Archery Practice Range mini-game


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i could only suggest the archery target at farmhouse in pleasant valley.   one trick i kind of learned, is to time the drawback and firing of the bow, and using the crosshair dot about where the target is or will be after that time has elapsed.  this helped me alot at archery lvl 1 and shooting rabbits.  

i would place my dot in the path (leading the rabbit in this case) drawback and fire immediately and its about a 90% hit rate.  as far as the range its pretty far, just need a proper arc and yeah a long dam way.

i assume the bullet from the rifle is a straight line dumbfire with no bullet physics. but i could be wrong on that i dont use the rifle much.  

good luck



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Guess you really dont know nothing about how people hunt with a bow. If you think that people shoot at animals from 20 meters away, you are mistaken by movies and other such silly things. 

The truth is - when hunting with a bow, you shoot usually from the distance of 5 meters. How? Concealment. In real life, you would have to build a blind, mask yourself and not move for a long time, waiting for animals to arrive. Then, slowly draw your bow, and hit it in a vital part of the body before it had time to react. Also, if you are very, very careful and patient, you can indeed sneak up on animals like deer up to a 5 meter distance. Do you know Dave Cantenbury? He spoke of this, and said that he usually hunts deer by sneaking up on them with a bow, up to a 5 meter lenght, then dropping them by shooting them in the heart.

There is no need for minigame - the TLD is not there to hold your hand and teach you everything. You want to learn how to shoot a bow? I would reccomend you to play an easier mode, craft a bunch of arrowheads, and then go, just dropping everything you see, to learn how to shoot. That is how I learned it - I made 30 arrowheads, 15 arrows at one time, and 10 bows - and with those supplies, I spent 200 days in Nomad at Mountaineers, doing nothing but hunting with bow, learning how to shoot, and how to hunt individual animals.

And that was way back when hunting with a bow was much more difficult, with no reticule and incredible hand sway. Now it is really easy. But, tell you what - you can shoot all you want at that stationary target, you will not get better at it that way. You want to learn to hunt by shooting at moving targets. I reccomend playing a pilgrim game, or even the Nomad challenge - at those easier settings, its not that difficult to learn how to handle a bow.

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Your response to my post is just really condescending and unpleasant.  This is a "wish list" bro -- a collection of different ideas.  Have you seen some of the suggestions in these threads -- some are really bad!  Do you go around and tear everyone's head off or am I just the lucky blip or your radar today.


I got to 31 days on stalker and found it too easy.  I had insane food and supplies forever.  I switched to Loper and it kicked my ass for awhile but now I've got the hang of it and plan on having some great runs.


Saying I should play on pilgrim cuz I tossed up a fun idea for an archery mini game is some passive aggressive crap dude.  You need to lighten up.  This is the "wish list" thread.  Stop being so nasty.

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Practice on rabbits.  You won't lose an arrow, they are easy to hit, and you get a meager amount of food.  You can even shoot while moving.  If you are looking to get better at archery, you should try watching some videos others have posted.  Once you learn how the archery works, its very easy.  Sneak up on deer from behind and wait to stand up until they have stopped.  Line up straight behind, check to make sure your cursor is lined up on the area where their neck while raise to.  Draw the bow and when they raise their neck you will be in place for a perfect one shot kill everytime.  If you aim for the mid neck area it is insta-kill.  Hope that helps.  Archery is really pretty easy to master.  Wolves are much harder to master the insta-kill though.  But hitting them with the aid of bait is easy.  Sadly they run off and once in a while they don't return your arrow.

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some data on bow/arrow. Optimal range for bow/arrow is 10~20m. too close the arc puts impact above point of aim, too far the drop is too much. in the sweet zone the arrow will hit where you put the dot. There is no variance in flight path, as long as you can keep the mouse still, you can split arrows all day long.

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@KinoUnko -- thx for the link

Dunno why people assume I'm having trouble with the bow.  I'm not.  The Archery game is way too easy because the deer get way too close.  I suggested the mini game b/c it would be FUN to get insanely good with the bow in this game for long shots.

