Firearm skill affect bow hunting


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Does anyone know if the new firearm skill applies to bow hunting?  I've explored all of ML and still haven't found a rifle so I've been using a bow.  I'm at level 2 for firearms because I found both books (including the advanced firearms one) but I have no idea if my bow hunting is affected by this skill set.  

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On 27-8-2016 at 8:12 PM, 100_days_of_snow said:

No it doesn't, but bows are considered a firearm irl

Depends on who is doing the considering. I typed "firearm definition" in google. The first 5 links are of 3 dictionaries, all describing a firearm as a weapon that uses a explosive propellant, and wikipedia, describing it as a barreled weapon. A bow doesn't use an explosive propellant or a barrel, so according to these definitions it is not a firearm.

I know in some US states bows are legally considered firearms, but that is probably only done because the states don't want to go through the effort of drafting separate laws for bows.

In the Netherlands bows are part of the "wet wapens en munitie" (weapons and ammunition law), but have their own classification within that law. The Dutch legal definition of a firearm:

"vuurwapen: een voorwerp bestemd of geschikt om projectielen of stoffen door een loop af te schieten, waarvan de werking berust op het teweegbrengen van een scheikundige ontploffing of een andere scheikundige reactie"

firearm: an object designed or meant to fire projectiles or substances through a barrel, whereof the operation is based on initiating a chemical explosion or some other chemical reaction.

So here in the Netherlands a bow is clearly not a firearm.


As for whether the firearm skill is applied to the bow in TLD, I have no idea. But I do believe my firearm skill has been raised by shooting arrow with my bow. But I can be mistaking.

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To the best of my knowledge archery has yet to be added to the game. Bows and rifles are normally considered separate for Ontario at least and I suspect most other provinces. As far as real life goes the two skills are very different. You can be a great marksman but a poor archer (and vice versa).

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