Coming Storm Stuck at 13 Percent


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I have completed Coming Storm objectives, Survivors are warm and toasty and the pantry is full. When the pantry was full Father Thomas moved to the Pulpit and my instructions are to talk to him but he is mute. I check in the journal and find that the mission is only 13 percent complete. It has not been updating for a while I guess. 

I have not finished the collectibles but those are side missions that I don't think I have to complete, am I correct?

I have tried some saves, sleeping and game restarts but appear stuck.

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If it is the same issue I encountered when going through, try this:

1 - Save your game inside the church.
2 - Completely close down TLD (not just to the menu)
3 - Restart the game, and re-load your save.
4 - Attempt to speak with Father Thomas again.

It seems like there is an issue with the way the objectives are updating after completing the supplies portion, so even though FT is in the position for the next stage of the quest, his variables are set to an earlier state. Reloading in a save when you're at this point seems to force the variables to reset to their correct values and allow you to progress.

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9 hours ago, Muestereate said:

I have completed Coming Storm objectives, Survivors are warm and toasty and the pantry is full. When the pantry was full Father Thomas moved to the Pulpit and my instructions are to talk to him but he is mute. I check in the journal and find that the mission is only 13 percent complete. It has not been updating for a while I guess. 

I have not finished the collectibles but those are side missions that I don't think I have to complete, am I correct?

I have tried some saves, sleeping and game restarts but appear stuck.

@Muestereate Can you confirm which version of the game you are on? Is it v1.62?

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And I have got it to move forward today. I came on today to my regular resume point, hunted a rabbit, repaired a hat though I doubt those things had anything to do with it. I had several pelts that Father was standing on and I removed them. I just generally tried to do enough things that might force a different save state, kinda like joggled some stuff and he finally talked to me. When A Blizzard started I thought it might be the timer for Father to get chatty and that seemed to be a correct assumption. He talked after the blizzard but not after the Pantry was full.

I should have spotted this when the percent completion graph failed to update as I collected survivors but I brushed it off. The problem may have started way back. I began to notice some other glitches as I approached filling the pantry. I was finishing the bunker quest and things started to get odd. I'm sorry I didn't take notes, I'm not a good debugger. Too much faith in you guys.


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