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Everything posted by itsLydt

  1. Yeah, currently I close my eyes during it. But I'm not great at the timing yet and it also feels like it takes so long for the animation to finish when you're sitting there with your eyes closed. I hope they resolve it somehow so I can just play the game normally lol
  2. I don't see why opting out of the harvesting animations wouldn't be feasible. They could simply show the loading wheel like they were doing before.
  3. I wish we could disable the animations 🙃 I just made a post about it but as much as I thought they would be a good addition, the camera lurching around is very motion sickness inducing. I have to look away or close my eyes every time I harvest now or stop playing the game because the camera shaking around makes me sick. I hope they rework the animations or allow us to disable them before thinking of adding more
  4. I think it should be an accessibility option! Or if they rework them to make them smoother that's probably fine too
  5. Yes I came here to post this complaint as well. The lurching of the camera during the harvesting animations is very motion sickness inducing. And you have to sit through it so many times just to process one animal. @Admin can we get an accessibility setting to turn these animations off? I really like the concept but they make me so nauseous
  6. I really wanted to like them. I still think the concept is interesting and a good idea to make the game more engaging. However, they move the camera a lot and are very jerky - the camera bounces up and down with the sawing motion of the tool, etc. I am very susceptible to motion sickness in games so this makes me nauseous. Even if the animations didn't cause this problem I don't want to watch it so many times per animal. Imagine harvesting a moose in 1 kg chunks you'll have to see the animation about 35 times.
  7. This is a great tip for nice weather, but what about the rest (majority) of the game? I encounter wolves way too often to rely on flares (at least in this challenge). I guess in many locations you can get behind some rock for shelter though.
  8. Thanks for the detailed explanation! As for the decoy scenario, I am confident it was not stalking me when I dropped it, it was doing its "interesting smell" type of trot towards me but I immediately dropped the decoy and ducked before it saw me. It didn't bark and attack me until it had walked past my decoy, but unfortunately due to the terrain it was basically on top of me when it saw me so it was basically an instant charge. I wonder if you are "smelly" enough they will ignore decoys? Does dropping a torch in front of you work if there are multiple wolves? It's also rarely nice enough weather to have a torch to begin with, so there's that issue as well
  9. Yeah, maybe if you smell enough they will not be dissuaded by holding a torch like I assumed they would be. I usually don't have this much issue, but it was extra frustrating in this instance because there are *always* 2-3 wolves right outside the garage where you need to store the food, and seemingly no (peaceful) way to get past them with it. Unless you complete the entire food stock with the canned food, but I was using fish because I was harvesting lamp oil anyway. And there are weapons but you also need the weapons for the stockpile, so can't use them too much. I guess it is supposed to be a challenge after all and I did end up completing it so can't complain too much.
  10. I have put about 100 hours in the game, interested in attempting interloper but it feels futile due to my incompetence in dealing with the gosh darn wolves. You'd think I would be getting better, but in my current game I have had more wolf struggles than in my other games combined. My current game is the challenge where you have to store a bunch of supplies in the garage in coastal highway. There is an abundance of wolves in this area it seems, and I can't for the live of me evade them. First complaint/issue: decoys seem useless or I have no idea how to utilize them properly. I was carrying some meat and guts etc, and see a wolf start trotting over from the ice. No big deal I think, I will simply drop a decoy and keep moving. So I drop a piece of fish using the hotkey, climb over a snow bank to stay out of sight, and keep on towards my destination. My thinking was that the wolf will stop to eat the meat and the placement of the decoy will prevent the wolf from seeing me, so I will be safe at least temporarily. No dice; the wolf trots over the snow bank right past my decoy and attempts to eat my face. Awesome. I fight off the wolf and retrieve my fish. I had many, many wolf fights since then, but this is the next relevant one: fire/torches even failed me. I thought that so long as you had a torch, you were safe from wolves! Apparently not. I was returning from a fishing spot near the garage, and had a torch with plenty of life left. There happened to be three wolves near enough to smell me, so they started stalking me while I tried to cross the street. I wasn't worried because of my torch! But then I noticed one of the wolves was getting closer than I expected...and charged me. Face eaten. Luckily the other two wolves were right there still so I wasn't safe. I picked up my torch and limped over to the garage. I wanted to cook the fish I had caught, and was under the impression that starting a campfire would hold off wolves, so I put my back against the door and tried to make one. Cue my second wolf struggles in 2 minutes. At this point I was close to death and mad, so I went inside to evade the 3rd wolf.... temporarily. I fixed myself up and slept off my wolf bites, and once I had restored most of my condition I attempted to cook my fish again. I made a campfire against the wall of the garage, and set my fish up. Finally. But I needed a couple sticks, so I walked a couple feet away from the fire and immediately heard the bark of the last wolf. No big deal, I'll just return back to the fire for a second. So I went back to my campfire and watched the 3rd wolf trot around the corner of the building, see me again, and do something I thought impossible. It jumped over my cooking fish and attempted to, you guessed it, eat my face. What. The. Heck. At this point I am spitting mad. Have the wolf mechanics changed? I took a break after part one of tales, and just started playing again to try out the frontier comforts update. Am I super unlucky? Or am I just terrible at the game? 😆 Suggestions/advice welcome! Thanks for reading.
  11. Is anyone else simultaneously really happy with the first dlc drop but also super impatient for the next one? I am just really intrigued by the overhauls to cooking, fishing, base customization, etc. Kudos to the devs for making such an addictive game I suppose.
  12. Interesting...not sure how I never noticed. Looking back it might explain some surprise wolf encounters I had chalked up to being unobservant/unfamiliar!
  13. I'm not as experienced as many of the players in this forum, but I've spent a decent amount of time in the game. When the expansion launched, I started a new stalker run and ended up in Mystery Lake. Been having weird loading issues with the wolves on and around the lake that I don't remember having before. Basically, the wolves don't seem to load in correctly. I walked around the lake to the cabins and there were 4-5 wolves. 3-4 on the lake pretty close to the shore where the middle group of cabins is, and one wolf prowling the area between the cabins. There was also a bear on the far side of the lake, across from the farthest cabin. Was really cold so I went inside and looted the cabin and took a short nap to warm up. Went back outside and there were no wolves visible on the lake, but the bear was still wandering around almost out of sight. I was like cool, they must have moved back towards the camp office while I was sleeping. I wanted to visit the fishing hut close to the cabins, so I start walking into the lake. I happen to look away and then back at the hut, and almost crap myself. All wolves from earlier had suddenly popped in and are about a stones throw right in front of my face. There's no way I could have avoided seeing them. I fled and went back into the cabin. Came back out and they were gone again, but I was suspicious this time. Staring at the lake, no wolves. I look away, then back. Bam, whole pack of wolves. Anyone else having this happen? Do I just need to do a 360° every time I leave a building? 😆
  14. Thanks! I was definitely focusing on the wrong broken window. I thought it meant the turbine room 🤦‍♀️ appreciate the help!
  15. Hey could you tell me where the cache inside the dam was? I have the note and key and I looked through the whole dam twice without finding it 🙄 can't tell if it's bugged/invisible or if I'm just blind 😆