Seals on the coastal ice as prey animals


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Occurred to me out of the blue ... as a rare spawn in all difficulties, why not seals on the coastal ice in all three coastal maps?

Not only as an additional food / fur / oil source for our characters, but also as a further validation for the bears and wolves being out there prowling.

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The only issue I can foresee with seals is that they don't move very fast on land, and so might be a bit too easy to hunt! But maybe they could disappear into the water if spooked?

I'd also like to see the addition of things like shellfish and seaweed that can be collected on coastal maps.

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Live shellfish is hard to "collect" without getting wet.

Seals may be found on shores at night and become aggressive if disturbed, making it dangerous to hunt them because of limited visibility.

I wouldn't like being  near a pissed off male walrus at night on a rocky shore, by the way.

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