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Everything posted by SuperStriker16

  1. forgot to quote, good, glad it's finally on xbox, at least once i can get home, i can buy and post about it.
  2. Very interesting, we in the US use many calibers for deer hunting .243, .270, .30-06 and many more.
  3. Thanks for letting me know, i'm at school right now, so I can't check my own Xbox, please let me know if it does suddenly become avalible.
  4. I thought about 6.5, but they are pretty similar, the reason I thought about .243 and .338 is because their common hunting rounds and are pretty different to .303, If we were going to get new types of ammo, we would want them to vary as much as possible. I hear you though, thanks for the feedback.
  5. Good for you Pyroxene! @Renn@ManicManiac@Chaos Theory@hozz1235@Jotunheim@chrislacruz@Leeanda Anyone else got luck with the dlc?
  6. I have a bunch of ideas for things to add to the game and will make many separate posts so you guys can give feedback for each idea. In real life, there are many different measurements of rifle barrel width, these sizes are called caliber for anyone who didn't know. the hunting rifle in the long dark is a common British made .303 caliber World War 2 era rifle called the Lee Enfield. but thinking that hunters on a northern Canadian island would only have access to old rifles from the 1930's would not be smart, especially since there are bears and moose (and possibly elk or caribou). There are calibers meant for hunting larger game, and it only makes sense to have larger guns for larger game. It would make sense and fit right in to have a .308 or even a .338 in the game for big game hunting, and could even mabye 1 headshot instant kill a bear. and then on the other end of the spectrum have like a .243 or a .270 for more efficent deer hunting and wolf repellent. to balance things, lower caliber rounds would be easier to find and cheaper to make, while large caliber rounds would be expensive to make and much rarer to find. Another good thing would be a .45 magnum, bear pistol with really rare ammo. Also to prevent people from turning every poor deer in sight into a meat flower, there could be a new feature: meat wasteage, where depending on the caliber of your weapon, you would get less, or more meat, hide, and guts from the things you harvest. ex: Deer: .243/.270/.357(revolver)/bow= about 10 kilos of meat, 1 hide, 3 guts .303= about 9 kilos of meat, 1 hide, 2 guts .45 (bear gun) /.308/.338= about 6 kilos of meat, 0 hide, 1-0 gut There would be similar charts for the other animals, but they would have different thresholds for when they lose large amounts of meat, gut, and hide. ex: wolf will get its hide removed if shot with a .303 but a bear would not, even if shot with a 308/338. also if you get a headshot or neck shot, it should reduce the wasteage significantly because you're not actually shooting the body of the animal. Long Dark Hunting Rifle (left) v.s. Lee Enfield (right). .45 Magnum (bear gun) .338 Lapua rifle .243 rifle (scope optional)
  7. Seriously good job, took me a week to do that. Very impressive.
  8. It’s 6:43 am for us on the east coast, still got nothing. I’m not going to be able to play it today anyway, which it really sad. If I can, I will play it late tonight or early tomorrow and when I can, I will start my post.
  9. It’s 5am for us on the east coast, still got nothing. Though unfortunately, I might not even be able to play it at all today anyway due to things happening. Hopefully by the time I check back, we’ll have the update.
  10. I got most of my inspiration from Zaknafien since he did his own 500 days interloper run which he also didn’t use feats. So this might as well be my works cited.
  11. I decided that I will also go featless, the main problem with my voyager save is that, voyager is not that hard, so if I kept playing to 500 days or something like that, it wouldn’t be all that impressive. I always wanted to challenge myself and if I use feats then I’m going to be thinking in the future when I do get a good run, ‘“I wish I didn’t use feats Because this would be more of an accomplishment if I got all of this without them”. So I might as well go as hard as it gets so it’s as much of an accomplishment as possible. Thank you @Glacia @Zaknafeinand, of course @ManicManiacfor pushing me to this point. You have convinced me.
  12. I really didn’t think anyone would care, well I was wrong, I’ll start my new chat tomorrow morning the second I get the dlc installed. Thanks for the support😁.
  13. Still on for March 30th? Looking forward to it, so excited. I went ahead and got Xbox cards earlier so I can get it immediately.
  14. I have a bunch of ideas for things to add to the game and will make many separate posts so you guys can give feedback for each idea. Elk and or Caribou (Reindeer) would be large herbivores rarer than deer, like the rarity of moose but passive and would provide less meat than a moose but could easily provide 30-40kgs of meat. On an elk, it would be pretty easy to tell the difference between the males and females while caribou would be slightly harder since females also have antlers, but they would be significantly smaller than the male’s antlers caribou antler difference: (male on left) (females on right) . Elk map: Caribou map:
  15. I didn’t think anyone would care if I did keep it posted, but I could post clips and screenshots for you guys from the interesting (or terrible) things that happen during the run.😅 Thank you all for welcoming me to the Hinterland Forums as nice as you all are😁.
  16. Do you guys think I should keep the forum posted about my 500 day interloper survival challenge? I could create a dedicated post on survival mode for that. @Leeanda@ManicManiac@Serenity@Glacia @conanjaguar @Laika Ivanova
  17. I have a bunch of ideas for things to add to the game and will make many separate posts so you guys can give feedback for each idea. A 12 gauge hunting shotgun would be a really good addition to the game, you could add birdshot for rabbits, and birds that hinterland is planning on adding, buckshot to deal with wolves and hunt deer, and slugs for bear and moose. It would be great for self defense since it would be pretty hard to miss with a spread of pellets when shooting at wolves when they charge at you. There would be the 3 types of ammo with varying costs of gunpowder and lead. It would also fit in with the game well. It could be a break action or pump action.
  18. You would also need a backhoe, 200 years and about a million dollars in gasoline. Don’t forget the industrial drill for moving mountains of rock and a snow blower for equally sized piles of snow.
  19. Check out Lonleywolf, he makes good guides for the long dark.
  20. I'm mostly talking about the mid game (day 20-70 or so) when you have like mabye 15-20 rounds and cannot travel to make more bullets. way before you're able to afford to slaughter every deer, bear, and everything else breathing in the region when you have like 200 extra rounds 250 days in. I know what you mean though, sometimes it feels like I have too much ammo. Not everyone is a crackshot with a rifle though.
  21. I'm used to just using the hatchet to get wolves off of me, it gets them off faster than the knife while most of the time dealing bleeding. but that's in voyager when i had access to the non improvised versions. I've seen some youtubers using the heavy hammer instead, should I just stay with the hatchet, or should I use something else like the HH or knife? Like I said, my aim with the bow is pretty bad, so i'm doing this as a just in case thing if the worst comes to worst.
  22. Thanks for the responses, I think i'll go with Efficient machine and Cold Fusion due to the minor but permanent buffs to cold resistance and reduced food consumption. Yes ManicManiac, i saw your post but I think surviving 500 days on interloper is hard enough already for someone like me.
  23. I was just checking over the info when i realized that I mistakenly said 50% condition an hour when it was actually 20% untill your hypothermic which then it's 40% per hour and mistakenly said that you will die in approx. 2 hours from freezing but you get hypothermia after that time. Most of my points still stand, and still don't sleep if you're freezing unless you don't want to wake up.