I personally love archery and used to be an avid archer.  When living in Alabama on my grandad's pecan orchard my job was to kill the squirrels that would threaten our precious nuts.  I had a fiberglass wood recurve with 20 pounds of pull and got pretty decent with it.  When hunting deer though I would always use shotgun slugs.

Saying the "optimal range" for a bow being just 20 m is pretty misleading.    I mean that is for a clean instant kill in an ethical hunting scenario.  IRL a deer that ran off with your arrow in its haunch would not bleed out in a few hours.  It would die from fever and infection over a period of many days - or maybe lie down and die from thirst.  So in modern non-cruelty hunting no ethical hunter wants to be tracking blood spots and hoof prints through the wild hoping to find an animal carcass.

But the bow hunting in this game is survival hunting.  For purposes of getting an arrow in your prey and tracking it -- WHICH IS SUPER FUN and cool btw!! --  the effective range should be and is no doubt far far more than 20 m!  IRL you'd have to shoot Bambi from the cover on the edge of the frozen lake - you'd never be able to sneak up on him in the open.

Every  archery course has the 100 m target.  Could a decent bow hunter kill a deer at 100 m with a modern composite bow? --absolutely.  But, also that's 100lbs of pull or more. Know what the world record longest shot is presently?  Over 1000m.

Mongol horse archers could begin volleys at 1000 m. These shots weren't accurate of course, but deadly if they connected. These bows were small like the one we have, but curved, and made of horn.

The bow we have in game is a "self bow" -- a bow made from one peice of wood.  I think it would be hard to achieve more than 20 pounds of pull with a small self bow like we have.  But remember if you can hit it, you can kill it.

The arrow itself is actually as important as your bow.  The physics of arrow penetration is pretty deep.  You want the largest arrow you can efficiently deliver to maximize momentum and the impulse at impact.  Hit location is also vital as soft tissue impacts are far more lethal than hitting denser tissue.  Oscillation of the arrow shaft is also critical as it dramatically effects velocity, which determines momentum, and thus impulse.

BUT I wasn't trying to start a thread on the terminal ballistics physics of arrows and arrowheads -- though that is one of my interests - I was just saying....

"Hey, an archery mini game would be fun"


@Simone Else -- thx for the post.  I feared later I was being overly sensitive, but yea, seing some of Mroz4k's other posts -- yep he is just a troll. But he was not right on a couple of points.

 His statement that "you usually shoot from 5 meters" is just dumb.  The average archery kill range is 17 or 18 meters -- not 5 lol!  These numbers are well known.  Do some research if you don't talk to real archers at least.  Goofy.  When I was doing terminal velocity ballistics problems in college we'd use 20m b/c it was close to reality and a round number.  I checked a couple sources after Mroz4ks troll to see if those numbers had changed over the last 30 years and they have not is reporting 17 m and another site I checked is reporting 18. 

Equally moronic is the statement that shooting at static targets won't help you against a moving target. That's just dumb.  Archers have been practicing against static targets for three thousand years.  If you can nail the static target you can easily learn to lead the moving one.


But, again, thx for the tip about pleasant valley's archery target.  That will be fun to mess around with if I have extra arrows and time.




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On 1. 1. 2018 at 2:03 AM, Revantulet said:

Your response to my post is just really condescending and unpleasant.

I don't give a hoot. Just because we live in the age of drama, I am not entitled to treat you like royalty. You can scream bloody murder in here, deflecting my contribution by attacking a personal trait, my rudeness, all you want. This community is meant to be friendly - we dont have to treat each other in cotton for that - sometimes an argument is even neccesary to get a point across. And respect to people who can fight their stance, using logic in their arguments and facts on their side.

Not to mention you are hardly a first one to come here with this idea.

On 1. 1. 2018 at 2:03 AM, Revantulet said:

Have you seen some of the suggestions in these threads -- some are really bad!


I have. And even bad suggestions can have a merit. My job here is to find it. And if it doesn't have any, I bring up the facts as to why. Am I a bit rude in the process? Sure, occasionally. But you have lost a privilege to call someone´s idea bad when you make a request, based on your own laziness.

