Lantern held too high


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After lighting the lantern the PC holds it way above his head, if you look straight up its definitely really high up.

It may just be me and my friend, who commented on it at the time. Or something to do with having a high FOV, But it feels too high. Why doesn't he hold it in the same position he does before its lit? Can I get some insight into this decision? Was it to make the character not feel as short? 

I personally think itd work best if we held it in the same position as before we light it.

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I see at least 2 good reasons why it is that way. Someone designed that lantern and they really want people to see the end result carefully and covering 30% of the screen estate with the lantern helps getting better FPS for console players.

Joking aside, there is no good reason why it is positioned that way.

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Conversely holding the lantern high gives you the most light (no low hanging objects - or you - to block it) while being above eye level prevents you from looking directly at the light (and wrecking your vision). Personally I'm fine with the lantern as it. I'm far more annoyed with the unskippable pickup animation that plays every time I find one in the game.

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I think holding a lantern should be a low/mid range mode. that would be more natural maybe? why would you hold it above your head? all I can think of is if you wanted to look on the top shelf of a cupboard or something.

also being mid range it should still give enough light below or above?

yeah placing laterns it seems its hit miss go where we say we place them.


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On 12/6/2016 at 1:50 PM, MarrowStone said:

I think itd be best held at the same position it was before it was lit. that way it doesnt cover your screen and you can still look down to see it. 

At the moment if its lit and you look straight up, youcan see the bottom of the lantern!

This right here.. same with the flare, its annoying on the screen and like stated.. impractical to position it right by your face.

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10 hours ago, djanico said:

This right here.. same with the flare, its annoying on the screen and like stated.. impractical to position it right by your face.

I understand with the flare though you're characters trying not to get the sparks on him but it can also be held at the hip pointing outwards but then itd never be on screen ig, I also think when facing strong gusts of wind we should see the character's left hand held up to block it. And when warming up at fires itd be cool to see our characters reach their hands out towards it. 

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