Moose Satchel as removeable storage


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I was trekking thru  Hushed River, grabbing the satchel up by the signal fire, finding myself with two satchels now got me to thinking how nice it would be to be able to use a satchel as a 5 kilo storage container when you weren't equipping it as gear.  I kinda wanted to flesh that out a little more than just giving the player an extra 5 kilo carry advantage.  Why not be able to store that 5 kilos of gear in the satchel?  Then when you pick it up and equip it, you automatically get the weight increase and whatever is in the bag is now part of your inventory.  A player could create a variety of go bags employing the satchel like one of the many backpacks we come across in the environment during our travels.  In some way I could see myself crafting multiple bags each containing varying loadouts.  screen_854a3a41-e701-4809-ac9a-22317850afb9_hi.thumb.png.1e76b903f4147f1a4176201164d99c08.png

I like the fact that a player can maintain the bag using cured leather.  You find it fairly abundantly so that's an extra bonus.  

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6 minutes ago, ManicManiac said:

@piddy3825, I get what you're driving at, I do... However, the inventory system is not defined by item slots... it's only defined by weight capacity.  Which is why the bag increases that capacity as opposed to item slots.

yeah yeah, I know...  If wishes were fishes, we'd all be eating!

my wish would probably entail a complete redesign, but it would be cool, right?

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shouldn't be a big redesign. any thing you search through is a container with a weight limit. no reason a placeable object can't do the same, with a storm lamp it's already half way there. it's a great idea I think.

Edited by KinoUnko
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On 11/8/2019 at 12:47 AM, piddy3825 said:

 how nice it would be to be able to use a satchel as a 5 kilo storage container when you weren't equipping it as gear.


50 minutes ago, KinoUnko said:

shouldn't be a big redesign. any thing you search through is a container with a weight limit.

I also think it's a very good idea. Just a small improvement, but nice, still.

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Just add button in inventory action "Create satchel stash". it creates world model and you can place whatever items in it. But devs probably wont do it, its "hard" for them.

god knows what coding mess The long Dark trully is, because adding something new is horror.

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