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Posts posted by Glacia

  1. Hmm, favourite region for what reasons? ¿Longterm? ¿Challenge? ¿Aesthetics and general feelings?

    For a gameplay perspective i find coastal highway the best region ever made, it haves everything you need for a long term run or even a short stay. Here you can learn most of the aspects of the game, it's a diverse region with several resources and features and overall the most complete in terms of gameplay.

    Also, the islands and overall asthetics are awesome, it's a very cool region.


    If i ignore long-term plans, i find Bleak Inklet the best region overall. Incredible challenging but rewarding!

  2. 1 hour ago, Master_Arne said:

    Something fishy is going on in Bleak Inlet...

    Interloper loot tables and some mementos on this settings have been bugged since the DLC update, even with patches there are still a lot of bugs.

    For a example, you can still loot firearms, ammo and other items on fresh interloper runs. The loot tables are not working at 100% and i think mementos are related:


    Hotfix v 2.04 (10574) (Dec 7)

    Today's fixes listed below are for Steam PC/Linux and Epic Games Store PC.

    • Fixed objects and textures appearing at lower resolution than intended when the game detail is set to "Low." Low-resolution textures can also be manually addressed by re-applying High or Ultra visual settings, which might have been reverted in the Expansion Pass Update.
    • Fixed an issue where TALES FROM THE FAR TERRITORY did not initialize correctly for some players when launching on Steam.
    • Fixed a number of locations in the Airfield Region and Long Rail Transition where players could become stuck.
    • Fixed an issue where items spawned unintentionally in Memento Caches on Interloper games. Items will consistently spawn correctly on new games.

    It seems there are still minor bugs related to the mementos/loot tables, we are likely gonna get a fix on the next patch :coffee:

  3. A bit late but here my 2 cents about the topic. 

    I agree with most players about goating is an intended game mechanic and sometimes risky, making an interesting gameplay feature.

    However there are goating spots with risks and others with almost zero sense, you can literally walk a vertical mountain like spiderman. The best example that comes to my mind is the shortcut at AC, you can fully skip the entire map and go to the mine avoiding everything, and there is no death risk, just a guaranteed sprain.

    I don't think there is something wrong with goating, but i think changing a bit some places of the game to avoid cheese strategies or shortcuts can be very healthy. Adding a tiny rock can completely block a goating pathing, and this is a lot easier than changing how to game mechanics work. 

    Maybe adding a few rocks on impossible paths it's the best option, while leaving the risky ones still "goatable" 😅

    • Upvote 3
  4. 1 hour ago, Shadox said:

    Just for clarity, i dont complain about the difficulty of the new Map. I do like it alot, and it has a very interesting design.  But it does show again how much of a bad design Cabin Fever is. The last thing you would do when a snowstorm is raging outside, is getting crazy because you need to stay in your warm shelter.

    I haven't tested it yet, but maybe the nearby cars/vehicles offer windshield to let a campfire burns outside and allow you to sleep on a vehicle. Also, im not sure if the stairs behind the hangar (The secondary entrance) offer windshield.

    Cabin fever seems tricky on this map right now, but surely there is a good spot to cure them if needed.

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  5. Im currently on day 150 of my interloper run and i have explored around 90% of the airport region, these are my thoughts:

    Far Range Branch Line:

    I find this small transition zone amazing, isn't very interesting but it fits very well the concept of the railroad. Also, the tunnels are creepy and a wolf here would have been a nice addition B| (Fluffy vibes)

    Transfer Pass:

    Im not sure about this one, is a 'Hub' region and it's very empty. Of course i don't expect a massive region with several resources and so on, but the train station it's just a temporary shelter to sleep if you need, you don't even have a workbench or wildlife to live for extended periods of time.

    Overall, i think the train station is very pretty and cool, but the lack of workbench and enough wildlife ruin the opportunity to enjoy the region, considering that from there we will travel to the next regions.

    Forsaken Airfield:

    Good region design but the gameplay is affected by some details. The hangar and close buildings are among the best bases in the entire game, with a forge, workbench, tools and a massive amount of loot.

    This region can be one of the best regions to travel early in the game!

    But.. i find the rest of the map very inconsistent and sometimes weird. The two cabins (The one of the island and the other in the mountain) are VERY chill and beautifull places with good hunting and overall resources, but the lack of workbenchs and protection against the fog can really annoy the experience. No matter what base you choose, you will always need to go back to the hangar. And i find quite dissapointing, this places are very cool but unviable, you can only use the hangar as a decent base.

