Vigilant Trespass: UI feedbacks, small bug and memory doubts.


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So, I'm not having much time to play sadly but this new update is so exciting and I wanted to try it. New mode with tons of things, new challenge etc. The thing is I didn't finished the hunter part 1 yet, the bear killed me a few times me before arriving at the main house on pleasant valley. Now I've tried again and almost never encountered it, sweet :)

Before starting a new sandbox and the challenge let's recap what I've noticed.


1) The new separation (crafting objects, wood stuff) is good but the icons are way too big and not clear.  Look at the star and weight one's on the left, there's a clear visual conflict, I prefer the clear one.

edit: I've take a look at the previous icon. They are WAY better, it's not about the object that you choose but they look cleaner even if they're more complex. 57e65f09715a8_Schermata2016-09-24alle13.



2) Wasn't the game about minimal UI? :( I love it for this. Those new icons inside the world are good just for extremelly new players, they kind of ruin the experience for me, I don't need them and when I move inside a space with a lot of objects it's really bad. The best solution would be to have a simple option in the menu to disable them. And what about the font/boxing? Was it like this before? It feels a lot more heavy and less minimal, really hope to see this included in the same menu choice as well. I guess the devs wanted to have the world more readable for new players but it only feels as junk (no offense, I'm being technical) to me.




2b) Same about the new "save" text when the wheel spins. It has to be in the same menu. Something like "disable extra UI". I don't need it. I know what the wheel means. It looks bad. It would be like having text under the affliction icons bottom left, it makes no sense.


3) Was this 3D exterior view so good already? :) Feels new to me but I'm probably wrong.



4) There's a bug when lighting matches, it doesn't work the first time, it does the whole circle without the hands animation but nothing happens. You have to do it immediatelly again to make it work. The lantern movements can stuck themselves in a position as well, like it disappear for too much even when you started to walk straight again. But those are all new minor stuff so it's fine.





5) Did the rocks get a beauty pass or I'm imagining things? Also the color correction seems way better! I could be wrong as well but it seems that it doesn't destroy dark areas as in the previous versions.
edit: I've checked, the rocks changed! I like them, they probably need some tone down but it's the right direction for me.

I'll let you know more when I'll try Interloper and The hunted p2 :)

beauty pass and color.png

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"1) The new separation (crafting objects, wood stuff) is good but the icons are way too big and not clear.  Look at the star and weight one's on the left, there's a clear visual conflict, I prefer the clear one.

edit: I've take a look at the previous icon. They are WAY better, it's not about the object that you choose but they look cleaner even if they're more complex."

>> It was better before


"2) Wasn't the game about minimal UI? :( I love it for this. Those new icons inside the world are good just for extremelly new players, they kind of ruin the experience for me, I don't need them and when I move inside a space with a lot of objects it's really bad. The best solution would be to have a simple option in the menu to disable them. And what about the font/boxing? Was it like this before? It feels a lot more heavy and less minimal, really hope to see this included in the same menu choice as well. I guess the devs wanted to have the world more readable for new players but it only feels as junk (no offense, I'm being technical) to me."

>> I hate that too


"5) Did the rocks get a beauty pass or I'm imagining things? Also the color correction seems way better! I could be wrong as well but it seems that it doesn't destroy dark areas as in the previous versions.
edit: I've checked, the rocks changed! I like them, they probably some tone down but it's the right direction for me."

>> I don't like this rocks.

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I agree that rocks must be revised again. I like the clean black and white look of the previous versions but I also like some new texture added in the game. Imho they're on the right direction, just needed to experiment more and toning down like with the color correction.

At the moment the really bad thing is the new UI in game, can't stand it. I hope to get some feedback from the devs! Or I will have to uncheck the whole UI which would be really bad and unpleasant.

Hope to try interloper soon...



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Started and ended Hunted p2 in 8h :) I've taken some screenshots of the rocks, I like them. And I'm almost sure about a new color correction pass, really really good.



Then I've started an Interloper, I will have *a lot* of fun with this. Stalker is basic mode when you know the rules of the game and you have to pushing yourself to do risky things and put too manu hours in it to be challenged. And I don't even have great knowledge of the maps.

Now with interloper the game is back again, I spawned in Desolation Point, went to the lighthouse immediatelly and freezed. Found so little I'll have to go to the church and then directly on CH. I don't even have matches! The devs really addressed the boredom that can arise from having too many objects to loot and drag arround.

Just another thing that I don't like. It's the UI again. The SLEEP / REST section is extremelly crowded. There're too many lines, boxes, levels of gray, repetition of the word sleep etc


1 hour ago, MueckE said:

Like i said in the test branch forum, the new UI looks cheap. Like a pre-alpha version. Like a student did this for his computer-class, or like some fast thing made for a mobilegame - just awful.

Before it was cleaner and nicer.

No need to be so harsh :D

Anyway yes, did you get an answer while in test branch? This letter boxing is no good. I had to disable the UI completelly.



I've start an Interloper sandbox (by the way, all the other things added besides the UI seems really great, I'm focusing more on this but it doesn't mean that the other stuff aren't impressive!) and the "SAVING..." text is there even without the UI! 0_0


You can all see it here on the beginning of Hunted p2.



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i like most of the update, just the grey boxing .... It sounds a little bit harsh, but to be honest, go check out the first public version of the long dark! seems that the new ui is inspired by the old  style from 2014 - i just don't understand why. It is clearly a visual downgrade. I like the new rocks too btw. Maybe just a tiny little colour reduction, but generally they look great.

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Yea that too... It was so beatiful to discover the use for each thing at the beginning. This is handholding. They surelly heard a lot of complaining for new players that want to understand the game in 20 minutes and are confused.
Really hope it's addressed, playing without UI you loose the stamina bar, the dot at the center and the indicators bottom left :/

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#1 - I too prefer the old icons

#2 - I too find the new labels on world object too large, and I think it is unnecessary to tell me what the stuff is for, at least not the way the stuff is currently labeled. 

I'd suggest if you find the need to have to explain items, you find a way to do it in the backpack, like maybe a 'details' button.  This could actually be very useful, it could explain what you can craft with an item and how many are needed.  

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