Home Screen Small Change


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I haven't actually played the updated game yet which is very annoying given my love for the game. I've been trying to keep track of the forums and media without picking up unwanted spoilers and it's been pretty good for that on here so thank you everyone for that.

One thing I have seen is the new homescreen which is black with the hatchet on it in white which fades to the classic trapper's homestead when left vacant.

My request is that this is either changed back as I miss having it there when I browse my options or perhaps have the hatchet as being a window to the trapper's homestead backdrop snowy setting rather than just white to connect the two wallpapers more seemlessly. If this were implemented, the transition between the two could be a smooth foggy style similar to the new hot bar rustic style.

That's just what my preference would be. Feel free to tell me yours below.

Good Luck on the track


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  • 1 month later...

Dont think this is really neccesary that much, but I agree with you both - the new screen is very agressive compared to the previous calm ones. It just doesnt fit the mood of the game. I too would rather have the old screen back - or have it changing to different ingame locations, then just simply the trappers... and I understand this is a logo for TLD, but frankly that design just doesnt sit very well with me.

The foggy option would be also better - anything that fits into the mood of the game better would be an improvement.

But I am not sure if such a change is worth the resources - however, at the same time, the initial screen is the first thing in game new players will see - it will be one of the key "first impression moments" for many of players.

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