Feats in custom mode


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Just noticed, it sure looks like you're only able to activate one feat in custom mode... I'd expect that to be configurable.

Also, just noticed something else. I spawned in DP, near the cave under the broken bridge. I made my way to Hibernia. I went in to warm up, then after looting it and warming up, I went to the trailer on the side that's nearest to the Riken. I went out the other side, and started crossing towards the Riken, when I encountered a wolf. I ran back into the trailer, using a different door. I was informed that I'd just discovered a new location, and was able to loot it again, getting more stuff. This... is a problem.

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Yeah, I understand it. I was thinking that while I totally get not allowing custom games to contribute to feats, it would be all right to use feats earned in non-custom games.

Oh well, c'est la vie :) As for the old days, I wasn't playing this game then, only got it a few months ago.

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I completely agree. I mean, you can practically set up the game so food willingly jumps in your mouth with the custom options. Having the custom games apply to either badges or achievements is not sensible. It'd just be nice to be able to say things like "you can use three badges in this custom game setting" when you post the data string delineating the game.

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Tbh you can secure all the feats and achievements really easily if you use Pilgrim mode, so engineering a custom game to farm them is not particularly necessary. 

But I like the idea of adding an option to the custom configuration to determine how many feats can be used, instead of that being "hard coded". 

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