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Everything posted by SuperStriker16

  1. I'm aware that the vest gives +50% protection, but what does the positive afliction "armored" give, that's what i'm curious about. I'm guessing that this bear hadn't gotten his top gun flight training like the others. I'm fever-less, meaning I still have to go to school, but l feel pretty nasty.
  2. Made it to Blackrock, time to loot! Found the armored vest and it’s 50% protection, does anyone know what “armored” gives you? Anything? Nothing? Made my way to the mine, found this prepped cache right next to the broken bridge that leads to the mines, unfortunately due to the update, it was empty. Also first confirmed bear kill that didn’t fly away, I’d got it on the way there. IMG_0182.MOV Made my way into the mines, got the hand grenades and code. And Finally, made some new cartridges, about 70 of them .
  3. Thanks for the hopes and well wishes, my fever broke yesterday, so i'm back at school despite still having a kind of a cold, I'll be better able to post at home, I will also start back up the loper run again.
  4. The footage that I forgot to put on the last post: the realization of the save failure, notice lower ammo and condition. (Wouldn’t let me upload it, so I had to record on my iPad, which is why there is no sound) IMG_0177.MOV Me going back to the previous save, notice higher ammo and condition. (This one it let me upload) IMG_0178.MOV
  5. @AdminThere are other issues as well, but I didn’t want to continue clogging up the bug report with something that I’d already reported twice, save issues on Xbox. You came out and said that the problem should be fixed in the hot fix, but just recently, I’ve experienced the bug again, fortunately, this time it was a good bug. As I had recently posted on here: Well that didn’t save, I’d realized the bug after stumbling into the foreman’s clear cut trailer after getting assaulted by the Timberwolves. I immediately quit and checked back, realizing that it had sent me back to where I was at about 70% condition and the attack just started, the game saving after getting 2 bleeds from the wolves. I was able to get back to cover and plan better shots, I ended up with roughly 60-70% condition and saved a few bullets as well as killing 2 more Timberwolves than if I was on the previous save. I see this as an absolute win! Just wanted to bring your attention to the problem, I think this one makes more sense as the game was saving a lot in a short amount of time, and one slipped through the cracks. As for the giant bark, it’s not harmful and it seems many people have had this issue to various degrees, (one YouTuber was able to fit under one) I will still report it. As for anyone wondering where I’ve been, I have been pretty sick these last few days as well as taking breaks to play other games, there is also school to contend with, it will be a while, but I will get back to regular posting soon.
  6. Lots of playtime and I’m almost constantly on the move, the longer days help too. Just got reduced to ~40% condition by a pack of timberwolves, killed some though.
  7. Made it to the um it and back to the cabin. The last climb… great day for a plane crash, eh. The great view. These are my new clothes. I’m going to be very warm for the time being. Most of the gear that I’m leaving behind (there were a few other things.) Im now headed to Blackrock prison for ammo, hand grenades, and the body armor.
  8. I just realized that I can take pictures on my iPad of the screenshots on my Xbox. Unfortunately the video got messed up by glare. I’ll record the recording at night so there can’t be glare. I found some comically large birch bark. That one is huge! I finished the ash canyon map. Me saying “goodbye” to ash canyon that I stayed in for about 10 days. off to the Timberwolf Mountain Summit!
  9. The Xbox app won’t let me upload, delete, or post any screenshots or videos, not sure why, so for now you guys will have to take my word for it. I finished the ash canyon map getting all named locations, killed a moose, 2 wolves and skinned a dead deer, took all their hides and the guts from the moose. I’m currently headed back to Timberwolf Mountain, which next thing I want to do is to get to the summit, after that, I will be headed to Blackrock.
  10. I’m usually pretty good at finding improvised cover wherever I’m at, thanks for the complement. I need those shells if I want to recycle ammo, so there usually my top priority for after I’ve dealt with the threat.
  11. I must go, my planet needs me! (Levitates aggressively)
  12. Here’s the day’s adventures (so far) Made it to ash canyon. Found a flare gun and 7 shots on the way to the cabin. (I already took 4 shells) I found this wolf and scared it off with the torch dropping, high wolf fear I guess, it would have got me otherwise. IMG_0155.MOV While making my way up to the gold mine, I found a hatchet, and bow. I made it to the miner’s camp, found the curator’s rifle outside and down the creek, I then proceeded into the mine. inside the mine I found this hammer near the climbing equipment behind some minecarts, then got to the good stuff. I did some inventory management, dropped a bunch of gear, the bow and arrows, and a few other things. I also ran into this bear when I doubled back to look for a revolver. You can see what happened. IMG_0164.MOV I found the bear, supposedly dead, the crows made a nice touch, but if you look closely it was still breathing. I guess it had to return to its home planet or something. IMG_0161.MOV And I finally made it to miners folly and beyond, finally found this revolver.
  13. These things are why I started this run in the first place.
  14. Well, for anyone who wanted me to camp at trapper’s, you came to the right place! That’s where I spawned for my second attempt at this challenge, I fixed the issues from the first and like I said, where I spawn is where I set up my main base. IMG_0147.MOV the code if you want to see my new setup. Found this knife. my plan is to get ash canyon complete asap, so I’m now headed there.
  15. Ill go with what conanjaguar said and do regular wolves on low and timberwolves on very high. Can i do timberwolves as an independent setting or are they ajusted with the regular wolf setting? I can't remember. yes I'm on xbox and therefore do not have access to mods.
  16. I just want to make it so if a wolf is charging me so I shoot and miss it, the gunshot has a good chance to scare the wolf off.
  17. So high wolf fear makes Timberwolves morale drain faster?
  18. I will also change wolf fear, is high wolf fear means the wolf flees easier, or harder? I want them to attack, but flee easily without fully stopping wolves, bears, and moose from attacking. Thank you for the predator info Leeanda.
  19. About the video, should I make the wolves always flee? it would make bears and moose flee which I feel will make the game way too easy.
  20. p.p.s. sorry for the short voting period, I was eager to start the run today.
  21. I think I will reset, I'm only a day in and I can tell this is going to be a good bit unrealistic, I'm going to increase calorie burn rate, decrease time multiplier to 2x instead of 3x, and the stuff @ManicManiac said, so there are many things I want to change. Another thing I forgot to mention is that while I'm going to be moving around most of the time, whatever random region I spawn in, i'll have that place as my main base, (ex: if I spawn in Coastal Highway, id need to set up a base in that region, so Lighthouse, Riken, Hibernia Processing, etc. I'll choose the region base.) p.s. cool video.
  22. I didn't do that, but I wish I did, i'm only 1 day in, should I reset?
  23. Who knew pilgrim was the most realistic mode after all.
  24. You need to map all poi's (named locations) to get the achievement right? is there somewhere else I need to map? Is it all regions or just some specific ones?
  25. Ok good, I wanted to get Faithful Cartographer this run, Thanks for the conformation.