Fire Pit


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Don't know if anyone has suggested this yet, I've been gone awhile and only returned within the last couple of weeks.  I've enjoyed catching up and seeing all the new changes but I have 1 thing that annoys the crap out of me....

Every time we make a fire it creates another burned out fire, which can't be used again....The reason this annoys me so much is I like to use the hay barns and such as "outposts".  I'll typically store a sleeping bag, some tinder(4-5), matches(1 pack), accelerant(1), some wood(10-15 pieces) and maybe some medical stuff just in case.  If a storm kicks up and I'm moving slow with a deer on my back then I can duck into one of these satellite locations and it means I don't have to carry a sleeping back with me everywhere in case I need to rest a little.  

But now in some of these locations I've got 9-10 different burned out fires that interfere with me putting down/accessing the current fire.  We can pick up sticks, coal, other objects...why not rocks?  Say 12 rocks needed, 30 minutes, 250 calories and you've got a firepit.  One that can be accessed again and again just like a fireplace or stove.  This would eliminate the constant burned out camp fires taking up areas.  So you could build a firepit for a permanent fire station or camp fire for temporary usage.  Either that or give the burned out camp fire an option to dismantle like the snow shelter, but in the case of the camp fire it just removes the "burned out campfire".

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yeah im pretty sure burnt out fires has been discussed before somewhere, it's defiantly an issue that must be fixed. Why can't they just make them disappear if not used for 24hours or something similar. Problem solved :)

found recent topic here



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Guess it's better to just link my other post. :)

1 minute ago, Gaboris said:

Personally I'd rather have the option to REIGNITE a fire rather than have it disappear. I like TLD's permanent nature. Even if I left a place weeks or months ago it's still the same like how I left it.(Okay maybe there could actually be natural changes like snow pile up, animals vandalizing stuff or things like that, but right now we're talking about campfires.)

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I think I've heard mention that fires and cooking are due for a revamp relatively soon.

The hinterland team cannot possibly have failed to notice the number of complaints about this issue, so I'd be pretty optimistic about seeing a solution before all that long.

Personally, the issue that bugs me more is that you can't extinguish a fire that you no longer need, in order to save some of the fuel for later - or if the wind blows it out, the fuel is gone.

As I said, I'm optimistic about seeing improvements to fire building in general in future, cos there's a number of niggly issues with them as they currently stand. 

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