Frozen dead bodies were people once and hunted animals can be carried!


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1. it would be nice to take the animal someplace warm and then harvest it just like rabbits.

2. when you find a dead body they could have a diary that can reveal their home or they could have a map or something, either way, it would be nice to have more ways in the game to discover new locations specially for new players who don't know the map!

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I agree that finding a diary on some dead bodies would be a great idea and would help flesh out the background story and expand upon the game lore. It would also increase the immersion for the player to understand a bit about the lives of those who did not survive. The end of a long diary entry could also give hints about hidden stashes or resources.

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Finding notes is always nice and I would like to find more of them throughout the world.  The various computer entries that come up during auroras are also one of my favorite parts to this game.  I wish it was possible to read more than one entry per aurora.  The little hidden cache stories are also great, and I wish more of the kickstarters would respond and write them so we'd find a lot less of them where the story has not yet been written.  I'm not sure if placing notes on the corpses though would interfere with the random loot that can be found on them.  I suspect it might since none of the current notes are found in loot containers (which is what a corpse is in this game).

As for animals, it is possible current to quarter the deer, moose, and bear in a fraction of the time it takes to harvest the carcass.  You do require a hatchet or hacksaw in your inventory. The idea is to take the resulting bags of meat to a more sheltered location to finish harvesting them.  I think having that in the game is sufficient and see no need to allow players to even attempt to just pick up an entire deer to move it indoors... and one would certainly not be inclined to just pick up an entire moose or bear anyways.  In this game, allowing yourself to become so overencumbered will likely result in your spraining every limb and perhaps even result in your death (and that's how it should be).  I'd rather they simply slow the decay rate of quartered animals a bit more to allow more time to collect and harvest the bags of meat.

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