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I was trying to emigrate to the coastal highway, and approaching the derailment, I saw that there were two wolves patrolling the area.

I have this mentality not to use bullets unless I'm gonna track down the animal and eat it afterwards, so I decided against using my bullets. Especially because I had somewhere below ten.

So, using my avatar's very, very poor climbing skills, I decided to walk on the right-hand cliff to avoid them. But the wolves apparently have spider sense, because I was way above their field of view but still within a few feet of them horizontally. So one noticed me, but it couldn't climb up to get me. The wolf disappeared somewhere and I couldn't see it anymore. What I didn't realize at the time was that the cliff had some overhang, and it was actually underneath of me.

So I got as close to the ground as I could and stepped off, effectively spraining my ankle and doing 45% damage. Oh, hello wolf!

And thus ended 40 or so days. :roll:

I feel like the gravity is too high in this game. Or maybe they're trying to be realistic with backpack weight.

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I had the same sort of thing over there. I also decided to try and climb may way out of trouble. The difference is they ended up somewhere above me where they got stuck while I was stuck on some sort of precarious ledge. I could hear them but not see them until I looked upwards and I could see them through the rocks. Obviously a glitch but I didn't have the power of printscreen with coordinates yet so yeah. When I tried to make a run for it they got me immediately.

It took me a very long time before I dared go anywhere near the derailment again.

I also have a thing with gravity/climbing/running and as a result sprained ankles. Every time I find a bottle of painkillers I go YAY I can sprain my ankle again!

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Yeah, adventuring is like




What the crap. You shouldn't be able to sprain several times in one minute.

The way I sprained kinda makes sense, jumped off a ledge carrying 30Kg. But the character is so... not agile at all.

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I dunno, I get sprains too- but I remember what it is like in the knee high snow... I wonder if that is what they are factoring in, the snow and how uncertain footing can be in those clutch instances... Sucks to read how Dude died on the ledge like that lol, watch that will be me in 4 hrs..

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Sprains are easily avoided: don't run down very steep hills and don't jump off any sort of drop that's more than about 3 feet. Agility and speed are pretty reasonable IMO considering you are lugging around 70 pounds of crap on your back and don't have snowshoes in snow that looks at least a foot or two deep.

I never have much trouble avoiding the wolves that usually are patrolling around Derailment by taking a very wide detour up the ridge on the side (on your right if the Camp Office is behind you).

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It's easy to avoid sprained ankles even on very steep slopes, just repeatedly press the forward movement button and the backwards one. For some reason the avatar has the uncanny ability to influence his/her momentum midair, so you fall slightly and then quickly push yourself back onto the slope.

I do wish they'd smooth out the steep-slope physics. Currently it feels like descending some sort of invisible staircase.

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For me it seems like the sprain is a glitch sometimes. I'll be walking on a minor slope, the game stutters for a second, and I get a sprained ankle. Like I must have ankles made of glass or something. I'm a mountain boy from Colorado, and I have very rarely sprained an ankle even in deep snow. In fact I can't remember any time I hurt my ankle bad enough I couldn't walk it off in a few minutes.

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For me it seems like the sprain is a glitch sometimes. I'll be walking on a minor slope, the game stutters for a second, and I get a sprained ankle. Like I must have ankles made of glass or something. I'm a mountain boy from Colorado, and I have very rarely sprained an ankle even in deep snow. In fact I can't remember any time I hurt my ankle bad enough I couldn't walk it off in a few minutes.

But the character isn't a mountain boy from Colorado... think of them more as reasonably inexperienced, with just some basic general skillsets.

As a kid, I grew up in an area much like in the game, and it was fairly common to see city travellers passing through suffer sprains and leg injuries quite a bit. Even for the locals, to a lesser frequency, it wasn't uncommon (although the sprains weren't usually as bad mainly because they were at least more aware of footing hazards).

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I have to say that I also sprain my ankle a lot in mountainous terrain in real life. I do hike and walk a lot but I live in what's probably the flattest country on the planet( netherlands) and I'm just not used to the gradients. So when I do get to hike somewhere nice( and more vertical)a misstep often happens the first few days. Mostly it doesn't last long depending on if I can rest it quickly afterward but if I have to keep walking to get to my tent or whatever; ouch. that smarts a bit.

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The sprains seem pretty reasonable to me. It's not hard to twist your ankle - IRL you don't run down the side of a mountain because instinctively you know better. Though maybe instead of just a sprain they should implement some kind of face plant.

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