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Posts posted by Glacia

  1. While im certaintly against any kind of a Trader on this game, we should not be concerned before more official info be released.

    A trader can mean a lot of things actually; there are several survival games with a trader system and no one use the same concept.

    Forest talkers seems to fit incredible well because we already have some experiencies with this group in Wintermute, and we have never see one directly (Just talking to a door). I can imagine a kind of note in some place, 'Give me X items in X place at X day', then comeback the next day to get my reward.

    For a example:

    - After you stay several days in your base in mystery lake or other region, you wake up and notice a note on your door.

    - You read the note, it says 'I need medical suplies, i have munition or another resources for you if you can help me'. 'Leave the supplies in the cave near the lake'.

    - You leave the medical supplies and comeback the next day; the forest talker already take the supplies and leave behind some valuable resources for you'.

    - While you are still an strange and possible enemy for the forest talkers, you periodically gain reputation with them; Then you can get trading notes more frenquently in some kind of 'Quest' style, just like wintermute.

    You never interact with an NPC or the game breaks the loneliness feeling; even if you know 'Hey, something is alive', you still play 100% of the game alone and without human interaction than a rare note.


    Just an example of how TLD can have a trader without actually breaking the game economy or feeling, of course there are a lot of viable options. So, just be patience and wait for more official info 😎

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  2. Exploring a bit the world, i find another possible initial point of traveling to the hub region.

    The coastal highway blocked tunnel (If you draw a line) pass near the mines between CH and PV, and then continues to an unknown place but not Desolation Point if you follow the 'Line'.

    If you travel the mines and reach PV, there is a road near (The one who leads to TWM and crashed plane).

    Not far from the mines exit, there is an small detour to another road blocked due to an avalanche; the place is called End of the road. If we still follow the imaginary line of the coastal highway tunnels, this unavaliable road should connect to the railroad at certain point.

    Also match with the map!

    This can make some sense because we already have seen PV blocked roads changed due to new regions (Blackrock).



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  3. It's a really good map!

    This makes a lot of sense really, because everything fits with the far territory concept; and also complement some regions concepts.

    I always wonder how exactly the ash canyon mines works in the island because the isolation and lack of trains or vehicles. This map could explain this because the 'Travel zone 2' can have a railroad for industrial purposes. 

    Also, the biggest mountains in the game are in AC/TWM/Blackrock, making a lot of sense for 'The Wall'.


    Anyways, the continuation of broken railroad remains as a mystery. If the far territory is not near this region, then it's likely next DLC's could use the unknown territory far BR.

  4. The reason because im pretty sure BR is the region that should connect to the far territory isn't exactly because the railroad.

    Perseverance Mills is located at the very north of desolation point (Using the current map orientation and knowledge), and this region it's likely something we are not gonna see until episode 5.  Simply, the far territory and perseverance mills can't be in the same place.

    We know at the moment:

    - The starting region  (The hub) have an abandoned railroad. 

    - The far territory have abandoned mines. This means this place actually isn't hushed river valley 2, it's something like ash canyon but abandoned a lof of time ago than most regions.  

    - A giant 'Mountain wall' is between the far territory and the rest of great bear island. This can have a lot of meanings because several regions in the game have places that can fit in this description (Ash canyon, blackrock, hushed river valley).

    I think we should consider always:

    The far territory actually isn't hushed river valley 2.

    The railroad was an abandoned proyect in the great bear island golden days (Where the island become more industrial with mining, fishing and so on); the coastal highway blocked tunnel it's likely leading to desolation point or perseverance mills (Or another unknown region).

    Broken railroad is a maintenance region for the railroad trains, this is incredible weird because BR and forlorn muskeg are not mining or resource-rich regions for industrial reasons (Mystery lake and coastal highway are the most important ones).  So.. ¿Why building a maintenance yard in a incredible remote place?.

    The only answer:  There is something that was industrially important back in the great bear golden days in the unknown places that the railroad leads. Maybe is the 'far territory' or not, but presumably it is.

