.  I decided to head down and double check the Quonset Gas Station one more time as well (again just to make the trip a little harder).  Made it over the Quonset without issue, looked it over and left to follow the road back towards the fishing village.  At this point, if I got attacked by a wolf... I would have no hope of surviving.

Once I got over by The Tooth, I decided to cut back across the ice.  Surprisingly, the way was clear.  I didn't spot a wolf near the tooth, over by the abandoned car, by the Fishing Village pier, or even the bear ambling though the area.  I desired to make a beeline up the bear's usual route past Bear Creek Campground and up to the railway tunnel to get back to The Ravine once again (with the recovered rope in tow).  I was exhausted, starving, dehydrated, and my condition was getting down in the ball part of 25%-30%.  

Fortune smiled, because I still didn't see any sign of the bear.  I made it up and left for The Ravine without delay.  I was able to make it back to my main encampment before dark.  I gathered up what sticks I could find on the other side of the log bridge just in case I needed warmth (it wasn't likely, but again... I was in no position to take too many risks).

Once I got back to camp, I went over to the climbing point and attached the rope.  Weather was going from bad to worse and it looked like maybe the weather was going to dump another storm on me.  I hunkered down for the night, and ate a rabbit steak I'd prepared (while I was mapping and looking for rope I did bag two rabbits and another deer carcass by the climbing point - so at least I knew I was coming back to a decent supply of food to recover from the trip).

It was a grueling death march, but I made it. :)


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8 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

I've been hole up in the cave near the climbing point for the last two days due to blizzards.  I took the opportunity to do a long burn through most of the bad weather.  As soon as it cleared, I collected up the charcoal and went out to finish mapping the upper portion of the Ravine while looking to see if I can find a rope for the climbing point (thusly enabling me to finish by mapping the lower part of the region). 

I searched every place I could reach, and unfortunately there was no rope...  I also backtracked all the back past the Raven Falls Trestle in the off chance that I just missed it.  Turns out the RNG was not in my favor this time.  I returned to the cave I'm using for a main encampment.

Rather than scrap the run because I wouldn't be able to finish mapping the Ravine before leaving it... I decided I would make a one time exception to that rule for this particular circumstance.  However, I wanted to make it a significant risk, so I decided to leave the rifle (as well as all other non-essentials) and take just 1 liter of water.  I decided I had to make the trip with out eating any food and only sleep if visibility was so poor that it would be just foolish to keep walking.

So that's what I did.  I marched back to Coastal Highway for as quick a round trip as I could manage.  I first made my way down the Fishing Village to make sure I didn't have an extra rope stashed someplace (which as I thought, I did not).  I did bed down due to a blizzard that hit late that evening.  I drank most of that liter of water to slow down my condition loss a little bit (I was already starving and exhausted - so I already lost a fair bit of condition).  The next morning I finished off the rest my liter of water and made a hard push for the most useless rope I could think of... The climbing point near the trailer just above the trail leading to the Silent Clearing.

On the way I double checked all the Fishing Huts in the off chance that I had absentmindedly stashed a spare rope in one of them (which I didn't, but I looked anyway just to make the endeavor a little more punishing).  I made it over to the lone Coastal House on the far side of the Coastal Townsite.  From there I made my way up to the trailer (I did have to dodge the bear a little bit... so that was thrilling :D).  I remembered from earlier that a wolf did prowl up along that switchback sometimes so I decided I would take the fatigue hit and climb the rope in order to recover it.  Once up there I would have to creep along the ridge and find a place to slide back down one of the easier slopes.  All in all it went surprisingly smoothly (there may not have even been a wolf up there but I was in no position to risk it).

As I looked over the Coastal Townsite, I noticed that there were no wolves near by.  As I suspected when I passed by on the ice earlier, it seemed that all the wolves where out on the ice by the pier.  I decided to head down and double check the Quonset Gas Station one more time as well (again just to make the trip a little harder).  Made it over the Quonset without issue, looked it over and left to follow the road back towards the fishing village.  At this point, if I got attacked by a wolf... I would have no hope of surviving.

Once I got over by The Tooth, I decided to cut back across the ice.  Surprisingly, the way was clear.  I didn't spot a wolf near the tooth, over by the abandoned car, by the Fishing Village pier, or even the bear ambling though the area.  I desired to make a beeline up the bear's usual route past Bear Creek Campground and up to the railway tunnel to get back to The Ravine once again (with the recovered rope in tow).  I was exhausted, starving, dehydrated, and my condition was getting down in the ball part of 25%-30%.  

Fortune smiled, because I still didn't see any sign of the bear.  I made it up and left for The Ravine without delay.  I was able to make it back to my main encampment before dark.  I gathered up what sticks I could find on the other side of the log bridge just in case I needed warmth (it wasn't likely, but again... I was in no position to take too many risks).

Once I got back to camp, I went over to the climbing point and attached the rope.  Weather was going from bad to worse and it looked like maybe the weather was going to dump another storm on me.  I hunkered down for the night, and ate a rabbit steak I'd prepared (while I was mapping and looking for rope I did bag two rabbits and another deer carcass by the climbing point - so at least I knew I was coming back to a decent supply of food to recover from the trip).

It was a grueling death march, but I made it. :)

Man that's quite the adventure. Have you ever considered writing a book about a survivor in the apocalyptic wilderness? Because that was awesome and I'd love to read more of your experiences in-game ^_^

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"Finally Trying for Faithful Cartographer..."
For more than a year now, I've been chronicling all my adventures (and misadventures) during my personal challenge.  Folks seem to enjoy it, so I update it every time I get to play a session.

I have considered posting an "in-universe" journal of my next run.

I did previously post a survivor letter during the 2019 4DoN event (inspired by writing style of Lovecraft/Blackwood)


Edited by ManicManiac
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