Trow stuff !


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So I was finally taking my time to go up timber wolf mountain it has before been a place were I have died many silly deaths so I was filled up with stuff this time. When I finely hit the motherland on top of the mountain I was experience a problem, I cannot take all this lovely things with me as every time I get to a rope I have to get rid of my lovely new stuff. So It would be rather handy to be able to trow things of the cliff.. I mean in real life I would not hesitate to trow down my tomato soup, firewood or perhaps even my MRE ofc there should be a risk of the item being lost, broken or loss of durability.  I shall admit I have not read every post so this has most likely been said before someplace else but hey the more the merrier :D 

anyways have a lovely day :) 

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You can slip and slide down the front of the mountain and make it all the way down to the Mountaineer's Cabin without using a rope once.

And yeah... when you're making for the summit, you want to travel light; your clothes, a moose-hide satchel if you've got one, hatchet, knife, some matches and a few sticks, maybe a dozen cat-tails, a bow and half a dozen arrows for self-defence, maybe a litre or so of water upon setting out (working on the idea that you'll have finished it by the time you make your descent), and one or two OMB dressings and processed berries in case you need them, and that's about it. You can make the summit in one day if you put your mind to it; if you need to spend the night in the plane there's lots of wood around to build an all-night long fire to survive the night, then load up, get down into the bottom part of the plane, and then start making your way down. Make sure you don't stray too far off to the left because that'll put you down into the ravine. After you get down to where the containers are directly below the plane, go towards the right so you can make your way down to the river and then follow it to Crystal Lake and the cabin.

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I was chill t the top of the mountain for a few days eating the heaviest foods, breaking down all the lesser clothing items to cloth and then getting everything I want to keep into top shape. Then I climb down the side of the mountain straight to the hut. Also I think we have assume that once we go up around fifty Kilograms we are dragging your stuff with use in one form or another. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would like to see a throwing system added to the game, doesn't sound OP to me. It would help when you find yourself in situations where you can't take everything with you on your way down a mountain. If you have it to where their is a high chance of something negatively impacting the item thrown depending on the length of the drop then I think it would make a fine addition to the game.

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You don't even need to throw stuff down. If you could use items as you wished in the game you could pull the rope up to the top, fill a container with everything, tie the rope to it, then lower it back down. Then you simply climb down and grab your stuff.


But yeah this is something I've wished for too. I would just drop logs and such right off the cliff. It doesn't matter if they get any damage.

Edited by odizzido
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