    I also attached a map with my predictions 😎



  5. On 10/22/2022 at 9:38 PM, Glflegolas said:

    As the Dead Sleep: Not attempted.

    By far the best and most hardcore challenge in the game, highly advisable to try this one!

    I think the best aspect of the challenges is playing the game in a different way, these are my opinions about every challenge:

    * Hopeless Rescue:  Amazing and enjoyable, also very good for learning how to reach TWM summit on standard runs.

    * The Hunted (1/2):  Not very challenging because how exploitable and easy to manage is the old bear, if you know how to play you can complete the challenge without any problem.   

    * Whiteout:  Excelent;  A new concept for the game very well executed and fun to play.  There is even a mod to make your custom whitetout runs!

    * Nomad:  Boring and meaningless to play, there is nothing interesting on this one. Maybe this challenge will be harder if the game settings where custom (Less loot, dangerous spots to stay, more predators, etc).

    * Archivist: Lore and exploration run, i think it's very enjoyable if you like those aspects of the game. 

    * Darkwalker:  Simply EPIC. I think this challenge would be much better with less resources and harder game settings, actually forcing you to loot and make complex routes and strategies.  However, with vanilla settings the challenge is incredible well executed, it fits on the game atmosphere and offers a completely new game mode.

    * ATDS:  Not for everyone, but if you have mastered most of the game aspects, this is THE CHALLENGE. Seems unfair at first glance, but once you leave bleak inklet you can progress with better survival chances (Still very hard anyways).  The definitive survival challenge for experienced players!

    I wish one day the game let us make custom settings for certain challenges. Nowadays a lot of players play self-impossed challenges and vanilla challenges, custom settings challenges could give the game content creators (And every player) new and fun ways to play the game.

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  6. Quote

    The Far Territory is our first attempt to expand the world of Great Bear Island with something entirely new. To get there, you must take a long and treacherous journey along abandoned railway lines, tunnel systems, and caverns, to get to the hub region that then connects to three other large regions.

    I think broken railroad is the region that will connect to 'The hub' region, because it says abandones railway lines.

    The bridge at the end of the region is broken and we can't (Currently) get far away traveling the broken railroad, i think some kind of new cave, shortcut or broken tree should let us pass to the other bridge section and then, start traveling to the new region of the far territory.

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  7. On 10/22/2022 at 8:19 PM, The Gentleman Bastard said:

    @Admin I really hope they don't overdue it on the Safehouse Customization. Like, I'd hate to be able to just make a workbench wherever, as it impedes needing to roam from place to place in order to stay alive. Also, with the Trader, I hope they don't add actual NPCs into Survival Mode. I've mentioned before about how I love the games "Haunting Loneliness" and how it made for great, contemplative gameplay. Anyone feel the same? I'm sure Hinterland knows what they're doing tho, as I've been skeptical of other gameplay additions but they've almost always proved for the best. Also, sooo stoked for the new Electrostatic Fog!! Looks sooo cool! And I love any new Aurora phenomenon in game ^_^

    I think safehousing is more about details and improvements and not 'Pick a place and make it the best house in the game'; which should be terrible for the game balance.  We already can experience some kind of same housing with the fantastic remove clutter mod, and other features like repair the TWM hut.


  8. 22 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:

    For me the nervousness relates exactly to what you've said here, a major part of TLD'S majesty is the "Haunting Loneliness". I'm also nervous about the shortwave radio for the same reason.  Having NPCs within the world just doesn't feel right to me. However I will reserve judgement until I see what the reality is.

    We don't know exactly how the trader will work, but im pretty sure this feature will never break the lonely feeling of the game.   

    The best example that comes to my mind is Raft, you can find a 'Trading post' on random islands. You can get certain exclusive items or benefits but nothing incredible or game-breaking, the game does not depend on that feature; also you not find any people on the trading post.