You see, the reason why I was a bit rude is cause this was never about any minigame or tutorial or whatever. This was, from a very start, your rant about archery, being too difficult and unconvinient to learn. Well, just so you know, its ridiculously easy - it was far, far harder in the past. Same with so many things. You see, this game is going a bit downhill in terms of difficulty - whether intentional or not, it nowadays caters more to people who are useless and lazy to practice and learn. Which is a shame because learn & practise, fail & die is the name of the game.

Play a two years earlier version of the game - the wolves there will rip your guts out. There was a snowball chance in hell that a randy new player who came to the game would survive on Stalker difficulty past 12 hour mark on their first game. I was a very seasoned player by then, and I got shredded my first stalker game. To the point it actually made me feel avoid that mode for a very long time.

Your suggestion would hurt the game in a short time - by making practising with a bow simple and easy, everyone would quickly learn that skill and this would portrait hunting as very easy to everyone. Instead of a challenge.

On 1. 1. 2018 at 2:03 AM, Revantulet said:

Do you go around and tear everyone's head


As a matter of fact, I do. Well, not always - depends on the person. Sometimes, I have quite the opposite reaction, too - even a bad suggestion built properly is worth a notice - if, instead of whining, you at least pointed out some facts as to why this is really necessary, things would go differently. I am very allergic to whining, which this is. I may have been a bit arrogant, but that did not diminish the facts I pointed out or the tips I included inside of my first post.

16 hours ago, Revantulet said:

Yea KinoUnko I tend to rant when I'm trolled.  I wish there was a mute function.

To say that you are overreacting would be an understatement. I may be a blunt, rude egoist, at least I am not ignorant.

And I have zero interest in continuing this argument past this line. Deal with it.


People might disagree with my method - but a fact stays.

This was never a wish list worthwhile post - this was a request. "Do something". Instead of "Please, consider adding this for that reason, that reason and that reason - you could perhaps doing it this way, this way and that way."


I am going to give a damn about your post and your opinion once you stop proclaiming yourself as a victim, and instead bring up some solid facts why this is neccesary, and how it could be done. I am even going to treat you with a boatload of respect - last thing I need is some personal grudge. But if you wish to do so, you are free to do so. I will be even kind enough to show you how to mute me! :D Its really easy, it works exactly like all other forum boards out there - you have a personal settings, there there is an option called "ignored users" - its as simple as typing my name in there! :) 

I know a thing or two about archery as well. Enough to know that you are talking about modern bows which are far more powerful to the usual survival bow. Because survival bows are my thing. No sane person would attempt to hunt with a bow at the
lenght of 20 meters - because you would never hit anything. By the time that arrow would reach its target, your prey would be already gone. Which is EXACTLY why actual hunters will hunt from blinds. You talk here about mongol horse archer volleys as if it was relevant - its a volley. It means 40 archers, simultaneously shooting in a rough area, without any intentional aim, from a high ground. Aim being clear - to empty their own quiver before the enemy reached them, raining arrows in their vicinity, hoping one would find its mark. Warfare tactics are irrelevant to hunting - hunting is all about precision.

I would be much more impressed by some of the stories of the precision these archers had at short distances, say 10 - 15 meters, even from horseback at high speeds. Such skill comes from ages of experience, because archery was their lifeline. Practise, you see.

But those are all moot points because this is a game. Noone would be able to build a survival bow from a thin sapling which would survive so much punishment in just 6 hours of a time, from a 5 day dried sapling nonetheless. A deer carcass would hardly have JUST 7 kg of meat. You wouldnt need to eat 4 kg of rabbit meat from empty stomach in one go just to feel full. 

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If my three year old walked into the room and farted, it would be more intelligent than anything you have said.

I am nevertheless compelled to salute you, because you realize that you are a jerk,  and that self awareness may yet save you.  GL on your journey.

Thank you also for showing me how to mute you, which I shall now do with glee!  Goodbye.

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