The shape of the moon


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The art style in this game is exceptional, and I'm fine with the impressionist rendering of the moon's surface, the size, the depiction of the phase -- all that stuff.  My issue is the lopsided shape; the moon should be perfectly round.  Certainly part won't be lit when the phase isn't full, but the overall shape should be really round.  I don't think this conflicts with the game's art style since the sun is already round.

Obviously this a pretty minor thing with no gameplay impact,  But I do have a "what's wrong with that thing?!" reaction every time I see the moon.

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I thought the same thing too about the moon, but then looked closer and realized that there are shadows around a perfectly round rim that make it look irregular. Once I saw that, I just forgot about it and went back to enjoying the graphics of the game. 

The thing that blows me away is the proportions and animations of the animals. So often I find things to be off, like a weird bend in the elbow joint of deer and horses, wolves that bound instead of loping along in their beautiful gait, a bear that moves like an animal a tenth of its size (i.e. not big and ponderously). I don't get that feel in this game, which makes me hopeful for decent horses (the only decently proportioned horses that move well are the ones from Oblivion, though the ones in Skyrim have more personality). 

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When the moon is full, it's fairly round. It's just like a RL moon - it has its phases, its craters and shadows. 

Never bothered me. 

I do see how it can bother people under certain conditions (i.e. slight fog, hazy, etc.) But I have a screenie of the full moon over Coastal Highway and it looks fine to me. 

Oh well. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :geek:

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