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This is a repeat of something I made in another post, fleshed out a little.

I walk into a dwelling for the first time.  I am freezing and cold. There are 3 beds, each with a blanket on it.  Am I not going to take all 3 blankets to my bed?   I am cold, I haven't found a jacket yet, I need to go outside.  I am going to walk past multiple beds with blankets?  (Note, sad story from last year in my local area.  Girl was at bus-stop waiting to go to school in cold winter morning with a towel wrapped around her shoulders as her mom was too poor to buy a winter coat for the kid).  It doesn't make sense to me that I'd not grab the blanket and wrap it around me like a cape, or if I had a knife or even the little scissors from the sewing kit I'd cut a hole in it and make a poncho.

I absolutely believe that blankets and other bed materials should be harvestable as 'blankets'.  You use blankets to 'improve' the bed you are sleeping in, maybe 3 different levels. (1 blanket = minimal, and what most are normally found at, improve slightly with each additional blanket, max a certain point extra blankets don't do much as in themselves they aren't warm they just hold your warmth.  Also diminishing returns.  Going from 1 blanket to 2 blanket is +1C, 2 blanket to 3 = +0.9C.

Blankets can be used to create and repair bedroll.  Maybe be able to create 3 different types, with different weights.  It would take more blankets to accomplish the same thing as on a bed you are elevated off the floor and have mattress under you so little heat is lost downward, bedroll on the cold ground much heat lost downward. Basically 2 blankets on ground for every 1 blanket on top, so 3 blankets to make minimal bed roll, 6 to make improved.  9 to make superior.  Beyond that it is impractical.  Heck superior may be impractical too.

Bearskln equals 2 blankets plus a small intrinsic bonus.

Blanket can also be harvested for big pile of cloth.

Blanket can be used to craft poncho type "jacket"

When repair skill is high enough, craft an actual blanket coat  (Capote)...which wikipedia tells me is tied to the Canadian Identity.  Warmth wise make it very similar to navy pea coat.

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how many blankets is based on how thick the blankets are and material.  I was thinking the basic cotton or fleece blanket you'd get from Target or the Canadian Equivalent.  Obviously a thick wool 'army' blanket would take fewer to reach the point of no more gain.  Quilt would be even heavier.  Note though if you read about frontier america, it was the considered the basic lowest acceptable threshold to have 2 quilts per bed, and these were often beds that were small yet still had 2 or 3 people in them sharing body warmth.  Granted, they weren't wearing wolfskin jackets while doing this.

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yeah this got me thinking, how about for later gameplay if we could make, a wolfpelt blanket for beds in the mountaineers hut/lookout towers? Or any other semi exposed cabins/huts to be added. Would certainly give us stalker players something to do with the carpet of wolfpelts usually


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I really, really like the idea of blankets, in general, whether it's something we can loot, something we can craft or both.  I like the idea of one that isn't made out of the cloth that we loot (I think that those pieces are too little-- otherwise we'd use many of them) but a new harvestable item from other beds in the world.  I think that is interesting because it comes with a tradeoff: you permanently destroy another sleeping place to create the blanket you use.  I'd also like to see an option made from animals/furs.

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