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Best survival game on the market imo, but to make it perfect (for me), I would need to do more bushcrafting, especially a shelter building system.

I have no idea if this has been discussed before but here are my ideas:

Add paracord , 2 sizes of tarp and a blanket to the game, then:

- Hammok made of wood sticks and rope net , which can be upgraded with small rain tarp and under blanket to boost the temperature bonus inside.

 - Tipi tent , made of long wood sticks and big tarp.

- Rectangle small cabin- like shelter with a big tarp as a roof.

These types of permanent shelters would rock in regions like FM, TM or anywhere really.

Aaaannd it would make the game A+, imo of course.


PS: Survival game without a spear seems odd since the first item you would make in a survival situation is an improvised spear of some kind as a best protection from wild life.

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Its awesome that the snow shelter exists (when I *thought* I got locked out of the Carter Dam exit with my bedroll / rifle inside it saved my life) and it would seem a mechanic that could be enhanced easily. @Benjola's spear suggestion makes alot of sense. I could be that fish oil could be used as a sealant for wood in relation to the condition of such an item. But generally I'm in favour of more actual bushcraft - more uses for skins yes, more man made items like tarps no.

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