D.C. Mode


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This is not necessarily a wish for now but perhaps in the future. It also focuses heavily on Story Mode. 

The Long Dark has gone through huge evolving development over the years and to anyone who has read the Dev Diaries or listened to Signal Hill or even followed the development of the game it is clear that a large amount of care and thought goes into the product we the gamer get to play not to mention the huge amounts of behind-the-scenes maintenance needed to keep the game running smoothly. It is this level of development that interests gamers such as myself to the details of development for particular parts of the game and so my request is that while Hinterland works on the recreation of episode 1 & 2 as well as episode 3, they consider adding what many critically acclaimed games such as Portal, Firewatch, Life Is Strange, Half Life 2 (to name a few) have which is a DEVELOPER COMMENTARY MODE.

For the gamers who love the music, the coding, the graphics, the story, the acting or any part of The Long Dark I feel this would be of interest and certainly worth the time to produce to give us an insight into the process you guys go through to give us the game we all love.

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I have several games that added a Developer Commentary Mode after they were completed. I like the idea. Once Wintermute is finished, an addition like this would be interesting, to me, anyway. But, I am not sure that it would make sense financially for Hinterland, as it is unlikely to drive new sales. And it may well interrupt the flow of the actual gameplay, the audio cues and warning sounds, the dialogue lines, the possible breaks in immersion.  Perhaps a paid DLC, not expensive, just enough to help offset the cost of making it, and having it be there for people who want it, without "shoving" it into the game for people who don't.  Because even if it is optional in the game menu, you know there are those who will raise holy heck about money and time being spent on creating it instead of making a new map, or updating mechanics, or updating graphics, or whatever the "unliked-flavor-of-the-month is".


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6 minutes ago, henroe32 said:

It should definitely be an optional turn on. The Firewatch method of stands with an audio track would be effective for the open world gameplay

That is actually a nice idea.  It would have to be given a TLD flavor and feel, but the basic idea is nice. 

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Actually YES! I love this idea, perhaps as we survive through the game world we can find little bubble icons with commentary from Raph about the locations, inspiration for the locations, original concepts for game mechanics, character ideas, etc...

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