    I think TLD is going to apply a system like raft and not a trading community with survivors. Im not sure of how this can be possible because great bear island doesn't even have electricity, but i find this exciting!

    And for the shortwave.. i think they give us the hints about what exactly this can be used for.  We know the Aurora activates the shortwave, and also we know Aurora activates the radios over great bear island (Playing classic music).  I speculate that shortwave can be used to get 'Special transmisions' during auroras, with usefull info (If not mandatory to trigger) about the far territory and stories of the new regions.


    Anyways and over the years, there was a lot of new announced features that caused a lot of concern on the community, and the game never dissapoint us after all; instead it get better and better after every update.

    TLD developers are not only smart and capable of doing incredible content for their game, they also love their game and because of this i have my best expectations for the new DLC and game direction 💖


    • Upvote 3
  9. Unlike other games where you can literally see Thomas the tank engine as the character; TLD mods are mostly QoL features, improvements or tools to change the base game settings.

    Even if you use custom mods with new features (Like furniture crafting or candle light), they fit on the game esence.

    2 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:

    The last thing is the lack of crafting options. A member here put it beautifully, I'm a "tinkerer", I love making stuff. I think the creative options in TLD are sorely limited given the resources available and what a lone survivor would do to stave off boredom. I don't know about mods relating to this.

    DIY mod  (Furniture and stuff crafting):

    Wall pictures mod:

    Statues mod:

    Remove clutter mod (This one is incredible for making custom bases):

    2 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:

    The other is having piles of single but important items everywhere (sticks, scrap metal etc) that are simply too heavy for the meagre containers on offer. Plus having to pick them up one by one? Argh! I saw someone mention somewhere (I'm sorry I can't remember who or where) a mod that lets you bundle things together which would prevent this?

    Item piles mod:

    Quick pick mod:

    2 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:

    The first is the inability to place things where I want them, in nice organised piles. The amount of time spent in each run means I really want to make home as I want it. I'm a loot goblin and want to do something with all those random bits and pieces I keep even though I'll never use them. I feel a game which involves so much time and effort on a single run should allow you to be more creative with the spaces you spend time in, as you would be in real life. I believe the "Place Anywhere" mod addresses this?

    Movable containers:

    Placing from inventory:

    And of course, placing anywhere:

    (Remember, you need some 'base' mods to make most mods work and load)

    Also, you can find all mods here:


    2 hours ago, Sgt Socks said:

    I am resistant to using mods however and would be interested in your views. It makes me feel like I'd be being "unfaithful" to Hinterland in some way. I know, I know it's silly but I've been so drawn to Hinterland as devs with ethics when it comes to their game and players. It is incredibly rare. I want to honour that.

    TLD is a single player game and you can do what you want with your runs and characters. As long as you buy the game, there is nothing bad about using mods (In this kind of game ofc). Mods give new and quality content to the base game, everyone benefits after all, even hinterland.

    Hinterland announced official mod support a couple months ago, and i hope they keep their promise, because TLD modders are just amazing! 

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  10. Update on my run:

    After being very busy with work and life.. i come back to my custom run.

    However, i discovered that you can't endless survive on this settings, because even with fishing level 2, fishing it's incredibly inconsistent and insufficient. You can even fish for an entire day without a single bite 😭.

    The challenge is funny if you keep traveling between regions, but it hits a dead end when you have already looted everything. MAYBE it's doable if you set fishing chance at better rates!

    Anyways, i had a lot of fun with this one :coffee:


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  11. On 8/14/2022 at 9:32 PM, turtle777 said:

    That might be the case for NOGOA, but the OP's code 8sHM-/z8P-Dy9K-DXim-HUIA does allow birch tea crafting.

    I'm just saying that in HIS challenge, birch bark is a renewable food source. Don't know if he just forgot to turn it off when generating the code.

