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Everything posted by Kaiservadin

  1. Sorry i thought i reply about that. It would just be a reward for surviving a long time. It doesn't have to be a smg but maybe a shotgun or something. Very powerful but slow reload etc.
  2. 5.) Show where we are at on the map. Not having this annoys me so much.
  3. Some reason i can't edit my post so i will add to it here. 4.) Make recycled can scrapable into scrap metal. Even if it takes a lot of them.
  4. ATM There is only one item but i will add more to this list as time goes on. 1.) Add hot coco as a recipe to the game. Your in a nuclear winter and you don't have hot coco ?. What kind of location are we in ? 2.) On the hardest setting ( Custom not included ) if you survive 255 days you find a SMG ( Uses pistol ammo ) in your next play through. Or a new gun type. 3.) Be able to throw anything off a cliff that way your not stuck in a area because you need rope to climb.
  5. What that experience teached me was to overload my bag with sticks.
  6. Had no sticks, and if i could see where sticks where it would be no problem.
  7. Died on the way to grey mother because had no way to start a fire and basicly froze to death in the dark.