Use prybar to enter bunker


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It will make prybars more useful. Like right now i have collected 5 prybars and i have nothing to use them on lol? So i thought about places where they could be used and bunkers came to my mind. Bunkers can be locked and if you dont have the key u need to bruteforce your way in

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The prybar has only 2 uses: opening locked lockers/ car trunks and opening fishing holes. I agree there should be more things to do with the prybar, but the bunkers doesn't make sense to me. Those bunker doors look way too sturdy to be pried open with a prybar.

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3 hours ago, elloco999 said:

The prybar has only 2 uses: opening locked lockers/ car trunks and opening fishing holes. I agree there should be more things to do with the prybar, but the bunkers doesn't make sense to me. Those bunker doors look way too sturdy to be pried open with a prybar.

I'm with @elloco999 on this. The bunker doors will likely bend the prybars, or that prybar will bounce back and smack you in the face or break your wrist. The doors are just too massive and heavy. 

Once you've opened all the lockers and locked trunks/air cargo containers in the game, you can start leaving the prybars in the fishing huts you frequent the most. I've started doing this in my Pilgrim game, and already thinking ahead in my current Voyager game.

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I see your point about making sure tools remain useful but it would be very difficult to open a locked hatch. Maybe more locked doors will be added in a future release or - better - prybars could be used to break down boards, crates and furniture to save wear on your axe. I've demolished most of a bathroom before with just a prybar so they are up to the challenge.

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2 hours ago, cekivi said:

I've demolished most of a bathroom before with just a prybar so they are up to the challenge.

A pry bar or a crowbar?

Pry bar:




A pry bar is a flat strip of metal meant for prying out nails to open crates and such. A crowbar is a much stronger (and usually larger) metal bar meant more for demolition work (and bashing in zombie's heads, but we don't have those in TLD ;))

But yeah, I would like more uses for those pry bars.

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No, definitely the pry bar. The work really well for getting underneath flooring to pull it up. We were redoing the entire interior. Although a crowbar does do the same job. I was also using a hammer though to get the pry bar to slip under the flooring though.

Admittedly, the game should probably just swap the pry bar (more for carpentry) for the crowbar. Then you'd be able to justify many additional uses for the tool as opposed to just ice chipping and breaking into trunks and lockers.

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9 hours ago, Excorpion said:

idk about the prybar, but i know that is light (if you know please share the wight in kg :P)


It's 1kg ingame. :winky:

@topic: I totally agree to elloco that there's no reasonable way how you could open a door as sturdy and heavy as the bunker doors with a prybar. In my personal opinion it's completely impossible even with a crowbar.

I always imagined the bunker hatches to use some kind of screw thread mechanism (spinning the wheel on top gradually opens or seals the exit, respectively) and you simply can't lever up something like that because the screw thread prevents it. At least it would take some really brute force (absolutely superhuman level brute force) to somehow pry open such a thing. ^^

However, I generally agree that it would be nice to have some more uses for the prybar (besides lockers and fishing holes). Maybe we could use them to gain access to houses nailed with boards or to lever up the various cellar doors that are currently non-interactable.^^

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They're not heavy, typically about 1-2 lbs (or 0.5 - 1 kg). They're strong, and sturdy, though, because they're usually made from steel. That said, even a steel prybar can't open a bunker hatch, not that kind of airlock door, nope. Crowbar? It won't bend, but it won't stay put either with the amount of force you're putting on it. It's going to slide right out and thwack you on the head or sprain/break your wrist. 

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