Interloper Cinderella


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Hey guys, I began playing new Interloper series based on the challenge I devised for BareSkin. The rules have been modified slightly.

The challenge is called Cinderella. Survive 20 days on each map. When you're moving to a new map, you can only take 1 can and 1 item of your choice with you.

I also figured this would be a good time to learn how to record my games and post them on youtube.

I've been able to record one fragment, however, when I am playing and recording at the same time the game lags horrendously. I checked all over how to fix it and found no solution. Nonetheless, it seemed a shame to waste the first video and an interesting start to the game, but I won't be recording the following parts since there is too much lag.

I might continue recording this run in writing and screenshots if it becomes of interest to anyone.

Here it is.

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Well done for giving recording a go. I found it a bit difficult to begin with trying to talk and concentrate at the same go. Shame about the lag. what are you using to record at the moment? do you know the quality settings and are recording to your fastest hard drive if you have multiple? I found I had to drop the capture resolution to 720P and frame rate to only 30fps to not drop game performance when I started.

Good luck with the adventures - I subscribed to your channel so hopefully you get the performance stuff sorted and record some more gameplay.

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Thank you. 😊

I also found the talking and playing at the same time tricky. It is easier when the screen is loading or once you've made a decision and are walking for example, but in micro management tasks I end to get thrown off mid sentence like when instead of wind blowing the fire out... I said something else blew it out.

I have windows 10 and I'm using the xbox for recording. The choices were 60 and 30, which was set at 30. The capture was set to recommended (I think it was 720).

Watching a video with lag is not as fun either hence the camera jerks. This is not visible in game, but in video the first few minutes have some kind of picture deterioration. I googled the problem and tried my best to fix it without any luck.

do you know the quality settings and are recording to your fastest hard drive if you have multiple?

I don't know this part.

I'll be happy to record the continuation if someone is interested in the story, but I'm afraid at this moment the quality will be the same. :)

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4 hours ago, tulkawen said:

Thank you.

Is this streaming online at the same time as playing like Twitch?

You can either stream to twitch or youtube, record to hard drive, or do both.

There's a learning curve, but I can say once you get over that curve it works very well.

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Guest jeffpeng

A few hints to do recordings
- definitely use OBS as @stratvoxrecommended. It's free and the configuration wizard does most of the work for you.
- use your video card's native encoder if possible. You can select this in your recording options in OBS. For nvidia cards that is called NVENC, for AMD cards it's "Advanced Media Framework" IIRC. The advantage here is that you can offload most of the encoding work to your graphics card (which has specific hardware for that) and save your Processor work it is poorly suited for.
- 720p and 30 frames as @DaveMcD suggested are plenty for youtube
- if you still get lags drop the bitrate a bit. I've had satisfactory results with as little as 2000 kbps with 720p@30f
- use a different harddrive to save the video on if you don't use SSDs.
- the most important audio is your voice. Make sure your voice can be heard loud and clear

Things that helped me get better at doing videos (I'm occasinally doing videos on how to use software we develop at work)
- Talk to an audience even if there is no audience because there is an audience
- Be descriptive and explain things: Why you do what you do, what you are planning to achieve with what you are doing, what your overall goals are, what is good about this and that, and why that or this is bad
- If you have nothing else to talk about explain things, even off topic, even if you think most people will know them already. Someone will not.

Good luck on your run!

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  • 4 weeks later...


Uhhhh yea guys, sorry to say, I will not be recording anymore videos. It's just not my thing. I began recording more and for some reason the video decided to stop doing it 30mins in so I've lost a bunch of stuff.

In terms of a run, I went out of the ice caves. The area is closed off, you must have a hatchet to hack through bushes, so I went down the rope to a lake. There was a bear. I snuck around him to grab cattails and tried getting back up the rope to sleep in a closed cave where you don't need a fire. Also, I didn't see any cave to hide in and I was freezing. Turned out, the hill was too steep to reach the bottom of the rope again, so down you go but no up. While I was trying to climb this hill I got a sprain. I drank red tea to dull the pain, but I had no bandage and I wasn't willing to shred my clothes that I might need to fix the bedroll later. So, I had no choice but to limp/sneak past the bear again and keep limping along freezing while the snow began falling heavier and heavier then I saw and heard few wolves and had to get past those too. Eventually I found a cave where I slept and waited out a blizzard by reading fully a survival book.

Then I went out to find more food and firewood. Although the blizzard stopped it was -32C and I kept freezing every two seconds, so, at the end of the day I actually didn't have enough firewood to last a night in an open cave. I had to bite the bullet and hacksaw two cedar limbs in this nice weather which brought my health to 15%. Then I went back to the cave for the night and found out about the video. Then I got frustrated and deleted those 30mins too.

Then a number of days later, I gave this recording another shot. At this point my Cinderella was in 15% health on day 5 waiting out another blizzard in the same cave and feeding on cattails and mushroom teas. After the blizzard ended, I ended up with 2 coal and no firewood at all. It is Hushed River Valley, so, no matter how much time I spend on this map, I'm always lost. I wanted to leave the open cave and find indoor cave because the firewood cost was too difficult to maintain. Of course the game began lagging like shite again during the recording. Anyway, while traveling I found a deer and cedar log nearby. Used it to start fire and used hacksaw to get 1.5 kg off. It only took 15mins, but as I did the wind came in and blew out the fire, not that it was warming me up, it was -16C and coal time wasn't there yet. Didn't let me light the torch either. I was of course without sticks again and close to freezing and wind wouldn't let me start another fire anyway. I had no idea where the cave I just left was. So I ran around frantically searching for sticks and eventually ran into another deer and a dead guy near. The dead guy had wool socks and maple hat. I wound have been happy, except now my health got red. I started a fire in that small enclosure next to the dead guy which was windproof from a couple of sides. Used my 2 coal and slept 4h. This didn't raise my health from the red zone. Still had 1.5h on the fire, tried the deer trick again. Pried miserly 0.5kg off, which took 5mins. Put it on the fire and immediately wind changed direction and blew out the fire. So with the red health flashing I tried crossing what looked like a shallow ravine, opposite of the way I came, except turned out behind this small elevation there is a cliff steep down, difficult to discern with the screen blurring and spinning. I successfully flopped down and died due to injuries, beating wolves and freezing death to getting to me.

I will re-start Cinderella challenge, maybe post in ss and writing all the progress, but no more youtube for me. I've gots no patience of nasteh evil lag or technical thingies. :P


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