Writable & Craftable Signs


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I would settle for being able to plant my old torches in the ground to make a road marker... but yeah, a sign would be fantastic. Heck, after experiencing an Aurora, we could just attach light bulbs to our signs or markers, and when there's an Aurora, we'd have lit markers! Okay, that's probably never going to happen, but I'd still like signs. Maybe even add a requirement of the heavy hammer to put them up (hammering the post into the frozen ground would require a lot of effort). And hey, another use for Charcoal (or a bleeding wound)! But a pause function while we type out what we want to write would be mandatory, since typing on the console version is awful.

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It makes sense game-wise, I suppose, but it makes absolutedly no sense survival-wise. It would be completedly wasted calories to try and make signs somewhere. You are stuck a bit in Minecraft mindset, Id reccon.

What would make more sense is bright color markers tied to specific locations, to mark a way. Kind of like in the Story mode the piece of torn cloth you find on a branch once you climb up - bright "flags" like that are one of the reccomended ways to mark your way when you are, for example, attempting to walk away from a crash, to help the potential rescue teams that arrived to the crash site to figure out the direction in which you went. But I dont find that very likely - unless it would be something like "drop down, then use right click to pin it somewhere" kind of item. I suppose that would be kind of cool, and makes much more sense survival-wise because it takes a lot less effort. 

Other types of signs are made easier then your regular "sign" - by using sticks and stones organized in unnatural shapes like arrow pointers, etc. But those would be quickly lost in a snow. In the TLD, you can for example use "ruined" items you have to create some sort of markers as well, but those are usually pretty small to be effective.

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