    ¿Overall? 7/10.  I really like the aesthetics of the region and the concept, but you are gonna ignore 90% of the map if you want to long-term here, which considerably affects the gameplay. Also, the wildlife is very sparse and feels unrealistic compared to all other regions of the game, making living here very challenging.

    Insomnia / Glimmer Fog: 

    The electric fog it's a very interesting mechanic and visually amazing. However, the Insomnia affliction it's considerably rare, it is not bad as Hypothermia, but neither it's something irrelevant. I think Insomnia should do something different, not necessarily harder, but work in a more consistent way than being random.

    My final thoughs overall:

    - The wildlife on both transition zones and the airport seems bad at the moment, it is not like any other region ever created and it doesn't feel very good. Im not sure if this was intended because HTL want an insolated region with low resources (Animals are resources after all) or just a mistake, but most players aggre about this is not very well done.

    - Insomnia is a 50/50, a good idea but without much impact on the game.

    - The regions aesthetics and shape it's an amazing job!



    • Upvote 4
  6. I think there is a bug, albeit rare, relating to movespeed.

    Most of the time i can move normally but i have experienced in multiple occasions a slow speed with no wind and 100% rested. Im not sure anyways, but various users on the forum have reported the same issue.

  7. With few regions left to explore and most of the world already looted and visited, i would like to share my run progress before i explore the far territory.

    DAY 1: This run started on TWM mountain, near the summit, but unlike most players i always prefer to visit Pleasant Valley and explore much latter the summit. I find the hacksaw and hammer on PV but not a lot of good clothing even exploring the entire map, making the region considerably dangerous to stay.

    DAY 4: Then i moved as quickly as possible to Mystery Lake and Forlorn Muskeg, in order to craft my first Bow and Tools! . The 'Real' run starts when you have the bow and arrows, everything else can be doed earlier or later.

    DAY 7: I left the materials curing at the camp office and i started my trip to forlorn muskeg, staying two days and crafting around 20 arrowheads, a knife and a hatchet. 

    DAY 8 to DAY 40: Again in mystery lake, i make most of the end-game clothing like the bear coats, rabbit hat/mittens and a LOT of arrows. I also stockpiled a lot of food and water and left most of the resources and loot on the camp office, making it my base. I have never been a fan of the region, i always used to settle on coastal highway or broken railroad, sometimes TWM, but never ML!

    ¿Why? Because i feel Mystery Lake as a boring region, it's beautiful and easy to survive, but it doesn't offer much more. I always try to play new experiences on new runs so this time i give a try to the region.

    DAY 41:  After several weeks and stray arrows, and other mistakes, i was needing more arrowheads and other resources. Also, i need various clothing pieces to complete my gear to get ready for the 50 days temperature drop; the perfect option is a trip to coastal highway/desolation point.

    DAY 42 to DAY 50:  With around 50 arrowheads crafted and desolation point/coastal highway looted, i can return to my main base with almost all the best gear ready and enough resources for hundreds of days. 

    DAY 62:  With everything i need to explore the world and surviving forever (If i don't make mistakes, of course..), i moved to pleasant valley one more time. The farmstead it's actually my secondary base, i have a lot of stockpiled food/water and some resources if i need to go back there.

    DAY 64 to DAY 68:  I explored ash canyon in a quick trip, because the region it's incredible cold and i just want the backpack and the better crampons. The loot here is very good actually, but is not advisable to stay here on early game.

    DAY 69 and DAY 70: I explored the summit, at this point i don't need anything, im just exploring for fun and maybe keep tools like whetstones and sewing kits. The crampons on the plane where a big surprise, and i also get a hammer/hacksaw here. It seems the summit is now even better to reach early in the game, it offers a lot of tools but you can no longer get the distress pistol.

    DAY 75 to DAY 83: Again in the farmstead, i improved the secondary base a lot with more resources and food, also i re-stock arrows. I really love the farm as a main base, but it's very far from the new DLC regions and i think mystery lake it's way better.

    DAY 84: On this day i make the most dumb and insane decision, explore blackrock. I didn't expect to find anything of value here but with the loot refresh i thought the region should be better. It was a big mistake, the region is even worse.

    This was the only moment of my run where my condition get incredible low and i face a very high probability of death. Not just the weather is horrible, timberwolves are everywhere and it seems flares and noisemakers are bugged at the moment, you can't even drop 5% of the pack morale with a noisemaker when before just one was enough to fully scare a pack. With a lot of close death moments, i managed to explore the entire region and i used the prison itself as a temporary base.

    In my stay on the region i used the ballistic vest always and i think im alive now thanks to the item. Is still the worst cloth piece of the game but at least you can use on the region against the several timberwolves packs roaming. I waited several days for an aurora to get to the room with the milling machine:  The aurora never arrived.

