Location/Region Idea...Radio Shack

Willy Pete

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So as most everyone ought to know by now, during the Aurora you can activate a radio to play some classical music. It stands to reason that this music is coming from somewhere, it's not like the Aurora brought the music with it.

Enter the Radio Shack, not a place where you can buy assorted electronics, but a literal shack (or building) in which all of Great Bear's radio broadcasts originate. At the minimum, it would be a small enterable area (though I wouldn't be opposed to something similar to the Mountaineer's Hut only a little bigger) in which you can find a bunch of radio equipment and some sort of automated system playing the classical music on repeat.

A cool feature would be the ability to switch between different genres, finding some CDs or vinyl records with other genres of royalty-free music. Clicking on the music system would grant you the classical music CD, which could then be swapped out for something like rock/pop/metal/etc. Henceforth, whenever the Aurora comes and you activate a radio it plays that music instead.

If it were in a specific region, I imagine something like Timberwolf Mountain but toned down with no requirement for rope climbing to reach the summit (where the radio shack would be). You would have three or four different levels, each of them accessed by either a long and arduous hike up steep terrain or a rope climb. Like TW, interior locations would be scarce, limited to caves, the Radio Shack, maybe a nearby tool shed, and a small house or two at the bottom. Maybe it belonged to a grouchy old mountain man. 

It might also be fun to have multiple notes scattered about the area, belonging to the grouch and whoever operated the radio system. They might tell a story, something similar to the notes left by the Survivalist Randall Clark in Fallout New Vegas: Honest Hearts. Each might have a clue as to where you can find the next one, culminating in the player finding two frozen corpses where the two characters finally perished. I almost want to try my hand at some TLD fanfiction concerning this last part.

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11 hours ago, stratvox said:

If you're going to bring in Radio Shack, bring in the old one where you could buy actual electronics components. I want to find some resistors and caps!

I have good memories of coiling copper wires, fitting capacitors into a peg board, and building my own crystal radio set powered by nothing but air. I miss the days when you could practice electronics as a hobby.

Bah, now I feel old.

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