Bug: still "exhausted" after 10 hours of sleep

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 First of all, I like graphic updates a lot.  They look really nice. Especially the detail in footprints in the snow :-) 

 I continued in my current sandbox. It was probably about nine hours of daylight but it was a blizzard so I couldn't tell for sure. Anyhow, when it stopped I went outside and cooked for hours and then gather wood before returning home exhausted. 


 There was 10 hours of darkness remaining  when I went to bed and I slept for 10 hours and I woke still exhausted!

  A bug, right?

 Edit: I just noticed there is a "pas time" option now right next to the sleep option. I must have pressed that instead of "sleep."

 What a bummer!! :P


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Well, I guess such silly little mistakes happen to everyone occasionally! Happy to hear you didn't die because of it. :winky:

Please let me know in case you want this thread to be deleted and I'll see to it. Otherwise I'll keep it open to remind everyone of the dangers to klick the wrong buttons accidentally.^^

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12 hours ago, Wasteland Watcher said:

 Edit: I just noticed there is a "pas time" option now right next to the sleep option. I must have pressed that instead of "sleep."

 What a bummer!! :P


Note: I've been doing this to. It's a little annoying that the buttons are so easy to mix up! :frown:

Remember though that you can hit "Esc" any time to cancel and action including resting so you can go back and actually sleep.

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That's been my problem playing this game. 

"One more interior to enter . . . saved."

"Oh, wait, while I'm here, let's put all this firewood away . . . "

"Oh, time to sleep . . . four hours (not exhausted yet) . . . saved."

"Oh, what a beautiful morning! Let's eat that deer before it goes bad." Eye lands on mountaineering rope laying on the table. "Oh, I meant to go to the Ravine! Let's do that today while the weather is so nice."

"Let's stop by the Dam and pick up that bedroll in case I get socked in by a blizzard in the Ravine."

Another Interior save. 

"Let's head back out to the Ravine, I can't wait to see what changes have been made!"

Oh shit, it's 1 am . . .

And I have to be up at 7 am . . .

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11 hours ago, cekivi said:

Note: I've been doing this to. It's a little annoying that the buttons are so easy to mix up! :frown:

Remember though that you can hit "Esc" any time to cancel and action including resting so you can go back and actually sleep.

You know, I saw that and thought, "Oh neat, you can wake up anytime from sleep now!"

Wong answer :P

10 hours ago, hauteecolerider said:

That's been my problem playing this game. 

"One more interior to enter . . . saved."

"Oh, wait, while I'm here, let's put all this firewood away . . . "

"Oh, time to sleep . . . four hours (not exhausted yet) . . . saved."

"Oh, what a beautiful morning! Let's eat that deer before it goes bad." Eye lands on mountaineering rope laying on the table. "Oh, I meant to go to the Ravine! Let's do that today while the weather is so nice."

"Let's stop by the Dam and pick up that bedroll in case I get socked in by a blizzard in the Ravine."

Another Interior save. 

"Let's head back out to the Ravine, I can't wait to see what changes have been made!"

Oh shit, it's 1 am . . .

And I have to be up at 7 am . . .

The cool thing about The Long Dark is that it's taught me to plan my day, every day right when I wake.
I wake, eat & drink, then look at my food, water, and wood stores. I hit [ESC] and then think if I need to gather a resource or not.
If I do need to grill meat or boil snow, I then do that the entire day until I'm exhausted or until there's a balance of me needing eight~nine hours sleep and eight~nine hours of dark left.
If it's wood gathering that's needed I'll do that until an hour or two of daylight remaining then return home.

If I don't need anything and it's a "free day," then I'll explore and bring home anything I find (and I usually gather sticks along the way) :)


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