    Hello, actually i shared the code before trying the challenge. Some aspects are optional, the code have by default cabin fever disabled and BBT enabled, but i don't use on my run :)

  12. Noisemakers are a semi-efficient weapon at certain scenarios. They do not have enough raw power on their own, but they are incredible efficient to kill an already injuried animal, even a moose or a bear.

    Here i leave a video of Lithar getting a moose kill with one of these.

    However... this seems 'good' at first glance, but noisemakers are finite (No unlimited gunpowder or even cans), and you can only craft them at blackrock. Blackrock is the worst region in the entire game due to several reasons, and stay here just to build a semi-efficient tool is ofc, not a good idea.

    It would be much better if you could craft them at any workbench (Just like wintermute).

    In another case, if you spawn at blackrock, you can't even get the blueprint in an easy way (Long and tough travel, plus needing an aurora later).. so... they are not even good at early game.


    I like the idea, but i think it's terribly poorly executed (In general blackrock it is like that..), being an unnecessary and mostly useless tool in most cases. 


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  13. Update on my Run!

    After a successful travel to broken railroad and most of forlorn muskeg, i decided to return to milton, then HRV.

    This run is starting to get harder because some regions are now dead ends (For a example, i have only water in milton, not even one cattail left). I choose HRV next because i need to left most regions behind (No food or loot, no reason to stay here).

    My main 'base' is at the moment ML, i have stored all my pelts, guts and resources on the camp office. ML is good because i can travel to most regions without much effort.

    At HRV:

    I wasn't too sure of what im gonna find here, but i know there is more than one wolf carcass, several deer ones and some caches with good clothing.

     This region was one of my toughest experiences in the game, because i face blizzards EVERY DAY. Surviving here was incredible tricky, sometimes using unusual places to keep a fire going on to resist a blizzard.  I learned that you can use the bushs to block wind, this trick save my life once.

    I spend 5 days exploring most of the region, facing blizzards, high winds and dense fog. I have only finded a single wolf carcass 🤩

    Also, i reached the signal, only to find a Kg of moose meat 💔. The best loot was a ear wool wraps and a mackinaw jacket, pretty decent.

    You can find rabbit pelts on a cave, but there is a chance to find them already ruined (I only find one fully cured)


    Overall, i ended with almost 3-4 cattails left and good rewards like clothing and guts, but i don't have more food and only 40% condition left. Again at mystery lake, i need to find food again to think about my next move, likely being pleasant valley. 

    Lastly, this game sometimes even keep surprising me on how beautifull can be during auroras, i left my Screenshots of HRV auroras :coffee:







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  14. 6 hours ago, conanjaguar said:

    HRV: The Moose!

    Sadly, not  🙁

    6 hours ago, conanjaguar said:

    TWM: The Summit, of course! Crackers aplenty, cattails, and a fishing hut on Crystal Lake.

    One thing i have learned playing this run, it is not always taking risks for something that does not leave you a benefit greater than the resources invested on it. The summit itself have a loot of clothing and food, but i already need to use a lot of food and resources to reach the place. 

    The summit seems better at early game, when you don't have decent clothing (Not my case at the moment). 

    Also, blackrock is an interesting place because you have two wolf carcasses easy to gather (One at the cave from TWM, the other in the prison).

  15. 6 hours ago, James Hickok said:

    Hate to break it to You but there is no birch bark and rabbit snaring in NOGOA mode. At least it should be off in real nogoa.

    Of course!  BBT is disabled on my run and i don't know exactly if snares work with rabbits disabled (Anyways, my self rules are against using snares).

    6 hours ago, James Hickok said:

    He did allow small life regeneration which is not really a nogoa run imo but he did add the dead world which complicates things a lot. He did say BBT optional but in real nogoa no bark tea, no health regen what so ever - only with stim and fully fed cheese tactic if you wish. Only food that he finds, carcass and fishing for him

    I think this custom run is very interesting because it actually changes the game a lot; NOGOA is the hardest difficulty avaliable but after all, you need to use the same strategy and general interloper knowledges (Craft a bow, loot decent gear, etc) , the only twist is the lack of condition recovery.

