A few more ideas in the pot ...


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Please forgive if already in roadmap or previously requested.. but personally I'd like to see these...

A more interactive fire lighting process .. that gives you the option to add more matches, kindling or accelerant if it looks like it will fail - rather than having it fail at the end of the progress bar and start over again.

Research books that you actually read while the timer bar passes.  Just basic tips, interesting facts and images to pass the time.  or even in game tips on which tool to use for what etc.

Journals on bodies that can be read & researched or offer hints to map layout or even hidden stashes (buried treasure kind of thing)

I'd also like to see berries and fungus expanded if plausible - to include poisonous varieties too - maybe linked to readable books etc (or trial and error) maybe even make various colours have random effects for replayability over realism

Couple of the above would lend themselves to adding a shovel and a digging mechanic too 

As far as kit additions - maybe bear traps if they can be added without being to powerful - maybe only work in real-time (need to lure animal over trap) with a ~50% chance to work etc.  Would also make good additional hazards for the player to disarm while exploring.  I'd quite like backpacks/containers as a discoverable item (already in roadmap?), which would give a carry weight discount - eg. quiver discounts weight of arrows, water bladder discounts weight of water, better rucksacks discount overall weight - just to reflect ease of carrying and give more items to find, craft or upgrade.  Note that I find 30kg is good for max optimal carry weight, but maybe start at 20kg in early game with no decent packs/container discounts.

Anyway .. just my thoughts .. I better get back to work now!

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Firemaking could use some work. Right now its just success vs fail, with primary variable being accelerant. Ability to add more tinder to increase chances of success would go a long way. Like up to 5 extra kindlings can be added, each for 1% bonus. From lvl3, instead of losing kindlings from the equation player can add up to 10. Something along those lines, put more effort into it and have greater chance of starting fire, instead of fail after fail that can be fairly annoying with all the waiting and loss of matches.

Books with some factoids that are randomly chosen from the loooooong list, pertinent to subject of the book. With time indicator on top, showing how much time has passed, so that player dont have to constantly exit and check time.

Journals could be about Stiffs journey, with possible remarks about what (s)he saw, found or lost. Nothing 2 direct.

Interesting approach to containers. I like it.

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Welcome to the forums!

I don't think it's inherently wrong to suggest things that are frequently suggested - I think @Patrick Carlson said that frequently suggested items may be moved up on the roadmap. So, no need to apologize!

3 hours ago, The_Long_Mark said:

A more interactive fire lighting process .. that gives you the option to add more matches, kindling or accelerant if it looks like it will fail - rather than having it fail at the end of the progress bar and start over again.


That's a refreshingly good idea I don't recall having read here, I like it.

3 hours ago, The_Long_Mark said:

Research books that you actually read while the timer bar passes.  Just basic tips, interesting facts and images to pass the time.  or even in game tips on which tool to use for what etc.


I'd like that as well ^_^ We have so many survival experts on these forums, sure they could put in a few lines?

3 hours ago, The_Long_Mark said:

Journals on bodies that can be read & researched or offer hints to map layout or even hidden stashes (buried treasure kind of thing)


I'd like this if it was very very rare. People don't just normally leave stashes of stuff lying about and carrying notes on them in their pockets. But if it's rare, yeah. (Or maybe just hints to find bunkers)

3 hours ago, The_Long_Mark said:

I'd also like to see berries and fungus expanded if plausible - to include poisonous varieties too - maybe linked to readable books etc (or trial and error) maybe even make various colours have random effects for replayability over realism


Probably not until seasons arrive (they're on the roadmap and I AM STOKED! :D ) I personally don't know about the poisonous flora and funghi of Canada, but it'd be a nice addition - maybe a gathering skill? The first four ranks decrease the chance of poisoning, the fifth gives twice the Old Man's Beard?


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Just to pop in here: We see the Roadmap as a combination of some popular topics from the community that mesh with the game's overall vision, as well as potential ideas that have originated from inside the studio. And as always, there are very likely some Sandbox features we are working on that aren't on the Roadmap at all. We still like to keep some surprises up our sleeves. :)


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The fire starting shouldn't be a progress bar but rather an event in the game world that takes time. You can open the "starting fire gui" new thing. And select options. Blow on the fire, add more tinder etc... Once started it's like a normal fire.

I think normal books should be able to be read. They can randomly give you a bit of skill and simply another way to pass time. They can also be used to help with cabin fever. Newspapers as well can be read.

Carrying capacity should start off minimal but findable backpacks/primitive upgrades should be a feature. Quiver is a must. Rifle strap is another good idea I have.

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I expect fire starting will change in the next update. Anybody that got the Cub Scout fire badge should know that more tinder speeds up the fire building process and increases the chance of success.

With the shovel being front and center on the loading screen, I expect it will at the very least have a use in the Sandbox, and might even be required to finish part of Story Mode. :big_smile:


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