Cooking Skill 5- text in game incorrect?

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This: Steam forums post is once again causing confusion, and it is honestly getting old. In the Wiki, The Cooking Skill table has always said Cooking Skill 5 prevents food poisoning and Parasites from COOKED food.


However in the image shown in the forums post I linked, the words "from cooked foods" are missing. This has been going on for ages, and people keep saying "I never got food poisoning from eating 0% canned xxx after getting Cooking Skill Lvl 5! So... no one ever will!". Meanwhile, plenty of us have gotten food poisoning from raw foods at Cooking Skill Lvl 5, but somehow we must be lying?

Please, clarify, once again, on Steam and here, if food must be cooked to be free from Food poisoning risk at Cooking Skill Lvl 5, and change the dang in-game text to show it, if this is the case. An official clarification could possibly (but sadly, not likely...) shut down the back and forth arguements and any misinformation about this once and for all. Making sure the in-game text is complete and specific would also help greatly. 

Seriously, it's getting old. Jokes are all fine and well, but...


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I am perfectly fine with you barging into my post and depositing goodies. Though, usually I define "goodies" as "Pancakes with Real Maple Syrup". I'll let it slide, si ce both have been issues for quite some time, and should have been dealt with long ago. And I know both have been reported on the Steam forums, likely reported hee, and at least the cooking skill one was reported by me, on the Atlassian/JIRA site, quite some time ago.


True, little details, but in this game, the little details add up, and make things great or not-so...

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Guest Support

Thanks for your posts about the text of the Cooking and Mending skills! We'll look into clarifying some of the information around cooked foods at level 5. We are also investigating Sewing Kit condition loss at higher skill levels. 

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