    In classic dead world, you can't even fish, so earlier or later you will run out of food and die. I change a bit the classic formula, allowing fishing with the minimal %, so i can have a 'decent' renewable food source. But guts are not renewable and not exactly easy to find.. and so carcasses and certain items.

    The main goal of the run is achieve a long term survival in the worst conditions.

    4 hours ago, Looper said:

    Coastal highway seems like good base. Beach coming, coalmine for fishinghuts, loot of fishing

    CH, BI, ML, TWM and maybe AC or the transition zone of blackrock are the only viable options for a long term base. But CH and BI have beachcombing, this is interesting because you can even find food sometimes.

    After all, coastal highway is undeniably the best region in the game for long term survival in every run settings :)

    • Upvote 1
  16. Not sure if this have been posted before, but i realized that there is a greymother/lilith frame above blackrock office desk, close to astrid briefcase.

    This frame it is not generic, you can not find more in any region (correct me if i'm wrong) . The frame features grey mother and lilith/martin barker.

    I find it very curious how this is possible, because Will already find martin barker dead at the milton farm, and he was a farmer, not a blackrock employee.

    At the very end of episode 2, mathis claims he killed an old woman, and will call him a bastard. However, in the first scene of episode 4, mathis confirm that the 'old woman' was a random survivor near the dam, and that he killed her so she would stop creaming.  

    So the question is, ¿Why there is a frame of greymother in blackrock?  (If we assume that it is not a development mistake).

    Also, i always found very weird the route that mathis made throughout the episodes 😵. The group was forced to leave the pleasant valley because 'a monster' was hunting them (Aka very angry blonde lady..), so they captured will, then go back again to PV and then blackrock?  ¿Why they go to mistery lake in first instance if the plan was release donner?.







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  17. Update on my run:

    After looting most forlorn muskeg region and crafted hatchet/knife, i reached the best map in the game:  Broken railroad

    BR is usually a mediocre map on interloper, but is the best region in dead world runs! , because of the incredible amount of carcasses to harvest (Even a wolf one).

    Also, the region is small and it's incredible easy to reach a safe place if a blizzard moves on, saving condition and resources. You can get a fair amount of cattails , food and up to 3 stims, plus a six stove + workbench in the hunting lodge.

    My plan is looting everything, craft two deer pants and maybe the boots, and most important, the fishing tackles for late game.

    With a lot of resources and good clothing, im gonna return to Milton, then go to HRV to find wolf carcasses, rabbit pelts and maybe more clothing if im lucky. 




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  18. 19 hours ago, James Hickok said:

    I have to say ive been tempted to try nogoa with slow regeneration turned on but it feels like SUPER Interloper rather than NOGOA for me.

    The biggest difference is the slow condition recovery, every mistake is incredible punished and you need  A LOT of days to fully recover condition. This makes a good early start a must, the best regions being the ones with good clothing and resources, like pleasant valley.

    On my first run, i faded trying to survive Ash Canyon. I managed to get the backpack and some loot, but i lose a lot of condition on the travel, and died a few later in my way to TWM.

    My second run is a lot better, i spawn on Milton, exactly where you start at Wintermute 🥰. I have a very decent clothing and the entire region looted, but even in the best circumstances i have only 20 cattails left.

    This kind of run is interesting because every region becomes a death sentence if you stay for too long, you need to loot quickly and then move to another regions to get good clothing and stuff quick, before the temperature decays a lot and you can plan an strategy to long-term survival in a region.

    Also, several regions now are god-tier because of the cattails you can loot (Im talking about you, Forlorn muskeg), and others because of the several deer carcasses to loot (Broken railroad).

    This challenge focuses a lot on microgame elements and always think about of what comes next, because one single day can be enough to run out of food and other resources, i find extremetly satisfying for hardcore players looking for a different play style.


