Wildlife repopulation


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I'm sorry if this was posted before, there's a bunch of threads connected with wolves, but none give any relevant information.

This current playthrough I started out in Coastal Highway, but due to wolf-infested town/water area I went to Mystery Lake on day 2 and stayed there till day 16, then went back to Coastal Highway. On day 18, I depopulated the Coastal town of all of it's wolves. Yes, I shot them furry critters till they were all dead. Approach till they aggroed, boom, dead puppy.

I also went out of the way and killed any wolves on the ice that were close to town. Since day 23, there's a regular deer or two in the town.

Now, on day 33, I began seeing packs of wolves staying at edges of the town on a regular basis.

So, since obviously wolves come back does that mean they repopulate the area and depopulate some other area or how does that work?

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When an animal dies, the game will spawn a new animal after some time. So if you shoot all the wolves in an area, after some time there will be new wolves at that same area.

Does this apply to Fluffy as well?

There is only one Fluffy per game (poor thing takes so much abuse from players trying to hurt him) - but it is possible for other wolves to get in through the shattered windows, ready to take revenge for the slaying of their heroic friend. ;)

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There is only one Fluffy per game (poor thing takes so much abuse from players trying to hurt him) - but it is possible for other wolves to get in through the shattered windows, ready to take revenge for the slaying of their heroic friend. ;)

If we had the option to let him free of his prison (the dam building) that would be interesting. Maybe he'd become our friend for freeing him, what with all the canned dog food. :P

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