    Also, i almost lost the 50% of my clothing (Some parts even go to 4%) due to timberwolves attacks. It was the first time of my 600 game hours that i had to forcefully leave a region! And i barely survived, i was attacked by a 5-wolf pack just when i exit the prison, and i get FIVE HEMORRAGES!

    With few arrows left but the pack already defeated, i leave the region with 10% condition. I barely managed to regain condition on the transition zones, but i survived. If you are playing interloper:  Never go blackrock no matter what happens!

    DAY 102: I stayed a few days on the farm in order to recover my condition and repair my clothes.

    DAY 105:  Again on mystery lake, i left some resources looted from blackrock/TWM/AC on the base and i inmediatly travel to Milton/HRV. 

    DAY 108 to DAY 112:  Ignoring milton i explored first HRV, traveling around the caves and reaching the signal. I have never fully explored the region because usually isn't worth the efforth, the best loot is on the caves/signal. I get some interesting resources and i quickly get back to Milton.

    DAY 113 and DAY 114: I looted all the Milton houses and buildings, only lefting the ravine (Im likely gonna get back here later). Not much interesting here, the loot it's actually very good (On my run, milton was the best region in terms of loot). I keep 70 cloth pieces with me because Mystery Lake no longer has more.

    DAY 115 (Current day of my run): Back on my base i stored all the cloth and resources and im again with 100% condition and my clothing fully repaired. Also i have everything i need in order to survive even for 500 days.

    My next move it's gonna be Bleak Inklet, the only hard region (Besides the DLC) left to explore. I don't expect to get anything interesting here but it's always for the fun, i really like the region and the aurora puzzle.

    Then my next move will be moving ALL my resources (Except for the food/water) to Broken Railroad. My idea is making the maintenace yard as my late game base and get ready here to travel to the DLC new regions.


    A few things that i want to highlight for my experience as Interloper:

    - The loot refresh is amazing, it's like playing a new game, you need to relearn everything.

    - Bearskin coats are now much easier to craft, what i really dislike because it's an incredible OP item and should not be easy to craft. This change makes interloper a bit easier for everyone.

    - I love memento caches, they fit on the game atmosphere and are very creative. Most of them are clues but sometimes you can get quality loot, encouraging players to fully explore a region. However, i think (Only for inteloper) some items should not spawn on memento caches (Deerskin pants for a example). Again for balance, letting the players loot an animal cloth piece really changes the progress of an interloper run.

    - I think the lantern variant should spawn on interloper, is not a broken item and since we don't have a single variant item avaliable, this can be a great addition to the game experience.

    The new content and DLC feels amazing right now, and im excited for everything that is coming the next year, thanks HTL!

    Im gonna post an update when i reach 500 days B| 






    • Upvote 3
  8. Also, the game-breaking bug about wrong warps and progress reset to 0 is still in the game, albeit very rare.

    The other bugs are incredible minor issues and nothing important.

    29 minutes ago, conanjaguar said:

    Sadly, I think that it will take more than an apology for you to regain the trust of a few of us

    It is better to separate the game or product from the problem. Im gonna keep playing and supporting the game but like many, i feel very uncomfortable with what happened recently. It's better anyways to avoid the topic because it leads to nowhere 😟

  9. In the last post HTL apologized about the problems of the DLC launch, what i really appreciate.

    I can agree with most points of the post but i think we still need a proper patch notes, is not just something about communication, the game always gave us detailed patch notes with every update since the beginning.

    I know we have the DLC video with the added features of the DLC and some free updates, but several changes were not announced and some of them are actually important or relevant. For a example, we have new meat icons and 3D models, new ambiental sounds, the bearskin coat is now easier to craft and so on.

    Some players are against patch notes because according to them, they break the feeling about learning everything again and discover new things. However, and i repeat, patch notes were always there, they are a basic resource of any game and i can't see the reason of why we still don't have the full notes of the update.

    Also, most non-announced features have been discovered for most players this week, i think it's a good moment to post the notes 😉

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  10. Theorically, you can make a 'mod' with a cheat engine table, however this just changes something about specific addresses, being very limited.

    Also, cheat engine is incredible tricky and more used in reverse-engineering. 

  11. Fighting cabin fever on pleasant valley, day 82 interloper. 

    Unlike other regions with better spots, the farm does not have an ideal place to fight cabin fever. The only reliable option is the broken building near the Silo, it have at least wind shield and with a campfire going you can stay here even during a blizzard.

    EDIT: The wind shield in the spot of the image is not perfect, the campfire should be in the other corner, not close to the entrance, then the wind shield should works always no matter the wind direction. 


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