    Right now im staying at the car in milton basin, with a blizzard outside 💀

    Next move:  Broken railroad


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  19. After getting a bit exhausted of standar interloper difficulty, im gonna try a different approach in my next run.
    NOGOA is a custom difficulty with everything bad to max, and everything good to min.
    Also, you start in a blizzard!
    But my run have a twist:  There is not a single animal in the game (Dead world).

    NOGOA, by default, is a deadman run where you can't recover condition.
    However, i want to have a real end-game goal and some hope to survive, so condition recovery is allowed.

    The rules are the following:
    - Everything bad to max, everything good to min.
    - Condition recovery is very slow.
    - There is no animals, BUT, you can fish (With the worst drop setting).
    - Snares not allowed.
    - BBT optional, cabin fever optional.
    - No feats, random region.

    This run is gonna be a nightmare, i might feel safe without predators, but this is also my death sentence, because there is not renewable food.
    Also, several items now become imposible to craft, or incredible hard to get.

    My goals for surviving:
    - Loot every carcass avaliable, because they are the only way to get guts!  Guts are needed to craft fishing tackles, my endgame only hope to survive.
    - Find fishing books, because leveling fish before breaking tackles is a must.
    - Trip around the world looking for wolf carcasses and rabbit cured pelts.
    As long as i know, there are enough wolf carcasses to make at least one wolf coat.
    Also, summit have one cured rabbit pelt, and so HRV.
    - Looting almost everything, because the only hope to survive early-mid is with what spawns and cattails/reishi/rose hips.

    If i can manage to travel around all regions and survive the worst game settings, i should end with fishing level 5 and a decent clothing.
    Then theoretically i can survive indefinitely fishing a lot, if my tackles resist the 1% chance to break.
    The only viable regions for this strategy are coastal highway, mystery lake and MAYBE bleak inklet/keeper pass south.

    CODE:  8sHM-/z8P-Dy9K-DXim-HUIA

    I don't even know where i started, this run is gonna be fun 💀


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  20. Weight management.

    No firearms, few items to loot and less tools avaliable.

    You can carry several items usually useless in lower difficulties (Like books) or 30 sticks if you want, you will have enough weight to carry this items, unlike stalker for a example, where you can get quickly overweight 😒

    Also few animals, struggles are letal but you can avoid most wolves because region have a lot less animals overall.

  21. Remember that fires last longer when it's cold outside

    Most players love six stoves spots (Like PV farm) and any good indoors cooking spots, but you can actually improve your resources management and cooking efficiency using outdoor fires.

    A fire placed in an outdoor cold last a lot compared to an standar indoor fire, you can even keep your fire going 2 or 3 times longer with outdoors fires.

    But always keep them shielded from the wind! , there are several shielded spots near every common and not common base in the game; for a example, you can use the jackrabbit island porch to shield several fires.

    With this, you can have an '8 or even 10 stoves' in any region, as long as you have enough materials (Always use matches just one time, then start the another fires using a torch from the first one).

    You can use this to improve:

    Fishing: The small stoves in the cabins are considered outdoors, they last a lot longer.

    Fast leveling firestarting: Keep using sticks and one torch to lit short duration fires (5 or 6 is a good number). 

    Efficiently cooking in places without six stoves or good cooking spots.

    Also, you should always store your meat (Cooked or not) outdoors (Don't decay outdoors); so cooking outdoors is almost always a good idea, because you can save a lot of time.


    Using outdoor fires is core in places when you don't have a proper cooking spot!

    Common places:

    - Jackrabbit and misanthropes porches.

    - Timberwolf mountain little porch at the cabin.

    - Almost any place near your base, fully shielded from the wind (Like the stable near trapper cabin).


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  22. On 5/30/2022 at 7:42 PM, Glacia said:

    Personally, i think being able to use the Microwave (Basically a fireless and faster stove) during an Aurora, it would be an interesting implementation for the game. Like a ¿Reverse magnifying glass?, an option to renewable fire during night. Not a game changing element, but a very situational usefull mechanic.

