MIssing Cockpit


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After searching for and picking up the pieces of my mailbox, after someone hit it yesterday, I'd say that thing could be on a whole other mountain peak.

Seriously, part of it flew into the neighbor's yard.

To the individual who hit it and drove away, I have this message:  "May the fleas of a thousand wolves nestle in your loins."

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There was no cockpit.
The airplane was designed so it could fly without a cockpit (or so they thought) and having the wings as far on the back as possibe, keeping in mind that plane was filled with cargo.
Needlessly to say, it crashed because of those two issues.

On a serious note, the crashed part on the mountain is probably only 25% of the airplane.
It must have had 2 sets of wings, because the wings still attached in no way could carry the engines we can also find in TWM.


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