Archivist Mode - Carter Dam Lower Level


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Since I could not find any "search function" in this forum. I had to start a new one. Apologies if this question was made some time before. 


Objective: To find the Buffer Memory at the "Mystery Lake - Lower Dam".

Situation: The game mode is "Archivist". Currently at Carter Hydro Dam - Lower Level (past the dead guy with the broken arrow & lantern).

I have spent 5 days, 4 nights in Carter Dam. Mostly at the lower levels. With depleting food (and patience). I have walked as far as the map would allow me to go. Without having to take the "Emergency Exit Only" door. I figured it would lock me out, once I do. The furthest room (the one with broken window, and snow that have drifted in). I've spent a night there to tick off this objective. But sadly, none of the computers there were it.

I've back tracked from that room. Where there's a walkway bridge on far left. There is a desk with two monitors, very close to the live electrical wire that is exposed during the special time.

That too was a no go. Now, I'm having to find food, boil water, and trying to time the irregular aurora events to find the pesky objective computer.


Basically, I'd appreciate if someone could direct me towards the right direction. Have I missed something? The title of the mission, err objective is "Mystery lake - Lower Dam". I'd presume that the objective computer monitor is on the "lower level"? 


Thanks in advance.








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12 hours ago, LowSpeedHighDrag said:

Cancel this request.


Apparently, I had to go around the long way around to enter via the window. That activated it for me.


Good luck waiting for the aurora in chasm cave. Auroras seemed evey other night for me until then. In some regions you can get both buffer memories in the time of 1 aurora if you pack light, saves time. 

Bring a hacksaw with you at timberwolf. I also noticed you dont get parasites risk in archivist. 

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21 hours ago, MarrowStone said:

In some regions you can get both buffer memories in the time of 1 aurora if you pack light, saves time. 

Bring a hacksaw with you at timberwolf. I also noticed you dont get parasites risk in archivist

Thank you for the tips. 

I am now in Coastal Highway. Got the Buffer Memory. Loaded up with food, and water. Repaired the pistol, rifle, tools to max. Crafted a rabbit mitten, rabbit hat, wolf coat, deerskin boots, and a bow with 3 arrows. Speaking of which, where would one find more arrowheads? or is it something that needs to be done via crafting at some stage?

I will take another long walk to the next town. Hopefully to Pleasant Valley. If I can find the exit out of Coastal Highway...




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@LowSpeedHighDrag, I didn't get near as much crafted and I left my rifle in Pleasent Valley so I could bring more food to Timberwolf. Be aware you can't climb the ropes overencumbered. Youll have to craft arrowheads at the forge in desolation point if you want more, but 4 arrows can last you a decent amount of time if you dont hit rocks, ice, or trees. 

Also, the map actually shows where the buffer memories are! Be sure to check that. 

I recommend going the starving route for food once you get to the cave. I didnt stay in the Hut since theres a bear between the cave and it. You don't want to be attacked by an aurora bear. Flares won't work and theyll almost be on top of you again before you can bandage. 

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I'm noticing a trend here. Timberwolf Mountain, are resources really scarce that I must prioritise food & water even more?

19 hours ago, MarrowStone said:

I recommend going the starving route for food once you get to the cave. I didnt stay in the Hut since theres a bear between the cave and it.

Can you clarify? I don't understand what you meant by starving route, nor which hut you mentioned.


Also, in the "Archivist" mode. Can anyone confirm whether the Bunkers are taken off for this mode?


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28 minutes ago, LowSpeedHighDrag said:


Timberwolf Mountain, are resources really scarce that I must prioritise food & water even more?

There is plenty of stuff there. The summit has a ridiculous amount of loot. But there are other things to find too. Cloth and scrap metal are a rarity though

Can you clarify? I don't understand what you meant by starving route, nor which hut you mentioned

There is only one hut on TWM. You can starve during the day and only eat before sleeping

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@LowSpeedHighDrag, Oh, I had no idea that you may be new to the regions themselves! This should be fun. I dont really want to spoil stuff for you since it's a wonderful map and certain techniques within the game are borderline fun-spoiling so Ill only answer what's important.

Resources are scarce in timberwolf, yes, but certain things across the map can be opened with a hacksaw for loot. The Hut is hard to miss, it's by the lake you'll most likely walk by on your way to the chasm cave. Use your map. 

The cave will be in this ravine thingy and is arguably warmer than the Mountaineering hut. Do NOT freeze in your sleep.

Your Aurora could take as long as 5+ days to appear so don't run out of before then in this desolate region. Bring the rifle if you have to but the bow is far better for this situation due to its weight. 

The bunker in pleasant valley by the entrance to the mountain region has not been removed, idk about any other. 

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21 minutes ago, MarrowStone said:

The cave will be in this ravine thingy and is arguably warmer than the Mountaineering hut. Do NOT freeze in your sleep.

There is also an always warm indoor cave close by. When I learned the map I did on Voyageur. Spawned there and stayed there. I lived in the indoor cave for a long time until I scavenged better clothing.

Chasm cave is pretty shallow. Not that great for living

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Guess I was lucky - so far I had an aurora the first night at every location except PV Radio Tower which took 4 nights.

Usually I am hunting/fishing/looting during the days, saving the non-smelly food for travels. There is a fishing hut near the hut in TM as well as some deer closeby.

Of course, there is that bear - I shot a deer and harvested it and when I closed the harvesting screen first thing I noticed were fresh bear tracks right beside the dead deer. Turned around and there he was, must have been walking by me while I was harvesting. Being well fed and not encumbered I was able to run back to the hut. I could hear him behind me but I did not looked back to check the distance...

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