    Also, i think you should be able to lit torchs with the sparks of the wires during an Aurora (They cause burn, so they should can ignite something..).

    Edit:  If you play the Relentless Night mod, you can use the sparks to lit torchs during an Aurora. (As well as many other incredible features)

    Not the most influential feature, but is something usefull.

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  23. 20 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

    Telephones always used electricity as their basis.

    Yes, thats my fault. Molly speaks about technology, not electricity!

    Very interesting info, it's amazing how a phone can work using sound as power.

    22 minutes ago, ajb1978 said:

    The circuit between Pleasant Valley and Mystery Lake might have been connected, but that doesn't mean the Blackrock region was part of the same circuit. It could very easily have been on its own separate circuit, allowing Will and Jace to communicate in a way that Molly/Astrid had no access to.

    Indeed, we can't exactly know.  Thats exactly why this is a theory 😄

    Also, Jace is a kind of ¿Hacker?. We don't even know how she is capable of operate and watch remotely the prison.

    Another clue may be, blackrock it's a very old prison whit old systems. The '¿Olderness?' may hint blackrock is connected to the other regions of the game, at least the phone line.


  24. Im playing again Wintermute, trying to explore the game lore and characters motivations.

    After playing again episode 3, i have taken special attention to molly, because i think it's the most controversial character of the entire game. There is even posts on reddit complaining several things about her, even some people giving the game a bad review because they don't like molly actions.

    There is something i think nobody noticed or have imagined, thats about the telephone line of great bear island.

    Currently, Molly and Jace are the only characters in the game who knows how to use the telephone line (And use it).

    Some details about how the telephone line works:

    - The telephone line on the island works because it's older than the electricity itself, however it don't work perfectly. If you use the phone, you call all the phones, likely in every place of the island.

    - If you play episode 2, the telephone rings when you are leaving the broken railroad lodge (A creepy moment, also). When you play as will in episode 2, Astrid is currently having their elegy at pleasant valley (episode 3).  So, you are receiving a call from Molly, but you can't reach the phone at time, because astrid does it first.

    Broken railroad is an isolated region, very far to pleasant valley. This mean, is likely the phones are ringing in most of the regions, even blackrock.

    My theory:

    When Astrid ask molly why she don't ask for help with the phone, she says 'No one will answer, no one who can help us'. This means, she maybe have used the telephone before and talked to something.  Also, ¿How is it possible that she knows the phone works if she never test it before?.

    At episode 3, several inmates are scattered in pleasant valley, someones following mathis, others on their own.  They also killed a prison guard, who can be founded near the farmstead.  

    ¿Why molly is hunting down the inmates?

    Not just because she hates mens due to the violence suffered from her husband, but because she knows what the inmates are doing to the great bear island people.

    Jace reach blackrock and seed a terrible scene, of every prison guard/employee being brutally executed. Also, she knows most of the inmates are extremetly dangerous killers and psychopaths.   Jace knows how to use the phone, and i think she warned molly of the danger of the free prisoners, and the things they do to the prison guards.

    Also, a prison guard is killed very near to the farmstead, and she knows Astrid have suffered due to the inmates.


    I think Molly is protecting the pleasant valley people from the atrocities of the inmates, hunting them down.

    They let people burn in a school, they tried to murder a blind woman, they attacked astrid and will, they killed several random people across the island, they torture and kidnapped persons, and they commited ¿Cop genocide?, along with many other things that of course, we don't know yet.

    Maybe molly is a misanthrope and a misandry, but she (And Jace, of course) are the closest things of heroes on the island, because literally no one is safe from the inmates depravity.


    Bonus info:

    Molly knows how the aurora works, she send Astrid to the radio tower in a attempt to help her (Also she kills an inmate at the place).  Maybe jace even share their discoveries of the aurora with Molly, what would explain she sends astrid to the tower.