Collecting survivors glitch?


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I’m not sure if anyone else has had this issue but I have collected all three survivors and brought them to the community hall. My map shows no more people to find yet my quest log only shows that I’ve collected one person. All three people are in their beds in the hall. Has anyone else experienced this and does anyone know how to fix this without completely restarting? The game will not let me move forward. 

Edited by Ankster91
Update: I’m stupid and didn’t have Logan in a bed he was by the door covered in my misc gear. I need to organize better xD
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I have the same problem. I have rescued three survivors. Carried each one back to the Community Center. Placed each survivor on an empty bed. The last survivor I carried in was Eva. The last empty bed stays red and I cannot place on the bed. Journal says I have only rescued two survivors and Priest tells me to get back out there.


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  • 3 years later...

i'm opening this old topic because i have got the same problem. Even if i place survivors in beds, the quest doesn't count it! Also i cannot interact anymore with survivors after i place them in bed. I filled the storage with all necessary items - only survivors are the problem. I cannot proceed with the story. It's a shame cause i really liked the game so far.. People says that only solution is to load the saved game from before - but THIS IS NOT SOLUTION! (I'm not going to do really loooong questline again and also risk that the bug will appear even after i do the whole quest again). This made me to stop playing the game at all. Has this game even some support or are developers able to repair bugs? It is a surprise for me that this bug wasn't fixed yet cause i found that lots of people had this issue too. It's really shame since this is bad bug which, i can imagine, made lots of people to stop playing the game like me. Thanks in advance for any help or respond..

I reported it through "report a bug" system and waiting for respond/fixing.

Edited by Velda8
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Same problem here. I didn't realise the survivors had to go on beds (the beds weren't there before I rescued them) so dumped them on the mats. Now can't interact with them or advance the story.

One other, slightly related, suggestion: one of the survivors I found needed water, but I didn't have any. It made the rescue all the more exciting as it was touch and go if he was going to die of dehydration before I got him to the community centre. I got him there OK, dumped him down and (being engrossed in the story - which is the whole point of a game!) went straight out to find water. I found some and ran back to him but you can't interact with him then. I'm left worrying that he will die now!!


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  • 3 months later...
On 7/25/2023 at 2:38 AM, Bolt said:

I have this same issue with the second survivor not being recognized is there any any progress on a hot fix for this bug?

Thank you for reaching out. We are actively working toward a resolution and we will share more information as soon as it is available. Thank you! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I registered to report I also have this same issue. 
When I first rescued a survivor there was only one mat to put them on on the floor, so I used it. The next two survivors I had no beds left, I had to dump them on the floor. Then when I completed the task to get enough stuff put in the cupboard (I needed to find lantern fuel), suddenly new beds showed up on the floor and the priest teleported onto the stage behind the lectern. However, I cannot select the two survivors on the floor to move them. 
I also do not have a save to go back to, all of my autosaves have the issue and the only save I can go back to is to restart the entire chapter 3. Since hauling survivors around takes an incredibly long time, we're talking many many hours of gameplay. 

So basically I'm not going to keep playing until/unless this bug is fixed in a way I can continue. I hope that comes soon! 

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On 8/16/2023 at 11:32 AM, Leperflesh said:

I registered to report I also have this same issue. 
When I first rescued a survivor there was only one mat to put them on on the floor, so I used it. The next two survivors I had no beds left, I had to dump them on the floor. Then when I completed the task to get enough stuff put in the cupboard (I needed to find lantern fuel), suddenly new beds showed up on the floor and the priest teleported onto the stage behind the lectern. However, I cannot select the two survivors on the floor to move them. 
I also do not have a save to go back to, all of my autosaves have the issue and the only save I can go back to is to restart the entire chapter 3. Since hauling survivors around takes an incredibly long time, we're talking many many hours of gameplay. 

So basically I'm not going to keep playing until/unless this bug is fixed in a way I can continue. I hope that comes soon! 

Thank you for posting. This is on our radar and we are working toward a resolution. Thank you for your patience! 

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