Please Help Save My (Virtual) Life

Vince 49

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I'm at the bottom of the revine in Revine and I can't get back up.  I'm 116 days into this playthrough and really don't want to die (virtually speaking).  I have enough food and water for at least three days.   Even with 100% health and stamina and well under maximum carry weight, I can't make it back up to the top.  I have a stim, but discovered I can't take it while I'm climbing.

Although I think there is a ledge about 80% of the way up, I haven't been able to get off the rope onto it so I can take the stim.  By the time I'm 80% up the rope, I'm so tired that, if I don't get on the ledge, I don't have enough energy to get back down the rope and could be injured or killed by the fall.

If someone could remind me how to get from the rope onto that ledge, or provide any other helpful information, I would be grateful.

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not sure what system you are on but on PS4 you just have to look over at the ledge so that the word LEDGE comes up and if you hit X on the controller you will leave the rope and be on the ledge... you can use the stim then to get up the rest of the way... Or... I find it easier to just drop the bedroll, sleep a couple hours and complete the climb

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4 minutes ago, Cr41g said:

not sure what system you are on but on PS4 you just have to look over at the ledge so that the word LEDGE comes up and if you hit X on the controller you will leave the rope and be on the ledge

It's similar on the PC - once you're even with the ledge or just above it, move the mouse toward the ledge and you should see the LEDGE prompt.  Click to move onto the ledge.

If you were completely rested (eyeball icon full white or nearly so) when you started the climb, you shouldn't need the stim, just wait on the ledge until your stamina recharges, then you should easily make it to the top.

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Thanks everyone, I got out (up) alive.  Besides the distress pistol, I got the Advanced Guns, Guns, Guns book.  The book can give me 10 points in rifle which should get me close to level 5.  Unfortunately, I've only got 8 rounds left.  I'm also running out of cloth, leather, and whetstones.  Since I've already scrounged everything from Mystery Lake, Pleasant Valley, Coastal Highway, and Forlorn Muskeg, it's Desolation Point next.  Not so looking forward to that as DP has been my demise every time so far.

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DP will certainly get your rounds up past the 8 you have now...

if you can only use the rifle for food.. never for self-defence unless you absolutely have to... when I finished my 500 day run I still had 50+ rounds left

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