Zoom in/out for maps & radial menu toggle on/off with accessible interactions on


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I would like to be able to zoom in and out when looking at the map in both sandbox and storymode (especially in storymode).

Also I would like that the radial menu were toggle on/off when the accessible interactions are on. I play on Xbox One btw.

Even though in the options it says it converts ALL "press and hold" actions, but for some reason you still have to press and hold when using the radial menu.

My hands and fingers start hurting pretty quickly so I have the accessible interactions on to relieve the stress put on them. Having to hold that button down is making my finger ache.

Edit. I also noticed that lighting torches, the storm lantern and flares also requires pushing and holding down the button. I honestly can't remember if it's been like this always or not but those functions should also be added under the accessible interactions so you just need to press once.

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Since in the options it says all "push and hold" actions then the radial menu should be included or it isn't doing what it promises. I play on Xbox One and it is a problem for me. I work with my hands so I don't need more things putting stress on them. Or just for the simple fact that I don't like my hands hurting while playing.

In story mode I can't zoom in the map, don't recall being able to do that in sandbox either but could be wrong.

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I don't play on consoles so I am not sure if my point applies, I play on PC. You also need to "hold" to do a lot of things, but there is an option in the settings which switches this to simply "push" instead of holding. Maybe something similar is on consoles as well?

You can most definitely zoom in on the map, on PC and consoles alike. Either you came by a bug, or you just haven't figured out how yet.

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With Xbox I believe you zoom on the map by moving the right stick upwards (might be wrong)

I can see a need to have the radial menu being push once but I really enjoy it being push and hold; it makes me feel like I am holding open my rucksack o retrieve what I need for my action.

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The accessible interactions option (just need to click once instead of pressing down) does NOT include the radial menu on Xbox One. That's what I want corrected.

Also I'm also guessing that you're referring to the sandbox map because I can't zoom in/out on the maps in Wintermute which is what I'd like to do.

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On 2017-08-05 at 2:32 AM, Mroz4k said:

You can most definitely zoom in on the map, on PC

How do you do it? I can't remember. I play with a tv for a monitor and so I'm not sitting very close to it and it's not so easy to read some things and it's nice to have a zoom in option.

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